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Started by Joseph Islam, November 08, 2011, 02:39:46 AM

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Joseph Islam

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Aslamaolaikum brother Joseph,

I had heard the argument where 'Jayub' was taken to mean the whole body except for the face and possibly the hands which never really quite made sense to me. No translation that I knew ever seemed to translate it that way either.

Very informative article.


Joseph Islam

Thank you Saba,

Yes, I do feel that most translators do capture the word 'juyub' in this context to mean 'chest' etc correctly.

The core meaning of the word 'Jayubunna' has always been used to signify an opening of a shirt or sleeve or a pocket or the bosom, heart or even a place or entrance for a land or country. 

The JAYUB or its derivative is not understood to mean the whole body (bar hands and face).

The best and easiest way to check this understanding is to cross reference it with the Quran first and to ascertain how the Quran uses similar terms elsewhere. For example, we note that the same root has been used in the following verse to signify:

27:12 God asks Moses to put his hand in his chest / bosom (Arabic: Jaybika) which is inside his garment after which it will come out white as a sign for Pharoah.

See also 28:32.

As you can see the root JYB has a specific rendering and a specific area of focus and does not signify the whole body (bar face and hands). Rather, it signifies the area of the chest / breast.  This understanding is also attested by notable classical Arabic lexicons.

I hope that helps  :)

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Yes it does. Thanks  8)



Salamun Alaikum brother Joseph ,

"WHAT MAY BE DECENTLY APPARENT (Ila ma zahara minha)" can this be the parts of body we were ask to make Ablution(Wudhu)



salamu aleikum
about the implementation of Joseph is of course as always correct. I just wanted to my thoughts on this subject, to tell my experience.
the original-article is on
but like always in german. this is the translation with google. i hope you can understand it.... :)

The headdress of the woman - the issue
All people know that Muslim women wear a headscarf, just as there are Christian women have done a century earlier and nuns still do. The question we must ask ourselves seriously, wearing a hat a divine command, a command is, or is it cultural tradition that does not concern us anymore?

I am, after studying the Koran came across the conclusion that the cloth is a God's help, but it is every woman decide if she needs it help and wants it or not. Since I'm very curious, however, and wants to explore everything exactly, I went in search of the origins of the cloth, which moves the world:

Headcover in Judaism

From the study of Torah shows that wearing a headscarf a habit, was a well-known fact:

The wife of Isaac, Rebekah, was wearing a veil (Genesis 24.65, Genesis 24, 51). These are just two examples in which the cloth is mentioned. We also find a text called the "household of God" (Genesis 38, 14 and 36/37) which is explained clearly, and that is why a woman should cover herself. The text is therefore very misogynistic, so I would venture to say that he was not sure about supplies original so ...
In the New Testament itself is the famous passage in Corinthians:

First Corinthians 11.2 to 16:
"I recognize it in praise, that you're in all my relationships in mind and hold fast to the teachings, as I have given you. I want you, but express concern that the head of every man is Christ, the head of the woman but the man and the head of Christ is God. Any man who wears when praying or he planning speeches a head covering dishonors his head, every woman on the other hand, with undisguised prays or holds edifying speeches, dishonors her head, it is then yes in a completely equal footing with a shaven (prostitute ). Can shave because if a woman is not veiled, let her also, but it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or shave fag, they should wear the veil. But the man may not have covered the head, because he is the image of God and glory, but the woman is the glory of man. The man is not from woman, but woman from man, nor the man is not created for the woman's sake, but woman for man's sake. Therefore, the woman is a sign of power at the head wear "because of the angels

(What we notice that the lyrics are sown in comparison with the zakat and prayer rather scarce. Whether it really is soooo important? ...)

I'm not encountered during my research for a interesting fact, which I think is important. The headscarf is originally neither the Christians nor Jews, but it first appeared in Sumer (3000v.Chr.) On. I quote from a report that I have found to be:
"In the polytheistic system of religion of the Sumerians, it was a sacred honor for women wanting to pray to the gods in their temples and thank the gods by acting as a bride to a" public woman was. " Thus one could distinguish them from other worshipers inside, they had to cover her head. much later, until about 1600 BC Assyrian king introduced a head covering for married and widowed women. Sun, these women were given the same status as the "public women" (who were allowed to legally have sex) later took over the Jewish tradition of these and then the Muslims by the Jews. " According to the same author (cig) and the turban is from the Sumerians.

After the author this "public woman"was  an esteemed woman, she taught the uncivilized people how to talk, eat and drink, and apparently, how to have sexual intercourse .she was regarded as a wise teacher. I can not get used to the "sex-theory", as it seems to me to contradict the facts:
a woman dedicated to the gods, just as for those
is regarded as a wise, esteemed teacher
in a country where virginity (for ärchäologischen artefacts) was a highly valued good, ie Have been frowned upon, such as sexual intercourse without marriage then they should have women prostitutes'?
I may come back to later. It's all in the first place the headscarf.

Was the headscarf  a divine ordinance to today?

As God tells us in the Quran, he sent a messenger to every nation, who spoke his language and calling people to God and give them a good role model was solanger he stayed with them. After the death of their envoy, the lack of understanding by the people themselves vorzstellen a God that God has made many gods who personified and stars, planets, things have been assigned. From monotheism polytheism. A God became gods.

In light of this assumption in the above context, the headscarf appears exactly the same as today. If we compare a nun who wears a headscarf, and their habit in order to signal to the people: I'm married to God, exactly as the womens from Sumer: she is honored as the way her towel and clothes presses it exactly the same thing as their ancestor - only those did not serve God, but gods.
The message was distorted and the people went astray. Maybe they let Satan go astray and made them even more honored to actually prostitutes ... God knows it.Ich would continue to spin the thread and get to the Assyrian king, who introduced the headscarf for married and widowed women, to give them an honored status . This means that in order to raise the status of a wife and widow. It is the finer performance than those that had been the target of this kerchief duty to come out as it is not a virgin - and God knows the truth.

The Jews took this order .' Just like that'? I haven't see so far not many laws, which follow the Jews, as "just so".
I know just enough to give this information to you. There remain two theses:

either the Jewish headscarf bid for married and became later trough cultural tradition  divine blessings or
The Jewish headscarf was a commandment of God from the beginning, which was partly altered and falsified.

The text from the New Testament, we must also look so exactly like the ahaadeeth that are available to us - not authentic and very uncertain: So we are stuck! The question remains: divine or culturally?

what exactly says  now the Quran:

Sura 24, verse 31

And tell the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty, showing their jewelry is not open, except what must ordinarily appear. They should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their spouses, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers and their sisters' sons, their wives, those who have their right hand, the male followers who have no more drive, children who do not observe the nakedness of women. You will not strike each other, their feet, so that one realizes what a hidden jewelry they wear. Turn away from sin to God, all ye faithful, so that it shall be well with you. 

Sura 24, verse 60

And for those among women who have retired and no longer get married hope it's not a crime if they put their clothes, but without jeopardizing the jewelry on display. And it would be better for them that they refrain from this. And God hears and knows everything.

Sura 33, verse 59

O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over pull themselves down. That is most convenient, that they recognize and that they are not harassed. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 

God does not say "headscarf," he speaks of "Something Cloudy"
God speaks to the believing women, daughters of
God explains the reason: so that they are recognized and not molested.
God says that older women should shed their clothes
God speaks of jewelry. Jewelry can also mean: Beautiful dresses, feathers, pomp, stimuli
In this context, clearly something to do with jewelry sexuality
God says that we should put the cloth over the breast

I argue that the improbable, the wisdom of God, that he has left this verse so openly. We can interpret it either as

Headscarf (like it at the revelation was very clear and known  today as  tradition ) that was next to the hair now even wrapped around the neck and chest.
A cloth (not specifically  on the time of the revelation ), which served mainly to cover the chest, that is, the open-hearted section

The second way is illogical facts:
The reason given by God: a cloth, only put on the chest, which can serve as a distinguishing feature of yesterday and today? (Because yes, the Qur'an until the end of time must be valid question: a cloth which covers the bosom, as a decoration ow it can be recognized at the present time as differentiating for awe and reverence, and the cloth should  cover the jewelry, not even to be for jewelery.
The fact that they do not want to be bothered by the cloth
The cloth is not the dress or blouse, there is another piece of fabric that is thrown over the clodes, so it is not legitimate in the sense that "there is only candid detail meant and then take a small cloth and tie it around the neck ", so that's a cloth around his neck but not on the chest ....
How could such a cloth to protect us before pickup? Is it not  true, that the headscarf is a signa l- actually, by Muslim women and the nuns: I am an honorable woman, don;t  get too close, for I am not to have personalities! A girl,  a teenager, who wears a headscarf symbolizes very clear: I am a "woman of God," an "honest woman", I consider myself to virginity. The headscarf in its original function is exactly what God says is an effective protection against pickup and a help for the girl not to put themselves in danger of going to discos, etc. What girl with scarf is already in a disco? If they want to go there, then she slips into a dark corner and removed the headscarf and wraps it around his neck, perhaps ..
I interpret hair as an ornament, an essential, even when we see how much time and effort and money, most women spend on their hair and hair styling, why all this, if not to embellish around? (Does this coincide with the command of shave the hair, because the jewelry is gone, and although all ...)
when I see  the quranic statement as Furqan, I noticed that he just those false statements and false interpretation, which were common in Judaism, corrected:
The headscarf is not meant as "I'm not a virgin" recognition,i.e. the married must wear it or wear a peruqqe
The headscarf does not mean that the woman-so-symbolic bow before the man under there, because he is the "power on her head" possesses.
The headscarf is a protection against pickup and a help, not to sin
The headscarf is for girls and married women, to signal: I am honest.

Against the head scarf,
speaks very clearly that the breast is emphasized in relation to sexual stimuli as jewelry. (Beat feet to jiggle the breasts are not the servants, who do not drive and more children, the elderly women ...)
The hairs can be seen in this context as an ornament / sexual attraction? That depends on the person. The spirits separate from the question of Arab men make it very clear: of course the hair is sexually stimulating. European men are so jaded that they see not so sure that ... Then we were back on the stereotypes instilled. It seems complicated, and no clear solution in sight ...

But because God says so it is not right? Why the guesswork, all these discussions, all these talks, all these publications, none of this would not work if it were clear but ....?


God has the complete knowledge and wisdom. He has it extra left open to allow women the opportunity to decide for themselves. If I like it today in a European country is the case, sadly, in danger am when I wear the headscarf, by right-wing extremism, xenophobia, increased violence, then it referred to the Quranic verse that I find a different solution: I put it is a, because a broad distinction to sexualized mass would bring me in danger. The wording is so vague, so I'm not sinning if I put it off for fear of ...
Praise be to God gives me wisdom.

It puts its importance, it does not depend on our salvation from a piece of cloth. It can be a help, it is a sign, a "Outen" as believers, a free decision. Who wants to do it, who can not, leave it. Better a virtuous believer without a headscarf as a liar and unserioes women with a headscarf. (The fact that the headscarf has become a political statement and will almost become the reason for war, was certainly not God's intention ...)
Puts the cart before the horse with the tail on the faith of Exterior want to draw into the interior, not vice versa.
The frequency with which the cloth is mentioned throughout the text speaks for itself, compared to prayer and the Zakat, we can classify it as a tiny ...
The Koran is clear and complete, i.e it is a lack of clarity, this was done on purpose

My conclusion has remained the same with reference to new facts:

I tend to that side, for whom the headscarves as a divine order, as an aid intended for the faithful, especially in the teenage years, so full of love, ecstasy, melodrama, big feelings. I mass but do not presume to judge others when they have reached a different conclusion. Maybe my interpretation is wrong and the other side is right ... I confess that my heart may be obscured his mind when it comes to this cloth is because I like it. I think it's practical, useful, meaningful and beautiful! Yes, yes it is .... (I refer to my women's side)

salam ;)

Joseph Islam

Quote from: Rizny on March 02, 2012, 12:17:13 AM
Salamun Alaikum brother Joseph ,

"WHAT MAY BE DECENTLY APPARENT (Ila ma zahara minha)" can this be the parts of body we were ask to make Ablution(Wudhu)


Salamun Alaikum Rizny and welcome to the forum  :)

From my humble perspective, though I have heard this correlation with wudu before, I personally would find it difficult to accept as I feel the connection is one by mere superficial association.

Wudu is prescribed as a precursor to salah and for both genders. It has nothing to do with defining what is 'decently apparent'. Rather, it has a likely connection with what parts touch the ground when in salah and in particular, during prostration (head / face / arms / elbows and feet). If the ablution process defined parts that were 'decently apparent', then by virtue of the ablution verse, it would apply to men as well.

Secondly, if you note verse 24:60, older women are permitted to discard their 'outer garments' (thobe). That means a young believing women in a similar situation is required to maintain suitable coverage (outer garments) when not in familiar company. The classical definition of 'thobe' (outer garments) when applied to a woman provides coverage for both the arms and to the feet. So today, any suitable clothing which maintains such coverage would be in line with the classical 'thobe' when used as an outer garment. By wearing a thobe, the arms are covered, in wudu they are washed.



In my humble opinion, 'Ila ma zahara minha' is a reference to what a person may openly reveal in accordance with prevailing custom which is decent and not unduly immoral. However, traditional clergy have throughout Islamic history attempted to restrict the definition of what may decently be apparent' to a woman's hands, feet and her face, and at times, even commanding full coverage.

However, from analysis, it appears that the meaning of 'Ila ma zahara minha' has a much wider purport. It's subtlety and deliberate ambiguity in the Quranic narrative (as God never runs out of words 18:109) seems to allow for all society norms and sensible judgment which remains firmly within the ambit of 'human decency'.

As noted above, a possible cue to understanding this phrase is verse 24:60 where by deduction, a younger believing woman is expected to maintain an outer garment covering (thobe) when in unfamiliar company. The classical definition of a woman's thobe as an outer garment is understood to provide coverage of the arms and legs, leaving exposed the feet, hands, face, head and neck.

Bedecking the hair in public (beautifying oneself to an extent which can become a cause of attraction) also needs to be carefully considered under the broad Arabic term 'zeenat'. Some women feel the 'hair' is part of  a woman's zeenat and therefore should be covered.

In the end, I think it is a choice based on sensible judgment given prevailing customs.

I hope this helps, God willing.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Salamun Alaikum Brother Joseph,

Yes it helped.
Quote from: Joseph Islam on March 02, 2012, 08:46:11 AM
In the end, I think it is a choice based on sensible judgment given prevailing customs.
I completely agree with this.
