Should women perform assalat when they are in mentruation &

Started by Saleh, November 25, 2011, 09:47:04 AM

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Peace Bro Joseph,

1. Should women perform prayers [assalat] when they are in mentruation?
2. Can a woman leads a congretional prayers [assalat]?

Peace Bro

Joseph Islam

Walaikum salaam Saleh.

Please see my responses to your questions:

Can Women Pray During Menstruation?

Can Women Lead Mixed Congregational Prayers?

I hope this helps, God willing.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell



Yes, it really does, you were very explicit, especially the second question, in which there other Quran alone orgnisation says other wise.

Thanks again and GOD BLESS U.


salamu aleikum to all
I had to laugh because I thought of something:
1.Before when i was   Sunni I did not pray, by the period, but I felt always  totally bad   (subhanallah)
2. then i became a Quran muslim and the Traditionalist says to me: careful, in the end, you  will not pray at all! But then now, I always pray. This is in the eyes of traditionalists a great sin, and they discuss about it with me vehemently.
3. o.k. then, because all this discuss, because a pray to much,  I would make no more Salah. (I say: i would ). In that case, I would fall outside the islam from the common muslim-eyes, because I would not pray chalas.

fazit; in the eyes of traditionalists, I strayed way or completly, if i'm always praying it's wrong,and also if  I do not pray, it is also wrong ... ;D :o


In that case, I would fall outside the islam from the common muslim-eyes, because I would not pray chalas.
I dont agree with this!


Aslamaolaikum Chadiga,

I am little confused with your response to which I think valon has also responded. Are you saying that you stopped praying because of what others / traditionalists said to you?   :o :-\  Saba


salam at all
no no i say if i would stop the prayer.  ;)
I wanted to say that in the eyes of most traditionalists, what ever we really do, all our arguments are a priori wrong .... (I saw this by my husband, who freaked when he realized that I pray during the period , think what his reaction would be,if  I would tell him about some discussion about the prayer??) ::)


Quote from: chadiga on March 22, 2012, 06:26:36 PM
salam at all
no no i say if i would stop the prayer.  ;)
I wanted to say that in the eyes of most traditionalists, what ever we really do, all our arguments are a priori wrong .... (I saw this by my husband, who freaked when he realized that I pray during the period , think what his reaction would be,if  I would tell him about some discussion about the prayer??) ::)

Thanks for clarifying  8)