Hello, I know this is an old topic, but I wanted to add something and correct a misunderstanding.
"Huwa" (he) can refer to children of either sex. It can mean a young boy or young girl and the word happens to be masculine. Based on the context surrounding this verse, it is referring to the daughter/girl.
There are 2 plausible interpretations of this verse:
[43:18] "Does God choose for Himself the kind of children who grow up wearing ornaments and who are not able to defend themselves in conflict?"
[43:18]“What! [Am I to have a daughter -] one who is to be reared [only] for the sake of ornament?” and thereupon he finds himself torn by a vague inner conflict.
The first interpretation is saying that the polytheists see females as good for just looking pretty but not able to fend for themselves--and Allah is using this as a rhetorical statement back at them--"if this is what you believe about females, how could you ascribe with me this inferiority"
The second interpretation is saying that the polytheists see females as good for just looking pretty, and similarly Allah is using this as a rhetorical statement back at them, but instead the polytheist is the one who finds himself unable to defend this flawed position.
Which one is the right interpretation? I think both mean the same thing either way. Both show the polytheists misogyny and underappreciation of girls. So it doesn't matter, the message is the same