Questions about Durood Shareef Prayer & Attaheyat

Started by maverick83pk, January 12, 2016, 02:57:03 AM

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Dear Sir JAI,

By the grace of Allah, i have now turned to quran-centric Islam but regarding Salat i have a few questions about "Jalsa" (sitting) position in the Salat:
1) Now that "Attaheyat" does not make any sense, because since the Prophet is not omni-present and it is hard to believe that the Prophet pbuh actually read this Attehyaat himself, why will he be addressing himself in the first place? and the traditionalists give explanations that this is the dialogue between Allah, Prophet Muhammad pbuh and Gabriel on the Miraj ascension a story which finds no support from the quran and seems fabricated to me. This "Dialogue" explanation also seems to be conjured outta thin air as i have not come across another hadees to explain it. It might be someone's opinion without any textual evidence. So, can i recite any other Quranic prayer of Prophets in the place of Attaheyaat?

2) I have read your article about Durood Shareef Prayer. Quran tells us that Prophet Muhammad pbuh is not the Father of any of the believers and is the messenger of Allah and seal of Prophets. Now, what is this progeny of Muhammad pbuh are we praying for? As per historical records, Prophet's sons did not survive and his daughters were married, the lineage is carried by males, we all know that and not from female children, such as Fatima's sons from Ali are "Aal of Ali" and not of Prophet Muhammad pbuh. So how does this durood make any sense? Can i omit this durood and say some other quranic prayers?

Please help me i shall be much obliged.

Hassan A

Salam maverick83pk,

Unfortunately, Joseph Islam is unable to answer questions/concerns at this moment. He has stated (in the forum category titled: Debates- Joseph Islam) the following:

QuoteDear respected readership,
Given my ever increasing commitments and ongoing research, I will be devoting my time primarily to writing new articles (as requested by popular demand), sharing my research, papers and a plethora of notes in published document format, sharing thoughts on social media and answering general queries as best I can, God willing and time permitting.
For the foreseeable future, I will not be allocating my time in engaging in any debates which form the least of my priorities at present.

So, I and other forum members would like to do our best to answer your question with regards to what one can/should recite during the 'Jalsa' (sitting) position in Salat.

You asked the following two questions:

Quotecan i recite any other Quranic prayer of Prophets in the place of Attaheyaat?
QuoteCan i omit this durood and say some other quranic prayers?

The answers I provide you is/are not my answers, but rather they are excerpts taken from answers Joseph Islam has given on a similar question:

"...As far as what to say during prayer, there is no prescribed utterance, other than an expectation that you know what you are saying (4:43). Also, during private prayer, it is best to say your prayer in a slight audible tone ("Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between") 17:110.

A lot of people make their 'duas' after the prayers when I humbly see no reason from the Quran why it cannot be said inside the prayer. After all, what is prayer for? The traditional recitations during the sitting position, like the 'darud' are also just 'duas'. They are not recitations from the Quran.

As you have highlighted the 'sitting position', I would seek to express heartfelt 'duas' (prayers) to your Lord in a language that you understand and one which resonates with you deeply. You can recite, modify and edit the traditional 'duas'. You can recite completely your own.

The communion with God is a personal one and no one has the right to dictate your personal deep relationship with God and what language that should be communed. ":

"Prayer is an extremely personal connection with God which can penetrate the depths of one's current state of mind and emotions. Everyone's circumstances are undoubtedly different. A customized prayer suited for one's circumstance in a language that is 'understood' I feel is far more meaningful then a robotic 'ritual' prayer in a vernacular that is incomprehensible."

"Having said that, the Quran is replete with beautiful timeless prayers, such as...the ones I have noted here":


So, the take-away from all the excerpts I cited, the answer to your question is/would-be: You can recite any other Quranic (or personal) prayer of your choosing during the "Jalsa (sitting) position.

I hope that helped.


Thanks for the reply Hassan A.

It indeed helped! My question regarding Durood's "technical aspects" are not yet answered :)
By technical aspects i mean, that praying for Prophet Muhammad's pbuh progeny "Aal" does not make sense as we are told in the Quran that he is not the father of any of us, furthermore, historical accounts whether one likes to call them ahadees, as ahadees are no more than historical accounts to me now, albeit  quite a mishmash of contradictions they are! also tell us that Prophet's lineage was not continued as the male offspring is considered to be the bearer of family's name.

What is considered "Aal" of Prophet Muhammad pbuh by masses is actually "Aal" of Ali, so how is this technical aspect of Durood prayer resolved?


Nabil Arshad Farooqi

Sardar Miyan

Dear Bro The word AL is used for the decendends from male or female progeny there we the Muslim us " Ale Mohammad" even though he had continuation of progeny through daughters.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Sardar Miyan

There is no Quranic commandment for reciting   durood but it is from the secondary source (Hadith)
and about Atahiath one has find out why they have to recite "Ya Ahualnabi"?
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light