Kaaba sanctuary

Started by Abdurrahman, September 09, 2016, 04:55:05 AM

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Selam Brother Joseph, brothers and Sisters,
How can the Kaaba sanctuary today at Makkah serve the conditions of a blessing and guidance to all nations if true Muslims among the Hebrew Israelites, and Ahlul Kitab (the Jews and Christians) are forbidden from its precincts?


Salam Abdurrahman

These are circumstances created by the Saudi Authorities. We will not be asked to explain or give reasons for actions/circumstances created by others. If, they are wrongfully barring people ( believers from Ahlekitab, women without mahram etc) who can rightfully visit the kaaba ( right to visit the kaaba given to them in Quran) and making the visit for them unduely difficult, it is something that they have to answer to Allah for, not us.

Why will Kaaba, Mecca and other holy sites lose their sanctity for the actions of a misguided people? The Kaaba, Mecca and other holy sites retain their sanctity regardless of what these people are doing or will do in the future.

The Quran is not being properly followed by a lot of people who claim to be muslims, but does that mean the Quran is not a book of guidance anymore?
No, the Quran remains the authorised book of guidance for believers, if we are not following the Quran the way we are supposed to, we have to answer. Our actions reflect how we are, it has nothing to say about the Quran's ability to guide muslims.
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


3:95 Say, "God has declared the truth. Follow, then, the Creed of Abraham,
the upright who shunned all falsehood. He was not of those who choose
authorities besides God."

3:96 He erected the First House (Sanctuary) appointed for all mankind,
at the blessed Bakkah. It is to serve as a beacon of light for all humanity
(in order to regain their lost unity).

[2:125. Bakkah came to be known as Makkah later. In the ancient Arabic dialect b was interchangeable with m]

3:97 Therein are clear messages (to achieve that coveted goal and recall)
how Abraham once took his stand (against all divisions of humanity and
was granted the leadership of all mankind 2:124-125).

Those who enter the System symbolized thereby shall find inner peace
and external security. Pilgrimage to this House is a duty all mankind owe to God,
those who have the circumstantial means to undertake the visit.
One who denies this command should know that God is Absolutely
Independent of all His creation.
[Pilgrimage = Joining the Hajj Convention. Mankind can realize the blessings
of unity by rallying around this Divinely appointed Center of Ideology. 22:25-28.
The idolaters are forbidden only to 'ya'mur' or administer the Masjid
for obvious ideological reasons. 9:17-18]

Jews and Christians are part of mankind
so are included along with everyone else:??!!

munir rana

Dear Abdurrahman


You wrote in bracket :
Bakkah came to be known as Makkah later. In the ancient Arabic dialect b was interchangeable with m.

Can you provide some example regarding this statement?

If not, then would you please take a look into the following article written by Brother Joseph.




The issue you mention is not the only problem, some examples:

Quote from: source3:96 Indeed, the first1 house/shelter placed/set-down2 for mankind was the one with/in/by/at bakka3 blessed and a guidance for the beings.
3:97 In it clear signs/evidences, the stance/position/status4 of Abraham, and whoever entered it was securing. And for God upon mankind (is) the HaJJ (at/of) the house/shelter, whoever is able to make a way to5 it, and whoever conceals/rejects then truly God has no need of the beings.

1first means others are possible, also see 24:36. This would explain well the narration interplay between Abraham's example and the believers this time around, indicating that Abraham's model is an example for them to follow. This is perhaps linked to his status as an imam/model/exemplar for mankind [2:124].
2 Arabic: "wudi'Aa" often translated incorrectly as "set-up" or the like.
3 this could be a proper name of a place, however it could mean "distinguishing/ranking above others", "crowding" or some other CAD meaning for Ba-Kaf-Kaf. Interestingly, "crowding" is a common meaning to both BaKKah and MaKKah, thus could explain how they became interchanged in future Traditional Islamic sources. I personally think "makkah" means "crowding" in 48:24.
4 Arabic: "maqam" does not commonly mean physical standing place, see other occurrences.
5 Arabic: "ila" implies motion and/or direction.

Note the object of it (Arabic: hi/hu) can only be "bayt/shelter", however most traditional translators try to explain this away as referring to "the haram/sanctuary of Makkah" e.g. Ibn Kathir. This peculiar issue will be discussed later.

If the "bayt" mentioned in 3:96 is the cuboid called Kaabah in Makkah, then this has some issues:
1) a building is never described as a "guidance" elsewhere in AQ. However a community/nation can guide (e.g. 7:159, 7:181, 21:73)
2) according to traditional Islamic history the cuboid called Kaabah has been demolished and rebuilt several times - if so, does its status as a "guidance" and "securing" become temporarily suspended at these times?
3) what are the clear signs in the cuboid called Kaabah? Is there even any? It is very rare for people to enter it today.
4) I am not aware of any non-Islamic source that states Abraham was in the area of Makkah, nor any prophet/messenger thereafter.
5) in present day Makkah, the alleged "maqam Ibrahim" (stone imprint of Abraham's footsteps) is outside the cuboid called Kaabah, not inside it like the verses say.
6) I am not aware of any source which cites a place called Makkah or a cuboid called Kaabah prior to traditional Islamic sources.

Verify for yourself. www.Misconceptions-About-Islam.com


Quote from: Abdurrahman on September 09, 2016, 04:55:05 AM
Selam Brother Joseph, brothers and Sisters,
How can the Kaaba sanctuary today at Makkah serve the conditions of a blessing and guidance to all nations if true Muslims among the Hebrew Israelites, and Ahlul Kitab (the Jews and Christians) are forbidden from its precincts?

Shalom / peace Abdurrahman - can you please share with us where in the Qur'an the Ka'aba at Makkah was to servee as a blessing and guidance to all nations please????>> I know the original house built by prophet Abraham was built with that intention, but what about the Ka'aba in Makkah?? What I do know from the Qur'an is that Jews / Christians and believers have their own direction for Qibla ... and from that I assume their own sanctuaries and religious rites to perform....>>>