The Apocalypse of Abraham

Started by IjazAhmad, April 11, 2016, 12:17:47 AM

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Whether it's authentic or not, I can't say. Perhaps, the scroll of Abraham didn't survive or maybe this was written by someone who knew Abraham. I'm not sure!


1. This I say:
2. Fire is more venerable in formation, for even the unsubdued (things) are subdued in it, and it mocks that which perishes easily by means of its
3. burning. But neither is it venerable, for it is subject to the waters.
4. But rather the waters are more venerable than it (fire), because they overcome fire and sweeten the earth
5. with fruits. But I will not call them god either, for the waters subside under the
6. earth and are subject to it. But I will not call it a goddess either, for it is dried by the sun (and) subordinated to man for his work.
7. More venerable among the gods, I say, is the sun, for with its rays it illuminates the whole universe and the various airs.
8. Nor will I place among the gods the one who obscures his course by means of the moon and the clouds.
9. Nor again shall I call the moon or the stars gods, because they too at times during the night dim their light.

10. Listen, Terah my father, I shall seek before you the God who created all the gods supposed by us (to exist).
11. For who is it, or which one is it who made the heavens crimson and the sun golden, who has given light to the moon and the stars with it, who has dried the earth in the midst of the many waters, who set you yourself among the things and who has sought me out in the perplexity of my thoughts?

12. I (only) God will reveal himself by himself to us!"



I've never heard of this before. So it was written, according to Wikipedia, sometime during the composition of the Old Testament. Its authorship is not certain.

It wasn't written by someone who knew Abraham--it was only composed much later. it has several elements of traditional Christianity in it, such as fallen angels.

The part of the narrative that you quoted is in perfect conjunction with the Quranic account. This document is quite impressive.


Also, in this manuscript, Abraham's father is named Terah. In the Quran his name is Azar. Do you know which language the original document was translated from?

It seems that whoever wrote this knew a great deal about the stories of Abraham, because this manuscript has many legends of him woven together. I'm not sure how much is fact and how much is fiction.

It was certainly not written by Abraham, or by anyone who lived during his time, since it's dated to much later.

Interesting...does anyone know more about this?