Do animals go to heaven paradise after Judgement Day?

Started by yahya, September 05, 2016, 03:56:18 AM

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So they will be resurrected and maybe go to heaven have a afterlife  then is that right and maybe they have some sort of a consinces feeling but like a child not like a adult etc is that right they maybe go to heaven have maybe a after but they are defferlty resurrected


Assalamu alaikum

I did not say they will be resurrected and enter the Heaven. Simply i don't know for sure what's gonna happen. Those are my thoughts and Allah (swt) knows best.


Ok thanks but doesn't 6:38 mean they will go to heaven and be resurrected etc sorry to keep bothering


But how would we explain 2:29 and 45:13 because it makes it sound like they are created for our use and that's it


Assalam alikum I was reading your article on animals and souls and you said animals might have some sort if violation so how do we explain  the verses that say they obey everything allah says and gives because that sounds like they can't do any thing wrong so how do we explain that verse with solaman and the bird because these verse sound confusing when put together it sounds like at one moment that animals can break the law and then cant


Salam ,

Suleyman and the animals talking is a mutashabiat vers ,it is not one dimensionally to understand whereas it could be a Vision of suleyman or somethingelse .



So if the animals will be resurrected does that mean there is a possibility of them going to hell 6:38


Also when it says record in a record then does that means animals are record in a record joesph


Assalam alikum also when you say everything return to allah do you mean only living beings or do you mean the earth and stars are resurrected as well


Assalam alikum I was just wondering at the bottom of that verse when it say they shall be gathered is this bit talking about the animals ir humans because some people think the bottom bit is talking about the disbelievers not the animals

Joseph Islam

Dear Sharon,

As-salamu alaykum

Despite being created as communities (ummah) much in the same manner as humans with all that such an understanding may entail, the Quran does not elaborate what will happen to animals when they are brought back to Him (6:38) and how they may or may not be tested / held accountable. God knows best.

Also, there are animals created today in the depths of the earth such as in the sea and even before humans roamed the earth (such as dinosaurs) which arguably have no use to man. Why they were / have been created and what their purpose is / was within their communities is in God's wisdom.

In my humble view, we should rely on clear matters of guidance which form the bedrock of the Quran and take heed from verses such as 18:22 which teaches us this concept (zahr).

018:022 (Part)
"Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear (Arabic: Illa miraan zahiran)..."

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Assalam alikum thanks jazzakkallah but when it says at the bottom of the verse 6:38 that will be gathered is this talking about the animals because some say the bottom of that verse meant only to us humans


Also some us the 79:40 to say animals will be turned to dust


And does 6:38 include the sea cretures because some think it means only land animals