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Messages - Mohammed

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Salam Lobotomize94,

Dear All,
Assalaamu 'alaikum

Many exegetists translated the term 'Junub' as ceremonial impurity.

In my humble view, the term refers no any specific impurity but it represents the state of being impure (any impurity which should be washed).

From Qur'an itself we will get the meaning of the term. In 4:36, the term 'Wal jaari-l-junubi' means 'the neighbour (who is) distant/not close/farther away'

Since the verses 4:43 and 5:6 say about purification prior to Swalah, here the term may refers 'a state of being impure (being distant from pure state)/ a state of being distant from Allah' (because- "He loves/likes the pure/clean”, 2:222)

So, in 4:43 Qur'an says, "Walaa junuban illaa ‘aabiree sabeelin hataa taghta’siluu" (And nor distant (impure/unclean), except crossing/passing a road/way, until you wash yourselves) and in 5:6 "Wa-inkunthum junuban fatwahharoo" (and if you were impure/unclean so be purified/cleaned).

So it tells the importance of being clean, we have to wash quickly if we came in contact with any impurity. "Walaa junuban illaa ‘aabiree sabeelin hataa taghta’siluu" (4:43) tells that we should not be in a state of 'being impure' except the time of crossing/passing the way to wash/clean it (to reach at water).

General Discussions / Re: MISTRANSLATION
« on: May 23, 2018, 01:20:52 AM »
I am mistaken, that is not mistranslation.

Islamic Duties / Re: Swalaah and it's shortened form
« on: February 06, 2018, 01:58:16 PM »
For those Believers who are living in polar region/working in space stations and feel difficult/not able to perform Swalah/fast in Ramadan, I think these verses may have the answer.

[Al Qur'an 4:97] "That those the angels make them die, unjust (to) themselves, they said: "In what you were/have been?" They said: "We were weakened in the Earth/land." They said: "Was not God's Earth/land wide/spacious so you emigrate in it." So those, their shelter/refuge (is) Hell, and it was a bad/evil end/destination".
[Al Qur'an 4:98] "Except the weakened from the men, and the women, and the children, they are not able (of a) solution (means)
and nor they be guided a way/path".

General Discussions / Re: Diseases and Illnesses
« on: January 27, 2018, 06:30:17 PM »
So no man is without sin (covers Prophets, Messengers and Righteous).
Sorry for this interpretation, Need a powerful analysis.

Islamic Duties / Re: Juma vs Zuhr
« on: January 27, 2018, 11:34:35 AM »
Salaam brother Wakas,

I agree with the interpretation that the timed Swalah of the believers is twice daily. I did not find a clear proof from the Qur'an for 'the midday prayer'.

Thank you.

Islamic Duties / Re: Swalah times
« on: January 27, 2018, 11:08:44 AM »
Dear All,
Assalaamu 'alaikum

After a further analysis of the verses 11:114, 17:78, 24:58, 20:130, 50:39-40, 2:144,149-150, 76:25-26, 17:79, 62: 9-11 and 2:238, to the best of my knowledge the timed Swalah of the believers is twice daily.

Thank you.

Islamic Duties / Re: The Friday Prayer
« on: January 21, 2018, 11:45:39 PM »
Dear All,

In this post I want to share some of my thoughts regarding Friday/gathering’s day.

From a Qur’anic point the calculation of time is, in terms of day (depending sun), month ( depending moon) and year (12 months). Nowhere had I found as Qur’an says a calculation of time in terms of week/a 7 day cycle. So the present day week system might be a human finding for ease of time calculation just like man found devices like clocks and watches for measuring time. Therefore I interpret the verses 62:9-11 speaks about the day on which people/ancient Arabs used to gather for selling their commodities like food, garments etc. and this may be once in a month or twice, thrice or days with one day interval (~15 days per month) etc. So the verses reminds the importance of keeping The Prayer (Swalah) on time even in these busy business days, may be because of the ardent human desire towards the temporal earthy earnings. From this we can understand the significance of keeping The Prayers on time in normal days.

Thank you

Resources and Information Portal / Re: Origins of the Arabic Alphabet
« on: December 14, 2017, 09:52:20 AM »
...a book preached by a illiterate Arab...

Assalaamu 'alaikum

Please see this article incase you have not read it.

General Discussions / Re: Diseases and Illnesses
« on: December 10, 2017, 07:27:50 PM »
...we do know that prophets were tested quite thoroughly as an example ayoob, jonah even moses and Joseph.
Even good people are tested but

Salaam miracle114 and All

[Al Qur’an 16:61] “And if Allah punishes/takes the people because of their injustice/oppression, He would not have left on it from an animal/creature, and but He delays them to a named/identified term/time, so if their term/time came, they do not delay/lag behind an hour, and they do not advance/precede”.

[Al Qur’an 35:45] “And if Allah punishes/takes the people because of what they earned/acquired/won, He would not have left on its back/surface/top from an animal/creature, and but He delays them to a named/identified term/time, so if their term/time came, so then Allah was/is with His worshippers/slaves seeing/knowing/understanding”.

So no man is without sin (covers Prophets, Messengers and Righteous).

Discussions / Re: Killing pests/insects
« on: December 08, 2017, 04:42:05 PM »
Assalaamu 'alaikum All,

Can we kill animals/birds/pests/rodents/insects etc. when they attack us/our cultivation ?.
Qur'an says "And what struck/hit you from a disaster so (it is) because (of) what your hands gathered/acquired, and He forgives/pardons on much." (42:30)
All organisms helps in the survival of human beings directly or indirectly by stabilizing the ecosystem. So ultimately they all are created to help us only (in my knowledge), hence is it right/just to kill/destroy them ?

[Al Qur’an 7:133] "So We sent on them the flood and the locusts and the lice and the frogs and the blood (as) signs manifest, so they became arrogant, and they were a nation (of) criminals/sinners”.

Suppose this nation tried to kill/destroy all these pests/insects with the all available pesticides/insecticides, is it the proper solution? Even if they destroyed all the pests/insects then is Allah not able to send on them more attacking and dangerous creatures/vermin which can cause more destruction to human (wrong doers)/to their crops?.

General Discussions / Re: Views on healing by medicine or faith.
« on: December 08, 2017, 04:11:58 PM »
My belief is that, honey mainly has the purpose of giving a physical sensation or physical awareness just like when we are washing ourselves with water/soil for purification prior to Swalah, the healing/cure always depends on the repentance and the purity of one’s mind. And I don’t know about other foods. I also believe that no any man made medicines can cure the root cause of any disease.

In brief my understanding is,
Physical fitness is depends on hormonal/chemical/neurotransmitter equilibrium which strongly depends on one’s mental state/attitude/conscientiousness/righteousness.

General Discussions / Re: Diseases and Illnesses
« on: December 08, 2017, 04:05:59 PM »
Yes, my intention covers both the opinions of yours + I believe that the severity of trials are depends on one’s past deeds.

General Discussions / Re: Views on healing by medicine or faith.
« on: December 07, 2017, 12:48:07 AM »
Salaam miracle114 and All,

The Qur’an uses the root M-R-D’ (diseased/sick) in so many verses, but why the Qur’an did not use anywhere in it a term for Doctor/medical practitioner? And the verse (4:43) where root M-R-D’ used, ends with “...that Allah was/is often forgiving/pardoning, forgiving”. Also the verse 73:20.

About healing,

[Al Qur’an 26:80] "And if I became sick/diseased, so He cures/heals me”
[Al Qur’an 16:69] “Then eat from all the fruits, so enter/pass your Lord's roads/paths manipulated/dangled low, from its bellies/insides emerges/appears a drink its colours (are) different, in it (is) a cure/healing for the people; that in that (is) an evidence/sign to a nation thinking”.

General Discussions / Re: Diseases and Illnesses
« on: December 07, 2017, 12:44:23 AM »
To compare with 8:25,
[Al Qur’an 6:47] Say: "Have you seen, if Allah's torture came to you suddenly or publicly/loudly, will any be destroyed except the nation the unjust/oppressors?"

Islamic Duties / Re: Juma vs Zuhr
« on: October 07, 2017, 07:01:31 PM »

With regard to juma, please see the only verse to relate this to salat: 62:9

With regard to zuhr, there is no verse that occurs relating this to salat. Unless you're referring to this word in 24:58

In my view, the overwhelming evidence in Quran points to a minimum of two daily salat for the mumineen, in the morning/fajr and evening/isha, with an optional night vigil, none for zuhr.

Assalaamu 'alaikum All

I don't wish to initiate any debate here, but today I saw this post so I just want to share what I know regarding the post.

Brother Wakas,
How we can avoid the midday Prayer when considering the verses 62:9-10, 17:12, 10:67

[Al Qur'an 62:9] "You, you those who believed, if (it) was called for/to the Prayer from the Friday's/gathering's day/time, so hasten/move quickly to God's reminder, and leave the selling/trading, that (is) best for you, if you were knowing.
[Al Qur'an 62:10] "So if the Prayer were accomplished/ended, so spread/spread out in the Earth/land, and ask/wish/desire from God's grace/favour/bounty, and remember God much, maybe/perhaps you succeed/win."

These verses establishes that the Friday's/gathering's day prayer is one that all Believers must go to regardless of whether they may lose profit or not. And it is also clear that the time before and after this Prayer is business/ trading time.

And the Qur'an indicates that trading time is day time, and night is for rest.

[Al Qur'an 17:12] "And We made/put the night and the daytime (as) two signs/evidences, so We wiped out/erased/eliminated the night's sign/evidence, and We made/put the daytime's sign/evidence manifest/clearly visible, to wish/desire grace/favour/bounty from your Lord, and to know the years' number, and the counting/calculating, and every thing We detailed/explained it detailing/explaining"
[Al Qur'an 10:67] "He is who made/created for you the night to be tranquil/quiet in it, and the daytime to see, that in that (are) evidences/signs to a nation hearing/listening."

So how can you correlate the Prayer in 62:9-10 with Fajr or 'Isha Prayer ?

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