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Why is shirk the worst sin?
« on: December 25, 2015, 07:02:38 AM »
Salam :)

I came across this site that gave me a new definition of shirk. Most people consider shirk to be purely idol-worship, Trinity worship, or polytheism. Actually, according to Quran 45:23, pretty much ALL bad deeds done deliberately are shirk, because they constitute taking your sinful desires as gods.

Which is why shirk is the worst sin--it encompasses basically all other sins.

I think.

This is a fairly  new view and I was wondering if anyone has thoughts on this, or if I'm wrong, or what. This is quite contrary to everything I've been taught.

Happy holidays and Christmas ;)

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Re: Why is shirk the worst sin?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2015, 08:43:20 AM »
Salaam mia666,

Further to your understanding of what constitutes Shirk, Joseph Islam has an interesting take on it in his 'Idolatry According to the Quran' article:

"The Quranic understanding of shirk is deep and not restricted to 'worshiping idols' as commonly and restrictively understood....most people don't realize when they enter idolatry thinking it is only restricted to statue worship. Setting up partners with God can come in many different guises according to the Quran."

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Re: Why is shirk the worst sin?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2015, 09:05:31 PM »
Peace mia.
Warm greetings to you and family for the coming year and beyond.
Thank you.

I will go further and say that "GOD Alone" must be the priority. If anyone has a priority above that, they are committing "shirk"

Why? Simply because they are taking on other gods beside GOD Alone!!!

[Qoran 40:65] He is the Living; there is no god except He. You shall serve/worship Him alone, devoting your religion absolutely to Him alone. Praise be to God, Lord of the universe.
[Qoran 98:5] All that was asked of them was to serve/worship God, devoting the religion absolutely to Him alone, observe the Salat, and give the Zakat. Such is the perfect religion.

Yes, the "perfect deen" is having GOD in your mind 24/7. Relying and trusting and having confidence in Him Alone.

..." And they serve/worship beside GOD what does not benefit them or harm them..." i.e If one believes any thing or anyone beside GOD can benefit them or harm them are doing "shirk"!
22: 15 ” If anyone  thinks that GOD cannot support him/her  in  this life and in the hereafter, let him/her  turn completely to ( the creator in ) heaven and sever (  depending on anyone else). He/she  will then see that this plan eliminates anything that bothers him/her.”

11:123″ To GOD (ALONE!) belongs the future of the heavens and the earth ( Not to others!) and all matters are controlled by HIM. You shall serve/worship(follow) HIM and trust in HIM. Your Lord is never unaware of anything you do.”

12:103″ Most people, no matter what you do, will not believe.”

12:106″ The majority of those who believe in GOD, do not do so without committing idol worship.” (rely on/Follow others!)

23:115″ Did you think that We created you in vain; That you you were not to be returned to Us?”

23:116″ Most exalted is GOD, the true Sovereign. There is no god beside HIM. The Most honourable Lord, Possessor of all authority.”

25:58″ You shall trust in the one who is Alive, the one who never dies, and praise and glorify HIM. (ALONE!) HE is fully aware of HIS creatures sins.”

That is the purpose here. Do we accept GOD Alone or "other entities.i.e polytheism?

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

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Re: Why is shirk the worst sin?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2015, 09:12:28 AM »

I've seen the argument that shirk ONLY means idolatry, and it's supposedly the worst sin because committing idolatry is doing an injustice to Allah. This doesn't make sense, you can't do injustice to God! He's not a normal person who can be hurt like we are.

I think this view makes more sense. Joseph's articles are really helpful. He should write a book one day.


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Re: Why is shirk the worst sin?
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2016, 08:54:10 AM »
My opinion is that shirk is the biggest sin because it is something like adultery where adultery is where a someone in a marriage is unfaithful to their partner.

God has made us naturally hate adultery when it is committed by our partner. We feel disgusted that our partner has lusted after another person, betrayed our trust, shown ingratitude and lied to us. I believe Idolatry is where the worshippers were originally worshipping God but then for some reason they maybe create another god or gods because they wanted maybe more children or land or wealth, basically something their hearts desired and turned away from the true God even though they knew that God is the one who created them and looks after them. God wants people to just, compassionate, sharing, helping, kind, humble, modest and looking towards the hereafter. Maybe the idolaters are not happy with these things and want something more exciting, glittery, grand things they can boast about and abandon the worship of the true God. This I think is similar to an adulterous partner who is not satisfied with their current partner and wants to maybe lust after another partner.

So in short, if you need to feel and understand why idolatry is such a big sin then consider how you would feel if your partner committed adultery with you.

In the Quran and Bible it is OK for you to divorce your wife if she has committed adultery, it's a huge sin.

Take a look at what the Bible says. It gives more details about why God became so angry with the Children of Israel when they lusted after other gods.

I believe one of the reasons God made man have a wife is so that they could experience why adultery is so bad hence understand why idolatry is such a big sin. In the hereafter relationships with people on earth won't matter. They are created only in this life so we can learn and be tested.

The above is what makes sense to me so far.

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Re: Why is shirk the worst sin?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2016, 01:19:15 AM »
Hi samson! I agree with you on certain points: yes, shirk can be likened to adultery. However, adultery offends the other partner greatly and makes them sad. I don't think God gets sad when people commit shirk, because nobody can harm God or make Him sad. However, He does get angry, because these people are wronging their own souls. :( Either way, you raised a good point. :)