Started by kabiru74, July 30, 2013, 03:42:09 AM

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Salam Brother Joseph Islam
I am new to this forum and exploring different articles. I have gone through many articles written by you on your web site and found them very logical and understandable. Congratulations on authoring these beautiful articles. May Allah SWT help us understanding AL-Quran .
I have a confusion in my mind regarding salat. If this question has been answered before at this forum I would appreciate if a link is provided for my enlightenment. You have quoted

"And establish regular prayers at the two ends (Arabic: Salata Tarafayi) of the day and at the approaches of the night (Arabic: wazulafan mina al-layli)..." are used to indicate periods when salat is to be established."

My confusion is how does this command can be fulfilled at places like Polar Regions or say on a space station.

Brother you have been endowed with a great understanding of our Deen so please help me understand this

Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam Novice,

Welcome to the forum.

In response to the question, I think it always useful to remember that God only expects 'best efforts' in the guidance He has proferred.

This is absolutely clear in the following verse:

"So keep your duty to God as best you can / what you are able (Arabic: ma is'tata'tum), and listen, and obey, and spend; that is better for your souls. And whoso is saved from his own greed, such are the successful"

The Arabic word 'istata'a' means to be able, can or to be capable of. Therefore, given the above verse, one is only expected to do the best they can whilst striving in the way of God.

I have discussed a similar question in the following link. I trust that you will find this useful, God willing.

Your brother in faith,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell



THASBEEH is the act or state of glorifying Allah. This is evident in every thing (17:44).

That is why we are filled with awe and admiration when we see or think about Creation.

The real scientists (not the commercial variety, who are dime a dozen in this world) who do genuine research, experience this awe and admiration to a greater degree!

In the above verse there is particular mention of living beings performing THASBEEH.

That means that we humans too are one with them in this aspect.

Additionally for us THASBEEH includes all our divinely ordained earnest actions amounting to glorifying the Almighty:

Desisting from everything evil, and doing good as much as possible: Doing, as the saying goes:


Now let us take up SALAT:

It is the great, singularly edifying, preferably Qur'an-centric (3:13, 7:170, 17:78, 29:45, 73:4, 73:20) ritual which feeds and nourishes our THASBEEH (20:14, 29:45.).

It is time bound when it is congregational SALAT.

Otherwise the minimum of it is period bound, as it can be done anytime – within the daily – arguably – three periods (2:238, 24:58).

As far as Al Qur'an is concerned, the overwhelming stress is on the spirit of SALAT.

After all, heartfelt, earnest approach to Providence is what really helps.

Wallahu A'lam.

A. Ismail Sait.