God's role in our successes - a philosophical Question.

Started by ahmad, February 05, 2018, 02:49:55 PM

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As salam alaykum,

I have been thinking about a philosophical question and I wanted to hear your input about it:

If we take a successful person, a business man, scholar or any type of successful person. How much of his success should be attributed to the person and how much should be attributed to God ?

The impression I get from others (even if they do not explicitly say it) is that its a 50% - 50% relation. One does the requited effort + God's blessing = success.

But I find this thinking erroneous because :

1. It does not map the extent of God's role in our lives. 
2. It leaves room for much pride (knowing that success is partially "my" own doing.)

So I thought that maybe a 99.9% (God) - 0.1% (Man) would be more appropriate. But then again, there's a problem. Actually we as humans, the only thing that we are truly free in is our "will". God has given us the freedom to choose. However, the moment our will materialises in the physical world then I believe it is 100% God's role.

Because if we take a simple act as getting a cup of water. I may freely choose to drink but the act of drinking itself is entirely controlled by God even if we have the illusion of control. God is responsible for my muscles, brain, water feet, hands, etc... These things are not mine. Even on the day of judgement one's hands can testify against them. The same principles applies if we analyse a more successful example (Successful career).

A person's success is based on his mental capacities, health (eyes, feet, hands etc...), upbringing, opportunities, country, energy from nutrition, or even the air he breathes. The list can go on and on. All of these things can only be attributed to God.

And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah, you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful.

Accordingly we may look at it as : 100% God's role. But without one's will God's role will not be manifested. Just like a traveling sailing boat. The wind is fully responsible for its movement but we need to setup our sails to catch wind in the first place. Or in the case of a skydiver, gravity is fully responsible to make him reach the ground but he needs to jump off the plane first for it to take effect (his will to become manifested).

I think if we look at it from this perspective. We close the door of pride and open the door of gratitude to God.

What are your thoughts ? Which model do you think is most appropriate ? Did I miss something ?

Thank you



Wa alaikum as salaam,

On my part, from a humble individual view and understanding of the overarching Qur'anic perspective, I concur with your analogy above and do appreciate how the Divine predestination and an individual's free-will overlap, with a slight caution to link accountability of an individual's actions to the former, rather to the latter.

I also note that the same has to be appreciated of failures, as accredited of successes again with an accountability tied to individuals. All these, still in the widest remit of Allah's wisdom and omniscience.





Salam Athman,

Thank you for your reply. I found this article that explains free will from a Quranic perspective. You might find it interesting.




Sure. I find the article you provided actually interesting. It provides deep insights into that subject in some specific details.


