The Remit of 'Dhikr', Invocations to others in Prayers and Tashadud

Started by Reader Questions, January 06, 2014, 06:31:39 AM

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Reader Questions

Salaam Brother Joseph!

Happy 2014! Could you please enlighten me about this link, tashadud and reciting the dua during salat is alright.

Allah Hafiz and Take Care!!

Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam,

Happy 2014 to you too!

'Dhikr' understood in its general sense as 'remembrance of God' has a wide remit including the nuance of to praise, to magnify, to extol and to give status.

Remembrance of God can be done in a number of ways and arguably this also includes the need for supplication. After all, by asking or pleading for something earnestly or humbly, one is magnifying or extoling God's status above all of creation and recognising Him as the only sole provider.

When one supplicates, they ask their Lord for a variety of things for both in this world and in the Hereafter. This is still within the realm of 'dhikr'. The Quran doesn't confine the remit of dhikr. It is not as if Muslims in the main ask another God or another entity along with God. This would clearly amount to 'shirk'. So anything asked from God is still in His remembrance (dhikr).

This is not in contravention of verse 20:14. The additional brackets (only) in the article appear superfluous.

Thus, a prayer for those that have passed away whether relatives or past prophets is arguably not in contravention of the Quran's guidance and to argue otherwise is in my humble view, unwarranted.

The comment:

In addition, indirectly, the verse "And the places of worship (Masjid) are for Allah (alone): So do not invoke anyone beside Allah." (Qur'an 72:18), further emphasises this point, since masjids are places where salah is performed.

The fact that no other entity should be invoked apart from God 'in worship' or with a view to seek assistance is granted. By invoking peace for the deceased or past prophets is not tantamount to 'worship'.

With regards the'Tashahhud' and the greeting which is in the 'first person narrative', the article is correct in what it suggests and can be avoided or at least, phrased differently.

Indeed the Prophet is not alive today and it is unlikely that he would have ever used such a construct for himself in his prayer. Invocations of 'peace' can however be given to all the prophets which is within the scope of the Quran's guidance. There are numerous Quranic verses in which God sends peace on the deceased prophets Himself [1].

I hope that helps, God willing


[1] PBUH

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