Writing Names alongside Allah's Name in our Homes and Mosques

Started by Rashid, March 12, 2017, 05:43:25 AM

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Salamu alaikum again,

1,  Is it allowed to Write Prophets name  alongside Allah's Name in homes and Mosques?

"And the places of worship (Masjids/Mosques) are for Allah (alone): So do not invoke anyone beside Allah (in them)." (Qur'an 72:18)

2,   Is it wrong to display the shahaada: 'There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah' inside a Mosque and homes?

Sardar Miyan

Tough the Masajid for Allah alone but the Muslims call Mohammad also as Kalima as such Prophet's name also can exibitted but in most of the mosque even names of Khulfai Rashedeen also exbited
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Asalamu Alykum

I think this is a tough question to answer.

Only God really knows the intention of people and how they are associating past prophets, messengers, pious men, angels, etc to God. 

I don't think believers should be condemning such writings and claiming that such proclamations are going to cause one to be a disbeliever or that it is not allowed as we can't verify what the intention is behind it and the fact that it can be qualified by the Quran by different verses combined. I think we should be more cautious as we may be calling someone a disbeliever and they are not.

Read the article below and there does seem to be a suggestion in my opinion that "if" the shahada as we hear it today was established by believers in the time of prophet Muhammad(pbuh) they were possibly aware that they are just witnessing that the prophet is true(3:86).

Also the article makes a good point by this statement "
QuoteHowever, it is also to be appreciated that the above testimonies were 'qualified'. Rather than asserting the belief in any 'One God', God was qualified as the God of Solomon, Moses, Aaron (pbut) or the Children of Israel.

So I would say that for a person who now knows the differences should make clear to at least theirselves and of course the Lord that he/she believes in One God and there is no other than Him, which is the God of the prophets and messengers who were part of the religion of Islam.

So from the other testimonies that we hear we really don't know what one really intends by that. However the mainstream shahada can be qualified as true from the Quran.

Also again maybe the first believers thought it was important for them to distinguish between the belief in any One God with the One True God of Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Muhammad and all the prophets and messengers under the religion of Islam. God knows best.

Also just as important there is no warrant for those to say that the main stream shahada is the only testimony accepted by God as the actual shahada taught by the Quran is "There is no Diety except Him (God)" meaning the One True God who is the Creator of everything.

God knows best



Shalom / peace brother Hamzeh.....A great response.....


Thanks for reading and your support brother Duster. May God bless you Insha'Allah


Thank you for replies.

Is it allowed to have Allah's Name  with prophet Muhammad's  name side by side in houses?

good logic

Peace Rashid.

In my opinion it is not right to have any other name alongside/ besides Allah  . Allah stands Alone. Why?
Why would anyone have the "name"( Although GOD does not need a name like we do,they are attributes) of Allah ?
Let us say for the following reasons:
-To remember GOD
- To hold Him in high esteem/value
-There is none like Him
- Advertise your love/devotion to Him
-.To acknowledge He is your Master.
So would you want to do the same for any of GOD s creatures? Therefore why have any other name next /with...Allah?
For me it is just common sense/logic that if Allah is unique/none like Him/the Only Master/The only God/...etc,then no other name should be alongside...etc.

Obviously one can also have  names/pictures of family members,friends ,other people important to them ...etc if they wish, But they should be separate not with/alongside Allah.
Like I said my opinion.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Thank you for clarification.  Almost every Muslim house and Mosques have Allah's Name side by side with Prophet Muhammad's, and that's why I asked.

good logic

Peace Rashid.

Yes,it does not make sense! This verse (2:165) comes to mind:
وَمِنَ النّاسِ مَن يَتَّخِذُ مِن دونِ اللَّهِ أَندادًا يُحِبّونَهُم كَحُبِّ اللَّهِ وَالَّذينَ ءامَنوا أَشَدُّ حُبًّا لِلَّهِ وَلَو يَرَى الَّذينَ ظَلَموا إِذ يَرَونَ العَذابَ أَنَّ القُوَّةَ لِلَّهِ جَميعًا وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ شَديدُ العَذابِ
...Some people set up idols to rival God, and love them as if they are God. Those who believe love God the most...

Obviously there is something wrong with that  kind of mentality?
It is as though they reverted back to the days before the prophet ,only this time they included the prophet in their polytheism!

Hope they will reflect and return to GOD Alone.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD