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Messages - Duster

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General Discussions / Re: Understanding what is doubts in the quran
« on: April 04, 2017, 08:31:25 PM »
shalom / peace Yahya.... I'm just trying to work out what is behind your questions of this type .... you seem to say a lot on your posts that 'you are confused' ... or that you 'were wondering ...and posts like this seem to show that maybe you suffer from a lot of doubt yourself????? do you mind me asking whether you have doubts about the al-qur'an and the existence of an Almighty God / Allah? .... I'm asking as it just might help me / others better understand the background from where many of your questions may be coming from may even help some of us answer your q's better ! ....

General Discussions / Re: 5:101 and 57:14
« on: April 04, 2017, 08:27:13 PM »
the arabic word here is fitnah I'm not sure what this means

Shalom / peace ... brother Joseph has a post dedicated to the meaning of 'Fitnah' .....>>> See below 

'Fitnah' - A Deeper Meaning Behind Our Trials  -

General Discussions / Re: Picture making and Torah
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:17:59 AM »
Shalom / peace Yahya ... Please try to search and see if there are articles or writings on this website before asking questions ... There is a dedicated article already by brother joseph on this ...

There is also this q&a ...

General Discussions / Re: Noah's Age 950 Years
« on: April 02, 2017, 02:52:21 AM »
Honestly Yahya ... I don't know what you are talking about .....! Who said everyone spread all over the earth in the 10 generations to Abraham? and why are you using one timeline of a pre-flood and imposing it on another timeline after the flood??. This is the problem with so many of your posts in my opinion..... They are just so full of assumptions and and faulty conclusions based on faulty assumptions .... 2 different timelines !!! No one knows how the procreated and how they travelled and what communities went where.... Maybe the 10 generations to Abraham saw a more stable population growth and faster .... who knows???? maybe they had more kids .. who knows? May be the generations pre-flood went into so much corruption, murder and warfare etc that they started to wipe each other out before the flood ....Why do we have to sit here and guess!!!! ... Why??

Allah knows best .... lets just leave it to that!

General Discussions / Re: 5:101 and 57:14
« on: April 02, 2017, 02:47:03 AM »
Those that doubt Allah's promise that He is is true or the day of judgement ...qiyamat ...will come and that Allah was true all along. Those that doubted that message and rejected the prophets and messengers words that told them that. Those that rejected and doubted the message in the scriptures today... There are still those today in the modern day that doubt GOD's existence or that there will be a final day.... >>> Doesn't need to get more complicated than that I think ....

General Discussions / Re: Noah's Age 950 Years
« on: April 01, 2017, 04:49:17 PM »
But also the bible says there's only 10 generations between noah and abraham as well

And your point is what?

General Discussions / Re: 5:101 and 57:14
« on: April 01, 2017, 04:47:41 PM »
I'll repeat the question....where does it say in that verse that they doubted because they started to ask too many good questions or for using their brains properly ? Please don't get  philosophical......>>

General Discussions / Re: 5:101 and 57:14
« on: April 01, 2017, 03:11:21 AM »
Yes doubted ... but where does it say in that verse that they doubted because they started to ask too many good questions or for using their brains properly ?

General Discussions / Re: Public vs. Private Sin in an Islamic State
« on: March 31, 2017, 10:09:47 PM »
Crimes can only be punished if they cause corruption in society, however, a crime does not have to affect others in order to corrupt society, just transgress against God's commands.

Shalom / peace ... Good answer I think .... 8)

Women / Re: Love/being in love from quranic perspective
« on: March 31, 2017, 10:08:57 PM »
Shalom / peace Seraphina ... nice to see you back after such a long time   8)...... i think love is not a pre-requisite for marriage ... I don't think the Qur'an ever mentions it or considers it a necessity ... However ... I know there is a verse that even when things go wrong in a marriage ... I'm assuming where couples can also fall out of love or do to other factors.... Allah still asks them to look for the best in each other ....

>>>And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.>>> Surah Nisa verse 19

General Discussions / Re: 5:101 and 57:14
« on: March 31, 2017, 10:02:04 PM »
Shalom / peace .... Thinking and using your intellect and questioning is one thing ... asking useless and unnecessary questions which have no purpose ...which no one can answer as its all guesswork and questions which will only make the deen harder is another I think ..... That is the main guidance i think in all this ....

Also you might want to have a look at the brief article by brother Joseph below .... He says quite beautifully that ...

>>>>nothing is more striking than the desire of the people in question to elicit finer and finer details of a general religious commandment to the point that it became nearly impossible for them to perform.
In a similar way, attempting to elicit such finer details from commandments of scripture serve no other purpose but to detract from the real essence and subtleness of the commandments which always seek to teach the middle way. Many times the directives are of a general purport to be carried out as 'best endeavour' and not in any way designed to impose a burden, to become complicated or to become extreme in their interpretation.

Take a look >>>>

General Discussions / Re: Noah's Age 950 Years
« on: March 31, 2017, 09:57:16 PM »
Shalom / peace brother Joseph... thank you so much for all your input on this topic...As always, its really nice to see your views. You really make one think. I think I agree with you on the limited population .... If there was as much corruption so much so that Allah had to destroy them all, I can only imagine the premature deaths in wars ... the diseases that may have spread among some of the unrighteous ... >>>the murders, the killings, the rapes ....pillaging etc .... So I think the numbers may not be that large come to think about it..... We can't just assume that because they had the potential of long lives that they were reproducing in large numbers, even in 10 generations or so ...even if they were .. they'll be numerous factors that could mean that many were also dying in high numbers - particularly as it was a really corrupt society .... In the end .....>>>Allah knows best ...

General Discussions / Re: Noah's Age 950 Years
« on: March 28, 2017, 01:52:44 AM »
but how could noah and his people live up to a thousand years

Shalom / peace ... where does it say that Noah's people lived thousand years? Noah lived among his people for nearly thousands of years but that could be different generations .... Noah lived 950 years  but that doesn't mean his people did as well .....

General Discussions / Re: History
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:35:04 AM »
Salamun alaykum all,

Dear Duster I understand your point but you should try to stay calm :) People can be very impatient at times no matter how many times they get warned. Keep in mind this beautiful ayah (the essence, the message of it) inshaAllah :) Maybe this ayah was revealed for "a particular crowd" but still I think it applies to all people who we communicate with. Sometimes when i get angry at someone,  this ayah comes to my mind (Alhamdulillah !):

"Thus it is due to mercy from Allah that you deal with them gently, and had you been rough, hard hearted, they would certainly have dispersed from around you; pardon them therefore and ask pardon for them, and take counsel with them in the affair; so when you have decided, then place your trust in Allah; surely Allah loves those who trust."

Shalom / peace Ilker....i cannot argue with what you have shared.  I understand....jzk .....

General Discussions / Re: History
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:55:37 AM »
Shalom / peace Yahya .... Don't get me wrong but a lot of your posts really annoy me... There are people on this forum including respected brother Joseph that take out their time to answer your questions and it seems as you completely disregard them and continue to ask ridiculous questions ...

Which part of brother Joseph's response didn't you understand ?????? " It appears you have completely missed the point of messengers coming to established communities"

NOW LISTEN PLEASE - messengers came to established communities so there would have been poor people and trading and some way to exchange goods ... Now what is wrong with you that you don't understand this and keep on asking laborious irrelevant questions?????.... No wonder you have been banned on this forum before!!!!!! (Sorry moderators .... but please try to understand that this is very irritating for members to read over and over again) ...

YAHYA - PLEASE THINK about the questions you ask and the responses that are given to you .... please really !!!!

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