how to understand 20:124 & 17:72 along with 50:22 ?

Started by ilker, November 27, 2018, 08:12:19 PM

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Salamun alaykum all

I'm having a little bit confusion here. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

"And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind." (20:124)

And whoever is blind in this [life] will be blind in the Hereafter and more astray in way. (17:72)

And finally 50:22 of which i couldn't decide what to think:

[It will be said], "You were certainly in unmindfulness of this, and We have removed from you your cover, so your sight, this Day, is sharp." (50:22)

So, people who turns away from the Message and behave in a careless manner in this world, will be blind (this can also be understood metaphorically),

but in 50:22 it's said, Allah (swt) will remove their cover so that they will get to see the truth they were denying before ?

I would also like a comment from brother Joseph if he has enough time to reply.

Take care inshaAllah.


Dear ilker,

Wa alaikumus salaam,

In my view, when the Qur'an talks about being 'blind' on earth, I find it 'metaphorical' (2:171) in the sense of spiritual destruction (2:18). This follows as a result of an individual's own utter 'disbelief - kufr' (6:109) where one's own faculties of discernment and assessing information are sealed (2:7) off their power (7:179) after willful denial and neglect (2:6, 2:10) of clear and manifest signs and information availed to them (6:110-111).

It should thus be noted that in the first place, such an individual knew for sure the truth with the signs (ayat) revealed but chose to deny (kadhb) them or not take heed.

As a recompense, such a person is similarly despised on that Day (84:10) [as opposed to the 'right-hand' bearer - 17:71], left helpless, suffering their fate, thus symbolically 'blind' (a'ma) with none or nothing to lend a hand out of their misery. Thus, the way they chose to 'forget/shun' the verses on earth, 'blindly,' is the way they shall be 'forgotten' (20:126) that Day, 'blind' (20:125).

As for the unveiling of the 'seal' (khatam) or 'screen' ('idhwa-a) out of 'blindness,' I see this informing us that what the deniers used to deny and ignore/shun of signs and promises on earth (18:101) shall plainly be brought in the open (18:100) for them to witness that Day (68:42-43). The 'screen' ('idhwa-aka) shall be 'removed' (fakashafna) and the willful capacity to shun shall as a result have no room to administer (50:19).

Hopefully that helps insha Allah.



Salam brother Athman,

Alhamdulillah. Thanks for your kind and clear response as always. Ma sha Allah. I agree with your comment.

May Allah (swt) reward you good. He knows best.

Take care in sha Allah.


Salaam ilker,

Aamin. I do appreciate your prayers. May Allah also reward you and bless you with your family insha Allah.
