Who is Allah the Almighty talking to in 11:113 and why?

Started by miracle114, November 29, 2017, 12:26:31 AM

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In 11:113 who is Allah the Almighty saying to "the fire might Touch you" what is the gist/tafsir/interpretation of this verse?

Jzk and peace


wa alaykum salam

If we just look at the previous ayah we can see who those people are that Allah warns about the fire.

"So keep to the right course as you have been commanded, together with those who have turned to God with you. Do not overstep the limits, for He sees everything you do.

And do not incline towards the wrong-doers lest the Fire might seize you and you will have none as your protector against Allah; and then you will not be helped from anywhere"
(11: 112-113)

Allah (swt) warns His slaves who follow His prophet and try to stay on the right path as He (swt) commanded them to do. He tells them (and tells us inshaAllah) not to have any inclinations for the actions of sinners which cause them to go astray. We should inshaAllah set our personal boundaries with them (wrong-doers) reasonably.

"Still there are some who take others as Allah's equal—they love them as they should love Allah—but the ˹true˺ believers love Allah even more. If only the wrongdoers could see the ˹horrible˺ punishment ˹awaiting them˺, they would certainly realize that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is indeed severe in punishment." (2:165)

"You who believe, do not take My enemies and yours as your allies, showing them friendship when they have rejected the truth you have received, and have driven you and the Messenger out simply because you believe in God, your Lord––not if you truly emigrated in order to strive for My cause and seek My good pleasure. You secretly show them friendship––I know all you conceal and all you reveal–– but any of you who do this are straying from the right path."

"You who believe, do not take as allies those who ridicule your religion and make fun of it- whether people who were given the Scripture before you, or disbelievers- and be mindful of God if you are true believers." (5:57)


Wa 3alykum wa salam

I also basically agree with brother Ilker. Here is the break down.

Verse 11:112 basically instructs the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) to keep/follow on the course he is commanded and those who also obey(the commands of God) with the prophet and a warning not to transgress. The prophet is captured by the use of the word "omirta"(as you are commanded singular) and "Waman(and those) taba(who obey) maAAaka" (with you singular)

Another warning follows in verse 11:113 to the same audience as the previous verse the prophet and those who follow him to not incline towards those who transgress.



Salaam Hamzeh and Ilker
So is Allah the Almighty saying that the fire might touch not just the followers but also the prophet if he stepped out of line?

Jzk and kind regards


Wa 3alykum assalam

In my humble opinion I see this as a cautionary note that if they were to incline towards the transgressors then it could be possible that the fire will touch them as they would be like them.

I think it is noted in many places in the Quran where God actually gives warning and a caution to the prophet.

Even the prophet had the possibilities to succumb to pressure and temptation. However it was from the mercy of God that we see him over come those. We also see this through other prophets that it was God who saved them from them being of the wrongdoers. Example prophet Joseph.

To me this shows that when a person believes in God and turns to Him that it is also God Himself who helps and turns people away from the wrong. As that if it was left to the people they would possibly fail on their own. 

However it is also important to note that God also confirms his belief and his obedience in God throughout the Quran as well.

You might find the posts below interesting also the comments Insha'Allah


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Salaam Brother Hamzeh
Jzk for the reply. Yes you are right eveyone needs to put their trust and faith in Allah the Almighty even prophets.  :D

Jzk and kind regards.


Quote from: miracle114 on November 30, 2017, 11:02:37 PM
Salaam Hamzeh and Ilker
So is Allah the Almighty saying that the fire might touch not just the followers but also the prophet if he stepped out of line?

Jzk and kind regards

Salam folks :)

Here are two more ayat about the "wrong-doers" in which Allah (swt) talks to the messenger directly, at least from what I understand when i read them.

"And do not send away those who call upon their Lord morning and afternoon, seeking His countenance. Not upon you is anything of their account and not upon them is anything of your account. So were you to send them away, you would [then] be of the wrongdoers (zhalimeen)." (6:52)

"It has already been revealed to you [Prophet] (ilayka) and to those before you: 'If you ascribe any partner to God, all your work will come to nothing: you will be one if the losers. (al khasireen) " (39:65)

Alhamdulillah. Thanks brother Hamzeh for your replies :)