Who Frowned Away in Surah Abasa (80.1)?

Started by Reader Questions, November 14, 2011, 02:32:13 PM

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Reader Questions

Salam brother Joseph,

In your article about the scope of obedience to the messenger you state:

>080.001 The prophet frowned (abasa) and turned away. The complete narrative is an admonishment (80.11).

This is an interpretation since the Arabic text does not state that "he" who frowned was the messenger (rasool). Other interpretations read this as referring to a rejector/ingrate (kaafir).

Joseph Islam

Peace brother,

The usage of the 2nd person singular masculine 'anta' in 80:6 and 80:10 almost certainly frames the context as this being directed to the Prophet. No other would have been spoken to this way directly apart from the person the scripture was inspired. It is also interesting to note that given the veneration, miraculous and infallible portrayals that many traditionalists advance with regards the Prophet, they were unable (majority) to interpret this narrative in any other way. The direct terms that have been used, in my humble view have stabilised the interpretation of the text.

Your brother,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell