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Discussions / Re: Islamic Secondary Sources
« on: October 20, 2012, 07:19:38 PM »
I have absolutely no doubt that "Quran" is the sole religious guidance.


Discussions / Islamic Secondary Sources
« on: October 20, 2012, 07:17:27 PM »
Dear Brother Joseph, Peace be on you,

I am writing this after looking at how the secondary Islamic sources are mocked by some so called Quranist who ridicule the quotes in a way that crave hatred against the authors.

Much researched has been done whether the writings that are related to authors do actually exist or it was the student’s cartel who actually published the versions that they see fit to their own understandings.

People who have passed away carry no burden on us neither would we be responsible for their actions.

The following are the 43 main stream books or collection usually quoted during discussions locally:

        Sect, Title, Collection name, English Name, Author, Author's Country

1.   Sunni, , Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain , , Hakim al-Nishaburi, Iraq
2.   Sunni, , Bulugh al-Maram , Attainment of the Objective According to Evidences of the Ordinances, Al-Haafidh Shihabuddin Abu'l-Fadl Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Muhammad, better known as Ibn Hajar due to the fame of his forefathers, al-Asqalani due to his family origin, Egypt
3.   Sunni, , Kanz al-Ummal , Treasure of the Doers of Good Deeds, Ala al-Din Ali ibn Abd-al-Malik Husam al-Din al-Muttaqi al-Hindi (The exalter of faith, Ali son of servant of AllahThe King, from India) , India
4.   Sunni, , Majma' al-Zawa'id wa Manba' al-Fawa'id , , Nur al-Din `Ali ibn Abi Bakr ibn Sulayman, Abu al-Hasan al-Haythami , Egypt
5.   Sunni, , Masabih al-Sunnah, , Abu Muhammad al-Husayn ibn Mas'ud ibn Mubammad al-Farra' al-Baghawi, Afghanistan
6.   Sunni, , Mawdu'at al-Kubra , A Great Collection of Fabricated Traditions,  Abul-Faraj Ibn Al-Jawzi, Iraq
7.   Sunni, , Mishkat al-Masabih , A Niche for Lamps, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh Khatib Al-Tabrizi, Unknown
8.   Sunni, , Muntakhab Ahadith, , Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi also known as Hadhratji , India
9.   Sunni, , Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, , Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Abu `Abd Allah al-Shaybani, Iraq
10.   Sunni, , Muwatta Imam Malik, , Mālik ibn Anas ibn Mālik ibn Abī 'Āmir al-Asbahī , Saudia Arabia
11.   Sunni, , Muwatta Imam Muhammad, , Muhammad al-Shaybani, Iraq
12.   Sunni, , Riyadh as-Saaliheen , The Gardens of the Righteous, Abu Zakaria Mohiuddin Yahya Ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi, Syria
13.   Sunni, Al-Kutub Al-Sittah (The Six Books), Sahih al-Bukhari, The Abridged Collection of Authentic Hadith with Connected Chains regarding Matters Pertaining to the Prophet, Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, Uzbekistan
14.   Sunni, , Sahih Ibn Hibbaan , , Abu Hatim Muhammad ibn Hibban ibn Ahmad al-Tamimi al-Busti, Iran
15.   Sunni, , Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah , , Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Khuzaymah, Iran
16.   Sunni, Al-Kutub Al-Sittah (The Six Books), Sahih Muslim, , Abul Husayn Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj ibn Muslim ibn Warat al-Qushayri al-Nisaburi, Iran
17.   Sunni, , Shamaail Tirmidhi , , Abū ‛Īsá Muḥammad ibn ‛Īsá ibn Sawrah ibn Mūsá ibn al Ḍaḥḥāk al-Sulamī al-Sulamī al-Tirmidhī, Turkmenistan
18.   Sunni, Al-Kutub Al-Sittah (The Six Books), Sunan Abu Dawood, , Abu Dawud Sulaymān ibn al-Ashʿath al-Azdi as-Sijistani , Iran
19.   Sunni, , Sunan al-Darimi, , Abu Muhammad Abdullah Bin Abdur Rahman Bin Fadhl Bin Bahraan Bin Abdus Samad At Tamimi Ad Darimi As Samarqandi, Uzbekistan
20.   Sunni, Al-Kutub Al-Sittah (The Six Books), Sunan al-Tirmidhi, , Abū ‛Īsá Muḥammad ibn ‛Īsá ibn Sawrah ibn Mūsá ibn al Ḍaḥḥāk al-Sulamī al-Sulamī al-Tirmidhī, Turkmenistan
21.   Sunni, Al-Kutub Al-Sittah (The Six Books), Sunan an-Nasa'i al-Sughra, , Aḥmad ibn Shu`ayb ibn Alī ibn Sīnān Abū `Abd ar-Raḥmān al-Nasā'ī, Turkmenistan
22.   Sunni, Al-Kutub Al-Sittah (The Six Books), Sunan ibn Majah, , Abū ʻAbdillāh Muḥammad ibn Yazīd Ibn Mājah al-Rabʻī al-Qazwīnī, Iran
23.   Sunni, , Talkhis al-Mustadrak , , Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn `Uthman ibn Qaymaz ibn `Abd Allah, Shams al-Din Abu `Abd Allah al-Turkmani al-Diyarbakri al-Fariqi al-Dimashqi al-Dhahabi al-Shafi`i, Syria

1.   Shia, , Ain Al-Hayat, , Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, Iran
2.   Shia, Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah (The Four Books), Al-Istibsar, , Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Hassan Tusi, Iran
3.   Shia, , Al-Shifa as-Sajjadiyya ver 1, Psalms of the Household of Muhammad-Sahifa-e-Kamila-Sister of the Qur'an-Gospel of the Folk of the House, Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Makki, Syria
4.   Shia, , Al-Shifa as-Sajjadiyya ver 2, Psalms of the Household of Muhammad-Sahifa-e-Kamila-Sister of the Qur'an-Gospel of the Folk of the House, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Hurr al-'Amili , Iraq
5.   Shia, , Al-Shifa as-Sajjadiyya ver 3, Psalms of the Household of Muhammad-Sahifa-e-Kamila-Sister of the Qur'an-Gospel of the Folk of the House, Al-'ulama' Mirza 'Abd Allah ibn Mirza `Isa Tabrizi, Unknown
6.   Shia, , Al-Shifa as-Sajjadiyya ver 4, Psalms of the Household of Muhammad-Sahifa-e-Kamila-Sister of the Qur'an-Gospel of the Folk of the House, S.H.M Jafri, Iran
7.   Shia, , Al-Shifa as-Sajjadiyya ver 5, Psalms of the Household of Muhammad-Sahifa-e-Kamila-Sister of the Qur'an-Gospel of the Folk of the House, Muhsin al-Amin, Lebanon
8.   Shia, , Bihar Al Anwar, Oceans of Lights, Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, Iran
9.   Shia, , Book of Sulaym ibn Qays, , Sulaym ibn Qays , Iraq
10.   Shia, , Daim al-Islam, , Abu Hanifa al-Nu‘man ibn Muhammad ibn Mansur ibn Ahmad ibn Hayyun al-Tamimi, Tunisia
11.   Shia, , Haqq al-Yaqeen, Reality of Certainty, Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, Iran
12.   Shia, Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah (The Four Books), Kitab al Kafi, What is Sufficient in the Knowledge of the Faith, Muhammad Ya‘qūb Kulaynī, Iran
13.   Shia, , Mafatih al-Jinan, , Shaikh Abbass Qumi, Iran
14.   Shia, Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah (The Four Books), Man la yahdurul al-Fiqh, For him not in the Presence of a Jurisprudent, Al-Shaykh al-Saduq, Iran
15.   Shia, , Mu'tazila collections, , Izz al-Din ibn Hibatullah ibn Abi l-Hadid, Iraq
16.   Shia, , Nahj Al Balagha, Peak of Eloquence, Abul-Hasan Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn Al-Musawi, Iraq
17.   Shia, , Qalam-e-Mowla, , , Unknown
18.   Shia, , Sharh Usul al-Kafi , , Mohammad Salih al-Mazandarani, Unknown
19.   Shia, Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah (The Four Books), Tahdhib al Ahkaam, The Refinement of the Laws (as Discussed) in Terms of the Explanation of the Sufficiency, Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Hassan Tusi, Iran
20.   Shia, , Wasael ush Shia, , Al-Hurr al-Aamili, Lebanon

My questions are:

1) Is there any website or in the making whereby a user can see contradiction from all the books mainly referred by Muslims in drawing religious matters?

2) Why is much research done only on Sunni collections? Is it that they are easily accessible?

3)  Knowingly or unknowingly there are main streams universities in the world who have subjected this religion. Why they are still not clear (clear as in black and white) that Quran is the sole religious guidance and we should omit all sayings of humans and stick to sayings of God?

4) Is it as if they (the contemporary scholars) have made small kingdoms within state where they can’t just now knowingly change things and they have to stick with Lots of Quran and some of people’s saying?

5) Why do we still see people who claim Quran to be sole religious guidance divided in basic meanings or interpretations of Quran?

Best regards

Friend has further added that The sign of the horns - hand gesture belongs to Illuminati or Freemasonry despite telling him that it is used to show "ILY [I love you]".


13th March 2013

This thread is now closed and a direct link to this post is now available at the dedicated Q&A page.


General Discussions / Re: Rijalan and Nisa'a
« on: October 18, 2012, 10:24:21 PM »
"Thanks for you reading !" is part of the response from author only.


General Discussions / Re: Rijalan and Nisa'a
« on: October 18, 2012, 10:13:09 PM »
Dear brother Joseph, I have also received a response from another forum, please share your concerns with respect to the understanding of the author.


7/22-23 Sura Al Aaraaf:- Exposition;-

So the Shaitan hanged down(1) 

the (the Ruler and the people)both by deceiving (From the heights of the development to the deep depth of individuality). When both tasted(2)

the forbidden tree ( of the individual pride and denial ) the wickedness/bad deeds of the both(ruler and the people) became visible to each other.(3)

Upon this both tried to cover themselves with the leaves/ Laws / to implement the rules of Paradise( of collective/joint society.)(4).

The society again became Paradise.) Their Lord/RABB said( through the messenger )(5).

”Had I not forbidden you(from this SHAJAR Mamnooa (6)

(of pride and denial) and had I not warned you that Shaitan is you visible enemy.(7)

Some words for clarification:
( The Dual word used in the above verse is for the Ruler and the people0

1-FA DALLAH HUMA :- DALLA means To hang down. Means the Shatan had hanged down has been used as an example/MAJAAZ. The crux of the matter is that the Shaitan dropped down both (ruler and the people) from the heights of the Joint system to depth of individuality. HUMA has been used for dual (Ruler and the people)

2- ZAAQA wordily meaning “ when both tasted . This is an adverb which is used as a result of an action in which the doer has to be demoralized/ashamed because of that bad /wrong action.. (ZAAQA is dual in Arabic grammar)
Therefore in the Individual System the Lawlessness/Law breaking is over all.. President /ruler or the people of the internal groups everybody loose their joint trust . The government impose heavy taxes upon the people but the people hesitate to pay that and finds various ways and means not to pay that. Even the people have no trust upon the people Because of the individual system everybody use all evil tactics of lie ,fraud, bribery , mixing, hoarding and black marketing.

3- BADAT LAHOMA SAUAATO HOMA The wonderful concept created by Hadiths is that Adam and Eva became naked ,their shameful body parts became visible.(Allah forbid) soon after they had eaten the fruits of the forbidden tree. Books of Rawayaat /Hadits started this against the verses of 11/61, 20/55, 53/32,71/17-18 . Hadiths have mentioned that Allah had made idol of Adam and pulled his wife out of his ribs and ordered them to live in the Paradise.. Eat where you want but do not come near this tree. Which was that tree?. Some say it was Wheat ,Grape or Garlic tree.. Both husband and wife could not stopped themselves and tasted that tree. What happened? Both husband and wife became naked and their dress stripped off.(Allah forbid)
Discussion SHAJARA means not only tree but also means fight/quarrel. TILKOMA SHAJARA TE does not mean tree of any kind but the individual system which is the main cause of the joint fight is called ASHAJARA and has been forbidden to come near. It has been defined by AABAA WA STAKBARA means by declining the Divine rules and pride the quarrels and friction are created… In the early era of the mankind the society based on joint society but the SHAITAN,IBLEES in existence when the individual system came into being as some people derailed /misled others. The evil and hidden actions/designs of the Ruler and people and the VIPs. became open /visible . With these words of the Quran it has been explained that in individual system the fraud, bribery, mixing in food,, black marketing become common disease is but natural. But in joint system of the society all these do not happen but are finished with the length of time.

. With the help of previous messengers Allah had ordered for the Joint Central System with which such Paradise society was established in which according to FA KULAA MIN HAISO SHEETOMA every Higher and lower person could get their livings subject to their needs.. But the people who were the slaves of NAFSE AMMARA/Shiyateen changed the joint / collective balanced system into individual devil system.. The bad qualities of the ruler and the people which were vanished in Joint system became visible .
(WARAQ AL JANNAT:- Here WARQ mean the Laws and Jannat means Paradise ,the society where the necessity of life are in abundant /rich.

Rawaait /Hadith says:

After eating the wheat ,grapes or garlic in the Paradise Adam and Eva become naked. And the shameful parts of the both became visible to each other.( May Allah forgive) and they both started to cover their shameful body parts with the leaves of the Jannat tree. . Sorry on these Hadith who even did not care for the Blasphemy of the 1st messenger . It is to mention here that this event is not about the Story of Adam and Eva but it is about the early societies. The mankind which was created out of the earth mentioned in 11/61,20/55,53/32,71/17-18.
Allah had ordered through His first messengers for a Joint Central System. With which every body whether higher or lower got the necessities of life in a balanced way. But the slave people of NAFS E AMMARA/SHAITAAN changed the balance joint system into the individual Devil System. With which the bad qualities of the ruler and the people became visible. These bad deeds/actions were vanished in the balance Joint system. With these words( . WA TAFIQA YAKHSIFAAN E ALAIHIMA MIN WARAQAL JANNAT) they started implementing the Paradise Laws upon themselves
WARAQ AL JANNAT :- WARAQ mean Law and Jannat mean the society in which everybody gets his living according to his/her needs in rich. In 18/19. Sura Kahaf. WARAQ means the legal coin which is running in a government legally.. Coin/currency is also called WARAQ because it has Certificate of Law.


Media of the messengers is not mentioned here . As Allah does not address directly to any ruler and people but only with the nominated people/Nabi. In the early stage of the mankind Allah had conveyed his message on whole of the globe where ever the mankind existed/ was born , ordered them for the Joint system by nominating the messengers.. But the mankind changed the joint system into the Individual system with which the people and the ruler became naked. Allah had asked them through his messengers ‘ Had He(Allah) not forbidden them from the tree of individual interest.?

6- SHAJR E MAMNOOA( Forbidden Tree):- It has been explained before in detail that this tree was not of Wheat, grape or Garlic but is the Individual system in which the necessity of the life are not the responsibility of the Government/state. Due to which the fight of individual interests (trees) are created and everybody become the enemy of each other. 2/36, 7/24 is the scene after this.

7- INNA SHAITANA LAKUM ADOWWUN MUBEEN :-- Allah had declared anybody who prefers towards the establishment of the Individual System and stops the joint system “He is Shaitan” and He is the open enemy of the mankind.. He wants to push the mankind towards the hell of unbalanced economy ,fight among people and enmity. Shaitan is a person who becomes slave of NAFSE AMMARA and has become self IBLEES. The sign of open enemy is who supports or prefers for the imbalanced society.

This is the event of the early stage of the mankind when the joint system was changed into the individual system or into Kingdom. After which the worst results became visible. As the good memories of the Joint system were before the eyes and the pleasant taste of the SHAJRE TAYYABA were also on the tongue of the people . Therefore both the ruler and the people had u-turn towards the joint system. Accepted their fault or error and prayed Allah for forgiveness.

In this Modern time mankind is again under the shackle of Kingdom, Capitalism, Communism ,Socialism and crying for the freedom. It is only the Joint Quranic Economic System(Nizaam e Rabobiyyat) which can save them from this deep mud.

Thanks for your reading !

General Discussions / Re: Rijalan and Nisa'a
« on: October 18, 2012, 09:48:35 PM »
Thank you brother Joseph for your reply.  :)

General Discussions / Re: Translation without interpretation
« on: October 14, 2012, 03:18:56 PM »
Dear Sardar,

You might find the following website useful:

Example if you click "bis'mi"  under (1:1:1), you will get the following details:

May it helps, God willing.

General Discussions / Eye of certainty
« on: October 09, 2012, 03:37:54 AM »
Peace be on you dear Joseph,

Please share wisdom in your respective view:

102:7 - Then you will surely see it with the eye of certainty.


P.S. much research has been done -  All our memories are reconstructed memories.

Peace be on you brother Joseph,

One friend of mine recently emphasized on the subject that such individuals exists in every country and specifically follows and admire the character of Pharaoh and indeed many documentaries have been established just to make sure they really do exists.

In your view do they really exist and are real (historical) OR/AND fictitious?

It is sad to hear from a lot of people when they relate them to Jews specifically as if a Jew would always think evil to mastermind events and control world affairs through governments and corporations and sometimes introducing new doctrines.

What are your views respectively?

General Discussions / Re: Rijalan and Nisa'a
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:46:37 AM »
In any case let me know if these questions should not be pursued.

General Discussions / Rijalan and Nisa'a
« on: October 06, 2012, 11:24:08 PM »
Peace be on you dear brother Joseph,

If the questions seem that they should not be pursued, so you may simply ignore the questions with respect to 3:7.

"O mankind! Fear your Lord, Who created you from a single soul and created from out of it its mate and spread from these two, many men and women; and fear God, by Whom you demand one of another (your rights), and (to) the ties of relationship; surely God ever watches over you

After reading your following articles:






1) Want to have your view regarding many men (Rijalan)  and women Nisa'a as mentioned in the 4:1?

2) Want to know whether you have shared your views on stages of Men life and death in any article if yes please share. and please confirm whether the following paragraph do OR does not represent what is mentioned in Quran

God created us (as in all of us) who will come till Day of Judgement after Adam and his wife and make a witness over ourselves (7:172) that HE is our Lord. Quran contains signs of God for people to understand and apply in their lives and the spirit are HIS commandments that we were made of and then He has given us death and from time to time and to HIS knowledge he descends souls to earth for test and give them life and death and then again HE will raise us on the Day of Judgement i.e. Two lives and two deaths.

3) Then with respect to Ayat 2:30 - 39, Do we find answers to the following from other parts of Quran? or is something more symbolic or unclear that we should not look out for (3:7)?

(i) Were there ever Jinn or any other beings such as Men itself existing on Earth who use to disorder and shed blood as witnessed by angels to question (2:30)?

(ii) How was Iblis ranked among angels to even stand with them? As Iblis was standing throughout the discussion as indicated in 2:33 "...and know what you hide?" and as Iblees was a Jinn (who was said to be pious in secondary sources and there was a battle between angles and jinns on this planet prior to human creation and Iblees was chosen for being more pious) - yet he disobeyed GOD when it was asked to bow down with angels 2:34

(iii) Was there a tree that has been where asked "...but approach not this tree or you will become transgressors.(2:35) or it is something symbolic for Rijalan and Nisa'a (4:1) OR only Adam and his spouse not to go near something like not to disobey commandments of God?

(iv) Is Shaitan and action of evil (2:36) or an entity like Iblis?

(v) Was it THIS QURAN (that we have today) Words of inspiration or commands to Adam in 2:38?

(vi) Is Guidance from God mentioned in 2:38 are the signs of God (Ayat of Quran) as mentioned in 2:39?


Dear Brother Joseph, You missed in

However, the kind of descriptions found in Ahadith are far too anthropomorphic than the Quran ever intends which in view of 112.3 is arguably negated.


Dear brother Joseph, Peace be on you.

"walam yakullahu kufawan ahad"  (112:4) not 112:3


General Discussions / Re: Translation without interpretation
« on: October 04, 2012, 02:42:53 AM »
Salamun Alaikum

Thanks for a detail response.


General Discussions / Re: Translation without interpretation
« on: October 02, 2012, 01:36:43 AM »
Peace be on you.

Dear brother, just a question

With respect to your research, Does these Surah names were not revealed along with Quran?

(as the Quran was put together by God’s decree during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh) than)

If (and if only) the names were part of Quran than they must have a significant importance.

Usually when I discuss with friends and family, I always got to hear you can never understand Quran alone as it is not explained, like there are no details and I share with them references and sometimes I usually say "There is an entire chapter by God respectively "Fussilat" - Explained in detail" so the name of Surah itself have an effect on them. 

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