
Started by Reader Comments, September 12, 2012, 04:29:01 AM

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Reader Comments

Comment shared on Joseph Islam's Facebook Page to the following post:


"And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit"

Beautiful Azaan in a Church

Comment by Azin Hemila
Beautiful voice but false Shahada....God never asked us or teaches us to testify to Mohammad's messengership. Why God Alone can not be mentioned?39:45

Comment by Mubashir Inayat
Dear Azin, upon reading the Qur'an and based on what Allah tells us, are we not led to believe that that the blessed Messenger was Allah's Messenger? If we do, then are we not testifying that he was Allah's Messenger?

Comment by Azin Hemila
Mubashir Inayet.....Salam...Is there any verse in the Quran that God is teaching us to testify to Prophet Mohammad messengership? No....Then on what basis we innovate such a Shahda and declaring it alongside with God's own Shahada 3:18?

God is repeatedly asking us to believe in his messengers ...God is teaching us not to make distinction among His messengers....BTW who has witnessed to prophet Messengership?Were we there? Don't we read God is suffices as his witness?

Everything is about God Alone....When calling His unity in the world is associated with one of His servants then God is not Alone ,He has partner that needs to be called beside Him too.....39:45 has all the answers.
Yes Mohammad was God's messenger like any other His messengers.

Joseph Islam

Dear Azin Hemila

Peace to you.

Whilst I completely agree with you as to what Shahadah is presented by the Quran and I have attempted to forcefully argue this in my article below [1], I still wouldn't go as far as to say that this is a 'false shahadah'.

Please kindly allow me to elucidate from my humble perspective. I trust that you will, with respect, at least consider the evidence I have cited in support of my sentiment.

It is clear from the Quran that the Prophet's contemporaries bore a witness that Prophet Muhammad was indeed a messenger of God in some guise at least.

"How shall God guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and (after) they had borne witness (Arabic: wa-shahidu) that the Messenger was true and clear arguments had come to them; and God does not guide the unjust people."

Even when the hypocrites spoke of such a testimony (albeit without sincerity), the statement of the hypocrites was confirmed by God AS TRUE but their sincerity was exposed and denied.

"When the Hypocrites come to you, they say, "We bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of God." And God knows that you are indeed His Messenger, and God bears witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars."

Now with regards verse 39:45:

"And when God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are repelled, and when those beside Him are mentioned, behold! they are glad"

This should be understood with the premise with which it is hedged based on other verses of the Quran where it is clear that OTHER gods were also worshipped, or at least, considered in some authority along with the true God. Indeed, even today, some do elevate humans and assign unwarranted authority such as unqualified intercession rights and this can be argued as 'association' [2], but by the mere utterance of the testimony, does not make this 'testimony' false.

As to falsify the testimony on the basis of the question "who has witnessed Prophet Muhammad's messengership" is akin to arguing who has actually witnessed God? Do we reject the testimony of God on the mere premise hat no one has actually witnessed / seen Him? Of course not as you will agree. We witness God through His creation, not visually. Similarly, we accept the messengership of Prophet Muhammad by virtue of accepting the veracity of the Quran as God's word. It can be argued that if one accepts the veracity of the Quran and that Muhammad was the messenger of God, then one also accepts the testimony of 2:285 where one believes that there are no distinctions between the messengers [3]. By virtue of just uttering this testimony does not provide ipso facto proof that one believes that there are distinctions between messengers. Such a deduction, with respect, would be unwarranted.

Finally, with regards the question you share with brother Mubashir Inayet "Then on what basis we innovate such a Shahda and declaring it alongside with God's own Shahada 3:18?". On the basis of verses 3:86 and 63:1, I would be disinclined to accept the proposition that such a testimony was an 'innovation'.
These verses clearly indicate that some sort of testimony was used. Verse 3:18 provides us the core testimony of faith. However, this does not mean that any other statement becomes 'false' as shown by 63:1.

Indeed, many Muslims believe that the 'declaration' of such a testimony is 'sine qua nons' proof of faith. There is no warrant that such a 'declared' testimony as recited today is an absolute requirement in 'deen' (religion) in order to become a Muslim. This can indeed be supported with 3:81 and with the example of three testimonies in the Quran (2 cited below) neither of which make use of any messengership when declaring faith (27:44, 7:120-122 and 10:90).

"And the magicians fell down prostrate. They said "We believe in the Lord of the worlds, Lord of Moses and Aaron"

"It was said to her "Enter the palace" but when she saw it, she deemed it to be a great expanse of water, and uncovered her legs. He said "Indeed it is a palace made smooth with glass" She said "My Lord! Indeed, I have wronged myself, and I submit with Solomon to God, the Lord of the worlds""

However, I would not accept that the testimony as recited today can be proven as false or that it is 'false'.

I hope that helps and others that have often written to me with regards this topic. Please feel free to contact me or post on the QM Forum with any further questions.

Please see related articles below which elaborate my humble perspective in some detail.


'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Reader Comments

Comments by Azin Hemila

Joseph Islam..../Peace b upon you too....Thanks for your kind reply ...I'd like your manner and style of writing .MashaAllah.

Regarding the verse 3:86 that Prophet's contemporaries bore witness I should say the word of messenger in entire Quran bears the message...Mohammad without message wasn't a messenger...Prophet was commanded to obey the messenger/revelation/message too.

33:2-Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord. God is fully Cognizant of everything you all do.

As you would know message of the Quran is dynamic and is not limited to the time and places....3:86 is related to the message not the messngership of Mohammad since he's dead and is not part of teaching of God to bear witness to his messngership too...When God doesn't teach/command us such a thing then going over the board and innovating such a shahada goes against His Will...He knows something that we don't know...Our utterances shouldn't contradict the teachings/commands of God.

3:86 has universal message for all who witness the message of God/Quran as Truth but yet ignore/reject it because of their wishful thinking/egos.
Please consider in 3:85 where we're reminded of Islam as accepted religion...The continuation of that message is 3:86 where strong reminder is for those who witness the message of Islam but reject it after believing it.

We can only bear witness according to 3:86 that Quran/message is Truth since it's messenger too because we witnesses it with our mind/heart/eyes and once recognizing such a Truth but disregarding /ignoring/rejecting it then God wouldn't guide disbelieving after believing

Regarding the verse 63:1 it's hypocrites that bears such a testimony...God calls the hypocrites liars who went to prophet with such a testimony and God says that He knows he is His messenger...Why would God say such a thing that sounds so personal? Hypocrites were bearing witness to Mohammad why then God answer them in such a manner??..It's because God suffices as witness for him and none of hypocrites witnessed the time Mohammad was appointed as messenger and God asked them to believe in him not bearing false shahada.

63:1 is not about sincerity of the hypocrites only, it's about their testimony too creating divisions, distinction among messengers and above that ignoring the command of God believing only not that testifying since God Alone suffices as his witness therefore no need of testimony of others when they never witnessed it....

‎/Regarding the 39:45 the word is ذُكِرَ which means remembering. The word of worship is coming from (ع ب د) as in 51:56 we read. remembering is a kind of worshiping too but in its own context needs to be considered....Therefore remembering anybody beside God for any reason is Shirk....Giving testimony to messngership of Prophet in call for Unity of God is remembering another god beside God which is Shirk.......Those who are not happy to remember God Alone insist on remembering Mohammad or Ali beside God in such an important declaration of Unity of God which is the message to the whole Universe.
My point by quoting 39:45 was for such a gross sin that majority commit .since they're not happy with God Alone they find all kind of excuses to legitimatize such a gross sin/shirk. Every one of us should search deep down in our heart why we get exited by mentioning the name of Mohammad beside God then the rest becomes clear InshaAllah.
That testimony is false...Uttering falsehood is not part of traits of believers.

Regarding the witnessing and then testifying where you mentioned about God there are 2 solid proofs in the Quran teaching us testifying to the Unity of God must be observed.

1-Verse 3:18 where God testifies to His Own Unity by asking Angels and those posses knowledge to testify exactly like Him.

2-verse 7:172 where God took us to testify that He is Our Lord and Master....Based on 2 Quranic proofs we must bear witness to the Unity of God Alone.

We already testified to God that is our Lord and Master .it means the process of witnessing in whatever manner was has happened and God reminds of such a testimony. We shouldn't question God.

None of us witnessed Mohammad to testify to His messngership and God never took us as his witness or commanded us to bear witness....We shouldn't pass the line construe our beliefs in message of God by coming up with testimony of Mohammad's messengership.We should strictly stand by what God is asking us and not doing/saying/uttering anything else ....God is asking us to believe in him we say we hear and we obey....Unfortunately all those kind of interpretations based on none Quranic proofs/command of God have caused confusions and created sects ,innovations and committing shirk is result of it at the end.

God knew we would come up with such an excuse for not seeing Him then why testifying to His Unity that's why He reminds us with those verses but not reminding/commanding us for Mohammad or any other Messengers for such a testimony. Glory be to Him, He is so precise leaving no excuse for creating any sort of innovations.

When God hasn't commanded us something but we innovate it and utter it beside God then Wow that's a gross transgression.
When God hasn't asked us doing/uttering especially when reminded us what our approach should be to that matter then going against His message is falsehood and that shahada is false.

7:172-Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: "Am I not your Lord?" They all said, "Yes. We bear witness." Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, "We were not aware of this."

At the end declaration of Unity of God must be absolutely to Him Alone without mentioning anybody beside Him to let the whole world to know that Our God is One and Him Alone is Our Lord and Master...He Alone we worship and remember Him alone without compromising mentioning anybody else's beside Him...Proving that He Alone is the Creator and all messengers are His Servants nothing more nothing less....He Alone is Worthy of to be mentioned, remembered and called....This is strict monotheism.

Sorry for my lengthy response but I had to express myself as much as I could in order to prove my understanding is purely based on God's Teachings in the Quran.


Joseph Islam


Thank you for your comments Azin  :)

As you will note from my article on Shahahda [1], there are many overlaps in our understanding bar one in which I do not go as far as to say that utterance of the testimony is patently 'false'.

I would also respectfully disagree with your interpretation of 63:1 which clearly tackles two points where (a) It acknowledges the testimonial utterance as having veracity and (b) it denies the sincerity of the utterance of the hypocrites and not on the 'content' of the testimony. This is not a denial of the 'testimony' as false. If only the testimony was presented as false, this could have been construed in the context of the verse as a denial of messengership outright. Hence, this is why I contend that a two step response was given for clarification as to what was being denied as false. (i.e. the sincerity of the statement as evidenced from the context of the verses).

In summary, my perspectives are:

  • The core testimony is of One God and that is the testimony presented by the Quran and the one I personally use.
  • There is no requirement to 'declare' a testimony of the Prophet to become 'officially' recognised as a 'believer'. Even hypocrites can declare a testimony. This does not mean they have automatically become 'believers'.
  • Declaring the Prophet's messengership in any capacity is not ipso facto false.

I have already shared my perspectives on this in my prior post which was elucidated by reference to my related articles. Obviously, readers are free to read your response too and make up their own minds, God willing.



'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Salam Brother Joseph,

"Indeed, even today, some do elevate humans and assign unwarranted authority such as unqualified intercession rights and this can be argued as 'association' [2], but by the mere utterance of the testimony, does not make this 'testimony' false."

You're obviously referring to the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and the Day of Judgement. Their is no prostration, begging, etc. on the Ummah's part, because it's just an event that will naturally happen(hypothetically speaking).If one were to firmly believe that the Prophet will intercede on the Ummah's behalf, is that really comparable to Shirk?

I agree that to believe in it is blatant ignorance of 039:019, but then again people can always argue with:
Say: "I have no power over any good or harm to myself except as God wills"
"Who is there that can intercede in His presence except as He permits? "
"No intercessor (can plead with Him) except after His leave."

Why does Allah constantly mention "except by permission," if it is totally impossible for intercession to occur?

Truth Seeker

Salaam Peaceful

Joseph is currently unavailable, but please see his article below where he addresses this.


Please see section below in particular and the comments made.



Why should we echo the shahadah of the hypocrites (63:1) and for that matter, why must we say that we bear witness that there is no other god but Allah when Allah instructed us to say, "I do not bear witness" when asked to bear witness if there other gods besides Him (6:19).
Instead, the proper testimony for Muslims should be that of Abraham, who "When his Lord said to him, "submit", replied: "I submit to the Lord of the Universe." (2:131).
Abraham also exhorted his children Ishmael and Isaac to do the same and so did Jacob. (2:132 and 133).
Interestingly, Muhammad was also instructed by Allah to say basically the same thing: "I have wholehearted submitted myself to Allah and so do my followers." (see 3:20)
How can we claim to be Muslims if we do not submit to Him?


Salaam Sahibul,

In 63:1  the munafiqun, in order to please the Prophet say he is indeed the rasul of Allah but God informs us that he does not stand in need of being informed by them of this fact and God declares them as liars because they do not really accept him as their Rasul.  So we are not echoing the munafiqun when we state the fact that he  is indeed the Rasul that brought to us the Quran.

Regarding the verses of al-Baqarah you provided, the verb used is  submit rather than  testify. The meaning imparted is ' live a life of true submission to Allah'
"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"


Salam Hope,
How can we claim to bear witness that Muhammad is God's prophet. Were we there when God appointed Muhammad to be His prophet. Did we see the event with our own eyes or hear it with our own ears. We can claim to be a witness to the truth of the Quran after heaving read and study it or say we believe that Muhammad is Allah's prophet based on God's assurances in the Quran, but do not claim to be a  witness if we were not there at the event. (see 28:44)
Furthermore, God says: "God bears witness that these revelations are given to you with His knowledge, and so do the angels. GOD IS ENOUGH AS A WITNESS."
When God says He alone is enough as a witness, why do we still doubt Him by acting as if He needs other witnesses. If we were there to witness the event, then it is okay for us to say so, but if we were not there, wouldn't we be mouthing a lie, just like the hypocrites.
See also 4:79, 17:96,  29:52 and 48:28.

Which is better? Saying you wholeheartedly submit to Allah or lying to God.
And always remember. "If you obeyed the majority, they would misguide you from Allah´s Way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing".  (6:116)


Peace Sahibul,

I understand what you are trying to say and I agree with you.  In my opinion, the verses you pick to support your view are weak if they are taken out of context.

28:44 is just like 3:43 in that the Prophet speaks the revealed word of God.  This is how I understand 'you were not there'.  Opposition can ask you 'Where you there when the Prophet received the Quran? Or have you witnessed Allah?'  Witnessing can be done spiritually as in the case of God.

"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"


Salam Hope,

Sorry for taking so long to respond.
Maybe, this article could enlighten you.

God is enough as a Witness
By: - Mohamed Sadek   

God is enough as a Witness

Again God says that His own witness is enough: "Say, Whose testimony is the greatest'' Say, "God's (testimony is the greatest). HE IS THE WITNESS BETWEEN ME AND YOU that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches.." 6:19. Because "... God suffices as a witness..." 4:79 and 4:166., the Shahadah as proclaimed by Abu Hurairah is therefore a lie – a fabrication by whoever wrote the 'hadith'. If we do not even have his true identity, how do we know if Abu Hurairah existed at all?

Despite the evidence of the Quran, which no Muslim will deny is the truest teaching of the Messenger, the hypocrites insist on bearing witness to Muhammad's Messenger ship. They insist on bearing witness when God says He needs no other witness apart from Himself.

Most importantly, the Shahadah of Abu Hurairah, by its purpose, goes against 72:18 and 39:45 in that it associates the Messenger's name with God. Without bearing witness on the Messenger, the Sunnis say that the salat prayer and faith are void. Even though by evidence from the Quran this is shown to be "shirk" of the highest order. Each time people say the Sunni Shahadah they are committing "shirk", the unpardonable blasphemy for which they may burn in hell.

The True Declaration

What then is the real attestation, which Muslims can recite to affirm their faith? Perhaps when the companions asked the Messenger this question, he would have replied: "The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the hearer, the knower". 6:114

Therefore the answer is definitely in the Quran and to show the correct attestation of faith, the Prophet Abraham is an excellent example. "Whose religion is better than one who SUBMITS himself to God, works righteousness and follows the faith Of Abraham the monotheist? God has chosen Abraham as a beloved friend". 4:125.

Remember that this verse was revealed to the Messenger and this is what the Messenger then imparted to his companions and all the people through the Quran. Therefore we too must follow the faith Of Abraham. "Thus who would then forsake the faith of Abraham, except those who fool themselves? We have chosen him in this life, and in the hereafter he will be with the righteous" 2:130.

Only fools will forsake the faith Of Abraham. Therefore unless people want to be considered as fools, it would be better to do what Abraham did. And what did Abraham do?

The next verse tells us: "When his Lord said to him "SUBMIT" he said, "I SUBMIT TO THE LORD OF THE WORLDS" (Arabic: Aslamtu Li Rabbil Aalameen) 2:131.

So here we have it. When God showed Abraham the perfect religion, He commanded Abraham to Submit ("Aslimu") and Abraham said "Aslamtu li rabbil aalameen". This is how MUSLIMS should attest their faith.

Now it is clear that Muslims cannot attest their faith by witnessing a Messenger or God, especially as they cannot be seen. Witnessing on Muhammad's messengership is just the idolization of one prophet. Giving distinction to one messenger above another is strictly forbidden in the Quran as mentioned in verses 2.285 and 4.150-152.

The story of Abraham continues in the next verse: "The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons and also Jacob, "0 My sons, God has chosen for you the true faith, therefore DIE NOT SAVE AS MEN WHO HAVE SUBMITTED". 2:132

Abraham enjoined his sons to believe in the same things he did. He also successfully enjoined his people to say the same thing "Aslamtu li rabbil aalameen" which means "I submit myself to the Lord of the Worlds". This is revealed in the next verse: "Or were you present when death came to Jacob, when he said unto his sons, 'What will you worship after me?" They said, 'We shall worship thy God, the God of thy fathers Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac, One God, and UNTO HIM WE HAVE SUBMITTED" Sura 2:133.

This is the truth about how Abraham submitted himself to God, as it was revealed to the Messenger through the Quran. And the Messenger is commanded to follow Abraham: "And they say, "Be Jews or Christians, then you will be rightly guided. "Say; "No, We follow the faith of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters". 2:135 "Say, 'We believe in God and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham..." 2:136.

And the message that was revealed to Abraham is disclosed once more to us in the Quran and preserved carefully for posterity. As for those who reject these truths, God says, "Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say "Do you know best or does God? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony he has received from God. God is not unaware of what you do" 2:140.

So why do people hide this testimony? Abraham declared "Aslamtu li rabbil aalameen" (I submit myself to the Lord of the worlds) and he enjoined this upon his sons and upon Jacob.

The Prophet Muhammad and the companions have been given the same testimony. So why do they hide this testimony and replace it with a Shahadah of the hypocrites?

There is no doubt that the prophet Muhammad followed the faith of Abraham. "And we inspired you (Muhammad) to FOLLOW THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM, he who was naturally upright, he was never an idolater" 16:123.

The Prophet did exactly as God commanded him. If anyone wants to become a Muslim should they then not follow the prophet Muhammad's example that affirmed his faith in the same way as Abraham?

"Those among mankind who have the best claim to Abraham are those who followed him, and this prophet, and those who believe, and God is the protecting friend of the believers". 3:68.

Say, (Muhammad) "I am forbidden to worship those whom you call besides God, since there has come to me clear proofs from God, and I AM COMMANDED TO SUBMIT TO THE LORD OF THE WORLDS (wa umirtu un aslima li rabbil aalameen) 40:66.

But what if the people like the hypocrites come and insist that they want to bear witness on the Messenger and bear witness on God? What do you tell them?

The answer, as always, is in the Quran: "And if they argue with you (Muhammad) say: "I HAVE SUBMITTED MY WHOLE SELF TO GOD (aslamtu waj hiyu lillah) and so have those who follow me..." 3:20.

The Messenger and his companions simply submitted themselves to God: "Say "Shall we call those things besides God, which can neither harm us nor benefit us, and shall we turn back after God has guided us - like one possessed by the devils, who has companions (sahaba!) Who invite him, saying "Come to us?" Say, 'The guidance of God is indeed true guidance and WE ARE COMMANDED TO SUBMIT TO THE LORD OF THE WORLDS (wa umirna li nuslimn li rabbil aalameen)" 6:71

The Messenger and his companions simply submitted to the Lord of the worlds. If Abu Hurairah, or any other person, comes and asks a Muslim to join him in bearing witness over God and His Messenger, the answer must be to say "No!" We are commanded To SUBMIT To the Lord of the Worlds (aslamtu li rabbil aalameen).

The Quran also gives an incident of the prophet Solomon and the Queen of Sheba as another example of submission to God. It records the moment when the Queen reverts to Islam. She was an idolater and Solomon had invited her to Islam. To prove the greatness of God, Solomom used powers given to him to move the Queen of Sheba's magnificent palace intact, from one place to another in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, she realized God's power, immediately repented and said, "Rabbi inn salamtu nafsin, wa aslamtu ma'a Sulaimaana, lillaahi rabbiul aalameen" which means, "... Oh my Lord, indeed I have wronged my soul. I SUBMIT MYSELF ALONG WITH SOLOMON, TO GOD THE LORD OF THE WORLDS" 27:44.

Therefore it is now apparent that the mysterious Abu Hurairah has indeed made many people wrong their souls. Each time you try to bear witness on the Messenger and God, not only do you wrong your souls but also you make fools of yourselves because you forsake the faith of Abraham " 2:130.

To affirm their faith Muslims should use the examples given in the Quran. What they should say is "I SUBMIT MYSELF TO THE LORD OF THE WORLDS". (Arabic: Aslamtu li rabbil aalameen). Others who have affirmed their faith in this way are the Prophets Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Solomon and of course the Prophet Muhammad (40:66). Also the Queen of Sheba and the companions of the Prophet did the same. If you adopt their way, you will be in good company.

As for those who insist on following the deceitful Abu Hurairah into the hellfire, God says, 'who does more wrong than one whom invents a lie against God? They will be returned to the presence of their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "THESE ARE THE ONES WHO LIED AGAINST THEIR LORD, Behold, the curse of God is on those who do wrong. THOSE WHO HINDER MEN FROM THE PATH OF GOD AND WOULD SEEK IN IT SOMETHING CROOKED, these were they who denied the hereafter". 11:18-19.

Check out the link for the original article: