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Messages - Seraphina

An interesting article named "Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?". I think you might like it :)

God bless you,
Assalamu alaikum everyone,
First of all, I'm sorry I haven't been so active lately, I've been going through some hardships lately and it's been impossible.
Second of all, I personally find it a bit difficult to find the proper words to heal a heart that feels like this.
As for start, repeat after me: You are NOT a hypocrite, and your heart has NOT been sealed.
What is going on is that the truth is one, but there are many false versions of it. The islam is one, but many pseudoversions of it roam the world, and in search for the truth we may encounter some of them, which end up confusing us and planting doubts on whether or not we are in the true path. Most of believers have gone through what you are going through, believe me on this one :) having doubts doesn't make you a hypocrite. The munafiqun refered to in the Quran are the ones that pretend to be devouted muslims in front of people, but in their heart is disbelief and hate towards it. You are speaking with an open heart about what condition is your heart in, without pretending you're a devouted muslim. How can you deem yourself a hypocrite?
As to the seal of hearts, only God knows when this state is reached. I quote from brother Joseph: "So therefore, a 'seal' or 'covering' is imposed as a consequence of a transgressor's unwillingness to acknowledge the truth and to remain blind to it because of their own volition. This is in perfect resonance with cause and affect which God has imposed on his creation." Doesn't sound like your case at all (not to me at least).
And finally, I think you should consider something else as well: Our avowed enemy, Satan. A thief targets the rich properties :) Similarily, the closer we are to the truth, the closer we are to our Lord's mercy, the more we are targeted from him. He has sworn to God that he will lead us astray and take us to his side, and he won't rest until he feels he took you on his side.
"He said: "Because you have thrown me out of the way, lo! I will lie in wait for them on thy straight way"(7:16)
"The Evil one threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. God promises you His forgiveness and bounties. And God cares for all and He knows all things"(2:268)
His methods of attack and the areas where he attacks are in all kinds and forms, and what is worse is that he instills us fear and doubts which lead us to sin, and then after we sinned he instills us loss of hope in God's mercy and forgiveness. Don't let this happen to you :)
"No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord"(016.099)
"As for My servants, no authority shall you have over them:" Enough is thy Lord for a Disposer of affairs"(017:065)
"Except Thy Servants amongst them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace)."(038.083)
See? We are not left forsaken in his hands :) and even if we fall in his trap and sin, we still have hope: "Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."(39:53)
   So, read and study the Quran, keep on praying even if you feel like you're not feeling it, and keep on calling on your Lord, for He is closer than you think: "And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way."(2:186). "And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein"(50:16).
God knows what goes on inside you, and if you don't give up on Him, He won't give up on you either :)
Peace be with you :)

Satan's guile:
Understanding kufr - when is a heart sealed?
Nothing at all, dear brother. God bless you :)
Salam Sstikstof,
No they wouldn't. If they were catched by at least 4 people during the act, and they saw the act with their own eyes, yes they would be flogged. But if noone saw them and after a few years they are already repented and mended their ways, then no, even if it is revealed what they did in the past, they won't get flogged. Bcs Allah is always accepter of repentance, so after almost every punishment ascribed in the Quran, the following line says "except those who repent and mend their ways". For more clarity, check surah Noor.
Salam :)
General Discussions / Re: What is the meaning of dabbah?
February 01, 2016, 06:47:12 PM
Salam sister Anjum,
You're not the only one who finds that verse thought-provoking :) actually that verse is a subject of much interpretation. Some say it is about technology (as you have heard), some about an earthly creature from flesh and blood, and so on.
Here's a detailed analysis of that word and that verse from brother Joseph:
And a discussion here in forum about the exact same verse:

Let me know if you have other questions,
your sister Seraphina :)
General Discussions / Re: Ayat 81:24
January 26, 2016, 03:57:43 AM
No need to thank me brother Sardar :) , if this helps, about the term "ghaib" The unseen / unknown
The word "unseen" means anything which us humans cant see and cant know, be it from the past or from the future. For example, when Allah in the Quran tells us a story about a past nation or prophet, in the end He often says something like "These We reveal to you from the unseen, you had no knowledge of them before". Or, when talking about the Hour and its time, its a future event and noone knows it except God, and God never revealed it to any of His prophets, or other creatures, because that forms part of the "unseen". Now, knowing something from the unseen, and knowing the unseen, its not the same thing. Prophets knew something from it (from the unseen) only when Allah revealed it to them, often as a sign of prophethood for their people. But none of people or angels or jinns knew or knows the unseen as a whole, it belongs to Allah only.

And by the way, please make sure the translations you use is trustful :)
General Discussions / Re: Ayat 81:24
January 26, 2016, 02:42:52 AM
Salam Sardar,
None of the translations i have say that he knew the unseen. The all say he didn't know the unseen.

Sahih International
And Muhammad is not a withholder of [knowledge of] the unseen.

And he is not avid of the Unseen.

Muhsin Khan
And he (Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) withholds not a knowledge of the unseen.

Yusuf Ali
Neither doth he withhold grudgingly a knowledge of the Unseen.

Nor of the unseen is he a tenacious concealer.

If you have any other translation which i'm not aware of, let me know.
Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
January 25, 2016, 09:00:50 AM
Thank you my dear brother Hassan A., I needed to hear that :) my conscience felt triubled many times, bcs I was afraid it will appear as if I'm neglecting my duties.
God bless you,
Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
January 25, 2016, 05:28:56 AM
I can understand that completely, sister Truthseeker. I tried to pray while in those days and I just couldn't do it. I felt unclean and got up. I thought I was the only one feeling that way. :)
Hey Anjum,
I just came accross this thread, and the question you asked is a very similar (nearly identical) like one asked some time ago. Here is brother Joseph's answer on it :) I think it will help you
Thread's name is "Wordly couples in jannah" under the "Women" section of this forum (bcs I'm having a trouble to copy-paste the link, so in case you can't see the link go to the search bar of the forum and type the title of thread)

Let me know if you read it and if it answers your question
Your sister Seraphina :)
Thank you so much Goodlogic, Hassan, Wakas and Mariyah for your insights. I feel I still need to study our holy book to understand what does it say about some facts regarding science and nature. Knowledge on our holy book is never finished, I suppose :)
God bless you
Assalamu alaykum everyone,
Im being assaulted a lot lately regarding these 'errors' in Quran, and as a non arabic speaker i need help from brother Joseph and/or anyone of you familiar with arabic.

First one concerns 23:12-14 regarding the formation of bones and muscles. In those verses we read "We made (from the lump) bones, and we covered bones with flesh". And I've come accross many sites who say that bones and muscles develop at the same time, simultaneously. God states in the Quran that it contains no errors, and the creator of mankind would never state anything false about the way He creates mankind. So, could you explain the verse or share your knowledge on this issue please? (especially on terms mughdah and lahm)

Second one concerns the 79:30. Some say it is "After that He spread the earth", and some say "After that He made the earth egg-shaped". The word in question is ''dahaha''. What is its accurrate meaning to be applied in this verse?

Thank you in advance,
your sister Seraphina

You're welcome my sister Truthseeker, I'm just hoping I'm being helpful :) Your kindness is appreciated as well :) God bless you!
Dear brother/sister Anjum,
I'm glad to hear this optimistic tone in your reply :)
If you've seen those articles then I'm sure you understood that war is only permitted in selfdefence and against oppressors or aggressors, and even then, careful: do not transgress, and stop if they stop! Ask yourself how many of these conditions does ISIS fulfill? From what you see, could it be a war sanctioned by God in the Quran?

Now, regarding the savings of your mother, I don't know where do they come from: her work or a share of inheritance? Whatever the case, the Quran acknowledges the right of the women to earn and inherit, and nowhere does it mention that she needs the approval of her husband (or of anyone else) about the way she spends it (mahr included). Let me quote you brother Joseph:
"The Quran recognises the equal right to earn for both men and women. Let us note a relevant verse below.
"And do not covet (Arabic: tatammannaw) what God has bestowed some of you over others. For men (is) a share (Arabic: nasibun) from that which they have earned (Arabic: iktasabu), and for women (is) a share (Arabic: nasibun) from that which they have earned (Arabic: iktasab(na))  and ask God of His bounty (Arabic: fadlihi). Indeed! God is ever Knower of all things."(4:32).
Please note: As the verb 'tammanna' (desire / covet) has been used in Arabic, the gifts that are being referred to, are tangible worldly assets or wealth. This interpretation is also supported by the use of 'fadlihi' (bounty) in the same verse.
Therefore, it is clear from the above verse, that no differentiation is made between men and women with their respective rights to accumulate a share of 'wealth'. Neither is any differentiation made in the verse, as to how this 'share' (Arabic: nasibun) has been accumulated or acquired (Arabic: iktasabu). There is no inference that the 'wealth' of women differs from men and restrictively applies to that which they have received as inheritance, maintenance or as in gifts."

As for ablution, let us keep in mind that God doesn't want you to be overburdened. He himself says that He has not imposed any difficulties in religion and He expects us to keep our duties to Him as best as we can. Anyways, the tayamum is prescribed only when there is no clean water available, and your mention of public washroom tells me there is water available. I can tell you for myself: due to winter coldness I do ablution inside my workplace. I use a small spray bottle with pure water, inside the office, but i put a paper handkerchief under the bodypart - the minute waterdrops fall, I wipe the part with my palm, put the papertowel under the next part and proceed with the same. It makes the ablution during winter a lot easier.
Even if that fails, try doing ablution before you leave for work.
I hope I was of help,
Your sister Seraphina :)

Alaikum wa salam Anjum,
Maybe I'm wrong but i feel a lot of disturbance in your writings. Seems to me you are coming in touch with many things which are not the same as they have taught to you, and I know it must be difficult to process everything at once, and maybe that you must be going through tough times - we all did, especially when asking the questions you ask :) trust me, it gets easier. You will get all your answers gradually, just be patient and remain calm.
Regarding your questions, here is some awesome brother's Joseph's works which I hope will help you:

About war/terrorism/jihad:

About the midnight prayer, seems to me you are refering to tahajud prayer. If that's the case, than no, it is not complusory. I mean, there is reward if you want to perform it but there is no sin in leaving it.
This particular prayer has only been mentioned once in the Quran and has been enjoined on the  Prophet. It has been enjoined to a singular person and from the context, it is clear that this command is directed at the Prophet. This is not for the believers as a specific prayer to undertake albeit believers can pray as much as they desire without any restrictions given by scripture except that one does not overburden oneself and keeps a balance (73:20).
"And pray in the small watches of the morning (Arabic: fa-Tahajjad): (it would be) an additional prayer (Arabic: Nafilatan)for thee (Arabic - Laka): it may be (Arabic: Asa)that thy Lord will raise thee to a station of praise and glory"(017:079)
[Source: Joseph islam - The five prayers from the Quran]

About saying Inshallah - this word is said only when you are planning something for the future, and it doesn't have to be loud. You can say it in low voice if it's forbidden or something, God hears you and that's enough.
About fasting, the only forbidden things are eating, drinking, and sexual relations. Tv and music and any relaxing activity is allowed for as long as it doesn't contain any immoral or harmful content within itself, and for as long as it doesn't distract you from the true purpose of fasting, which is good and pure deeds, and more spiritual closeness with your Lord :)

As for the money issue and tayamum, let me do a bit more of research on them and i will get back in touch a.s.a.p. inshallah :)
Until then, let me know if answer helped, and if you need more clarifying,
God bless you,
Your sister Seraphina