Salam to all,
There's an issue upon which I'd like to know more. I almost never had bad dreams, but ever since I started to study the Quran and perform the 5 daily prayers, I've been having bad dreams and nightmares. Those of you who are familiar with Islamic Secondary Sources may have heard of dream interpretations according to Prophet's traditions. According to these interpretations, my dreams foretell terrible events taking place - possibly death of beloved ones.
I always pray to God to give me strength and not to let me sink in despair and fear that usually bad dreams bring with them. But sometimes, it's stronger than me, and I'm finding myself afraid to go to sleep because of what I might see there, and the lack of sleep causes problems in daily life and overall health. And the worst part is that every-time I wake up screaming from a nightmare, my family members are like "that's what happens when you go to deep in religion. You never slept well eversince you started praying and studying. Hey, many people have even gone insane after reading religious scriptures". (''going too deep in religion" means praying salat and striving to apply Quran in your life. Some people think having a good heart it's enough to earn God's pleasure.).
My question is: According to the Quran, where do the bad dreams/nightmares come from? Just because the bad dream of Pharaoh's servant (surah Yusuf) became true, does it mean that bad dreams always come true? Is there a Quranic dua or action to protect ourselves from having them, or at least prevent them from becoming reality or disturbing our inner peace?
Brother Joseph and others, what is your opinion on these issues?
God bless,
Your sister Seraphina.