Dear Wakas,
As-salam alaykum
Please see my responses to
your comments in
blue Italics.
“Couldn't the same thing be said for a human being, i.e.
How can something (e.g. human being) which is a direct consequence of another entity with 'free-will' (God) have its own free-will?”Adam is a living entity in its own right, created by God to make decisions as part of his free-will. From what I understand you are respectfully implying, 'Iblis' is not understood as a living, breathing entity or species in its own right with the ability to do right and wrong similar to humans.
“Also, it is similar to the question about malaika, do they have free-will? I have not studied Quran with regard to this topic.”This is actually a very important question. The angels clearly made their opinion known in the form of a question as to why God was to create such a creature that would cause bloodshed when they in comparison extoled His glory (2:30).
If they simply had no free-will, the question and opinion arguably would not have arisen. Hence, the popular concept of 'angels' does appear to be in conflict with the Quran's perspective. Yes, of course, angels obey orders but that does not mean they have absolutely no 'free-will' or at least an extent of free-will where they can question and present opinions.
“I assume you take the story of adam/mankind as literal in its entirety?”My view of the story of Adam is a literal interpretation from a
Quranic perspective. However it differs with many traditional perspectives in key areas which I have discussed. Of course, the story has much wisdom on multifaceted levels which for the purposes of this post is outside the scope of enquiry as you can appreciate.
From my humble perspective of the Quran, before Adam could come into being, the physiology of his species was evolved through a process of God guided evolution.
Humans were evolved through diverse stages.
"And indeed, He created you in diverse stages" Although many do argue that this is a reference to man's short period in the mother's womb and its diverse stages during the gestation period, this view is somewhat difficult to sustain if we note the very next verse which within context seems to be referring to a long evolutionary process where an analogy of the heavens is presented.
"Do you not see how God has created the seven heavens one above another"?One cannot simply overlook the comparison made with the heavens which elsewhere is given as 6 long stages (periods / aeons / epochs)
Then we read the following only a couple of verses later.
"And God has produced you from the earth growing (gradually) (Arabic: Anbatakum)" The Arabic word
'anbatakum' is formed from the root word nun-ba-ta which means to grow, germinate, to sprout like a plant or to grow up like a child.
"Do they not see the earth, how many of every noble kind We have caused to grow in it (Arabic: Anbatna)"?Once the species had reached a specific physiological state of advancement (bashar), God chose two creatures from this species and
'blew' His spirit in them which gave them 'human' attributes (ins).
They were now a distinct species.As you know, 'Ins' points to such attributes as faculties, perception and knowledge. It means to be companionable, or to show an inclination to have company or make conversation. It means sociable, conversable, amicable and cheerful. 'Bashar' on the other hand, refers to the more physical, physiological attributes of a human being. It refers to the skin, complexion, beauty, elegance of form, physical intimate relationships, contact of the skin etc.
The time lapse in the creation of man is clearly presented by the Quran and I have discussed this comprehensively in my article
[1] below.
Adam and his spouse remained distinct from the remainder of their parent species and were 'technically' a new creation in the sense they were now part of 'ins'. It can only be surmised as to what happened to the remainder of the parent species over succeeding generations. However two new 'humans' came into being as distinct creations at a particular point God intervened. (After He blew His spirit).
"And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal (Arabic: basharan) of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. So when I have made him complete (fashioned him) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down prostrating to him'Iblis
as a separate entity refused to submit to the command, after the 'bashar' had been completed and the spirit of God had been blown to turn the creature into a human (ins).
Furthermore, this process of guided evolution did not occur anywhere
but planet Earth. It is a difficult proposition to accept that despite Adam being created for the Earth, he was instead introduced into another location such as 'heaven', especially when there is no direct evidence in the Quran for such an assertion. Furthermore, it is difficult to accept that he was then given volition to sin to carry it out so that he could be banished to the Earth, the intended location of his abode in the first place. The term 'jannah' simply means a 'garden' irrespective of whether it is an abode in the afterlife or elsewhere. It takes its meaning from the dense trees which conceal the ground.
[2]A more plausible explanation given the text and the context of the narratives of the Quran is that Adam was raised from his parent species on Earth, the intended location and therein given volition to make choices. Indeed, the state Adam was introduced into was one where he would neither have to toil to gather necessary provisions for sustenance, felt the heat or thirst, nor would he have felt ashamed of his nakedness (much like the animal kingdom). For all intent and purposes, this was a state of felicity irrespective of being an Earthly abode.
"Surely it is (ordained) for you that you shall not be hungry therein nor to go naked" 020.119
"And that you shall not suffer from thirst nor shall you feel the heat of the sun"It was this state that he was removed from after he had sinned.
Then did Satan make them slip from it (garden), and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said: "Get down, (all of you), with enmity between yourselves and for you in the earth will (is) a dwelling-place and your means of livelihood for a time." It was this state on Earth which was removed and a trial established.
As you can see, the account is literal but quite unlike the traditional Muslim perspective and from usually understood 'creation' stories.
I hope that clarifies my perspective, God willing.