Following is the Noblest mission after forming a Govt by our prophet where there was peace & safety
for all people. Therefore establishment of a Muslim State is essential to be formed.
THE NOBLEST MISSION STATEMENT EVER: At the outset of the call to the prophetic office, the exalted Muhammad announced the highest and the noblest possible Mission Statement ever, "We will establish a State wherein a beautiful young woman laden with jewelry will be able to travel alone from Yemen to Busra in Syria, about 1,500 miles. Yet, she will have no fear but the fear of Allah."
This meant that in the Muslim Empire, the life, honor and property of all citizens would be safe. It promised peace and rule of law in the society beginning with discipline in the hearts. The exalted Prophet achieved this lofty mission in his lifetime! Sall-Allahu-'Alaiyhe-Wasallam