Do animals go to heaven paradise after Judgement Day?

Started by yahya, September 05, 2016, 03:56:18 AM

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assalam alikum i was just wondering do animals go to heaven paridise after judgement day after 6:38 jazzakkalh or do they just disappear that they don't exsist anymore that we cant have are pets etc in paridise because they are destroyed and they don't exsist anymore like turn to dust


Because I think that would be quite sad because many muslims think they just cease to exsist that they are stupid and are like robots and have hardly no emotions like what would be the point of creating them for nothing because they have some sort of life force even if they don't go to heaven wouldn't they go some where else to exsist because we can't say allah rased them after death to show us his justice on them because we will be to scared to care that we will only be caring about are self's and why rate something from death to put them back to death


Also solaman was very close to animals and talked to them and the animals were very smart and caring

good logic

Peace .
Everything returns to the Lord,according to Qoran.
Qoran does not specifically say where animals go,but they will return to the Lord like we will.
One can then make an assumption,since animals are not being tested,that their return is for the good.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


So do you believe they don't go to heaven or any where they just rise and then turn back to dust is that what you are saying or are you saying they do go to heaven or some where good like a animal heaven because animals go through suffering so shouldn't they be rewarded some way in the next life not just get justice

good logic

Peace yahia.
Animals are doing their job here with total submission to their creator.

What form they will take or what reward is awaiting them will be a guess from me or anyone else . We will know when we all meet up at GOD s.

We will be judged. Animals will not be judged. They have not accepted the "Amana". They have nothing to fear .
Other than that, I will not be speculating.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Ok thanks what did do by in your last post that animals return are for the good do you mean return to life or dead or for the good people in heaven sorry to keep bothering you

good logic

Peace yahia.

For the good ,I meant they is no judgement for them.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Thanks and when you say return do you mean return to life or death

good logic

Peace yahia.

If animals die like us, then return to the Lord means alive again.
If they stay dead, what use is a return ?
Remember the way we return to the Lord is through the resurrection. We do not return dead!
Beyond that I am not able to speculate about the reward/fate of the animals.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Ok thanks so what you say is they are resurrected again alive like us will be and return to allah like us is that right is that what you mean jazzakkallah

good logic

Peace yahia.
Yes, that is my understanding.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Assalam alikum good logic does 2:29 when the verse says everything created on earth to use does that mean that animals are  robots just to use and that's it that they  just  won't be resurrected and that they don't have a afterlife heaven

good logic

Peace sharon.
According to Qoran everything returns to the Lord.
I repeat what I said about animals here:

If animals die like us, then return to the Lord means alive again.
If they stay dead, what use is a return ?
Remember the way we return to the Lord is through the resurrection. We do not return dead!
Beyond that I am not able to speculate about the reward/fate of the animals

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


assalamu alaikum

No, animals are not robots brother. I don't think it's nice to call them "robots". They are a part of the blessings Ar-Rahman gives us as mercy. We eat, we drink, we get clothes from them, they are companions to us, we love them and care for them, they carry us to long distances (camels, horses)... etc. They are created for a purpose in life. But we humans have consciousness! We become good or evil with the choices we make. We are responsible for every action we do or cause. So either we deserve the big reward or the big punishment. But the animals are not responsible for what they do like us. They are not the subjects of this "test".

But of course Allah (swt) knows best. Everything belongs to Him. So He decides what to do with them and He is never unjust. He is Al-Hakim, He gives the best decision and He is the most merciful.