Question on 45:23

Started by Yusuf Ali, April 21, 2014, 11:53:22 PM

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Yusuf Ali

Salam Alaikum Joseph,
My question is about this verse (45:23) i want to know who it is referring to. Do people who suffer from (unlawful) addictions take their desires as God. Can they be considered as Mushriks. For example can someone who is heavily addicted to cannabis or pornography be deemed as kafirs.
45:23 Sahih International: Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah ? Then will you not be reminded?

Sardar Miyan

Salam Bro Yusuf Ali , Welcome QM Forum. I don't think such person has become kafir or Mushrik. What Allah says that due to his vain desire which he has made his god his hearing, vision & hear are sealed so that he can use them. Once he stops doing so Allah may revert him back as Allah is most forgiving & compassionate. It is my humble opinion otherwise Allah knows best.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam brother Yusuf Ali,

I would personally see the examples you have cited as sinful. Unless the individual is in 'denial' that these acts are 'sinful' then I do not see this as 'disbelief' in the general sense. Disbelief is denying the truth when it has reached you when you have no reason left to deny it.

However, there is always a difference between someone who knows the sins they commit and take active steps to curtail it seeking assistance from God in earnest and those that simply pander to their wayward inclinations. If it is God's decree, then the latter category of sinners may in due course have their eyes covered and be sent astray.

I hope that helps, God willing
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Salam Yusuf ali,

I consider these behaviour of the People as beeing one of "Al-MuSRiFun" ,we should take what is there in our Environment
and only take what we need for Food.

(140) It is He who produceth gardens, with trellises and without, and dates, and tilth with produce of all kinds and olives and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in variety): eat of their fruit in their season, but render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered. But waste not by excess: for Allah loveth not the wasters. (141)

Pharao was called "AL-MuSRiFun" he wasted his Lifestyle with extravagance his addiction was to be godlike.I dont know in which catagory People who take their desires as god belong ,there are People who belive in God,Angels,Prophets and his Books
and join the gatherings of Praying but do "suffer" by addicted activities like you quoted YusufAli,but they are not loved by God.

Yusuf Ali

AOA my dear brothers,
I thank you all wholeheartedly for your responses on this subject. Yes indeed i agree with you Joseph brother that these acts are indeed sinful and i agree with you 'deliverance' that these are acts of transgression. However disbelief i believe can come in many forms. Isn't it reasonable to think that these types of individual, whilst believing in God and his messages are setting up partners with God. Allama parvez in his translation of the Quran has translated (and interpreted) this:
24:3 Zina or illicit sexual intercourse is not an ordinary offence. If you analyze it carefully, the only woman who would agree to such sexual contact[1] is one who does not consider her chastity to be a permanent value; or who becomes subservient to her passions (instead of the Divine Laws) and surrenders to every urge (45:23).  Similarly, the only man who agrees to having such sexual intercourse is one who surrenders to his passions and does not differentiate between human and animal life.  (Thus Zina can only take place when both the man and woman are driven by similar desires[2] ~ 24:26.  If even one of them wants to remain chaste, there is no possibility of such an act ever taking place.  That is why the punishment for Zina is equal for both, the man and the woman.  Such a relationship is forbidden for Momineen.)
In this case the matter being addressed is Zina, where the two individuals have submitted to these passions instead of submission to Allah.  :-\. This is a subject which I have been trying to grasp some understanding of for sometime now.



Q: My question is about this verse (45:23) i want to know who it is referring to.

45:23 seems to refer to 2:6,7 - those who will not believe, warning, or no warning.

Q: Do people who suffer from (unlawful) addictions take their desires as God. Can they be considered as Mushriks. For example can someone who is heavily addicted to cannabis or pornography be deemed as kafirs.

After all, it is to warn all those who are slaves to passions, lusts, etc. - in fact, slaves to Satan (36:60,61) who is clearly, Man's enemy - and thus neglect the Hereafter, that God sent his Prophets.

The very first Commandment - the standing Commandment throughout all ages - is: Laa Thushrikoo Bihi Shaiaa (6:151).

Our standing Covenant with God is: Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastha'een (1:4)

The word Shaiaa ("anything") in 6:151 is significant, in that, it prohibits Shirk altogether!

Join not anything with him... (6:151).

"Anything" will mean whatsoever, and howsoever.

It may be that people addicted to cannabis and pornography are reformable.

But a Mu'min can never ever be complacent regarding such things.

A. Ismail Sait.