Men a Degree Above women

Started by asmar, June 10, 2012, 08:05:41 AM

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What does this mean that Men are a degree above women?...2:228


salam asmar

i will post here the answer in the tafsir from Muhammad Asad. It seems to me a good and logic explanation

QuoteA divorced wife has the right to refuse a resumption of marital relations even if the husband expresses, before the expiry of the waiting-period, his willingness to have the provisional divorce rescinded; but since it is the husband who is responsible for the maintenance of the family, the first option to rescind a provisional divorce rests with him(Quran Ref: 2:228 )

peace :)



Parwez has provided the following in his exposition of the Quran;

2: 228  Divorced women should not remarry until they have completed three menstrual cycles. (Those who do not menstruate due to old age or some physical disorder should also wait for three months (65/4) and those whose marriage has not been consummated have no waiting period, (33/49).) If a woman is pregnant she must make this fact known. (The waiting period for a pregnant woman is until the delivery, (65/4).)

               If the dissolution of marriage was initiated by the husband and he wishes, of course with the consent of his wife, to resume the marital relationship, he may do so even within the waiting period. 

              There is no waiting period for the husband – this is the only advantage he has over the wife who has to wait for three months before remarriage (the rationale for this is obvious). Excepting this, the rights and responsibilities of men and women are the same in all spheres of life. These Laws have been prescribed by Allah whose power blends with reason and wisdom.

The meaning which was lost in all our divisions will not be understood until our perceptions become untainted -  Allama Iqbal
