Dating and arrange marriage

Started by Saya, April 10, 2012, 11:28:09 PM

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Is there anything against dating and what does the Quran said about arrange marriage.

I notice in many Islam countries many had more right then women
many centuries ago but now many taking their rights away or make it hard to charge our spouse with abuse or rape.


Aslamaolaikum Saya

As far ask I know arranged marriages are not against the Quran if it is meant that one party introduces two prospective partners. However, if arrange marriage means forcing an individual by emotional blackmail or physical abuse or threats, then this would be against the Quran's freedom of an individual to make a complete choice about whether they want to marry someone or not. Also any form of 'forcing' is against the Quran.

Again with dating, it depends how you define 'dating'. The western concept of 'dating' would I think be clearly against the Quran. Saba

Truth Seeker


I think that the prospective partners should have the chance to ask each other the relevant questions and get to know each other in a respectable way i.e if they were to meet up, it should be in public places or at a relatives house where they can interact in an open environment.

Arranged marriages are a good way of introducing individuals to prospective partners but we must be careful of the pressure that family members put on individuals especially when they are cousins.