Why is the Bible different from the Quran ?

Started by ahmad, August 05, 2016, 07:54:52 AM

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As-salam Alaykum,

Why is the style of writing of the Bible so different than the Quran. For example, In Quranic stories there is usually little details and the emphasis is on providing guidance. However in the Bible the stories are much more detailed to the extent that it may seem difficult to extract guidance from it. Why is this the case when both the Bible and the Quran are from the same author.

Thank you in advance


To summarize Bible is a collection of religious writings sacred for Judaism and Christianity.  We muslims when say bible usually point to the Gospels (Injil). Gospels are written nearly 70 years later which is the tale of the Prophet Jesus by his followers. So it is not like Quran. It is kinda like hadeeth. There are four approved gospels by councils and they all have contradictions respect to each other. (source:jesus interrupted by bart d. ehrman). They are not direct words of God as we assume in Quran. Actually even in the old testament their style is not like Quran. Quran's style is direct wording of God but as for bible collection written by many different authors lived in different places and ages but they are said inspired by God.


Quote from: Ahmad on August 05, 2016, 07:54:52 AM
As-salam Alaykum,
Why is the style of writing of the Bible so different than the Quran. For example, In Quranic stories there is usually little details and the emphasis is on providing guidance. However in the Bible the stories are much more detailed to the extent that it may seem difficult to extract guidance from it. Why is this the case when both the Bible and the Quran are from the same author.

Hello Ahmad,

That is a great question. I would like to respond with a few thoughts....
- The Qur'an and the Bible must be very different, as they are almost opposite in literary styles. The Qur'an was revealed to "Recite", rhyme and rhythm so that it is easily memorised. The Bible is intended as a written account. This means it is going to be vastly different in style.

- Despite this contrast, the Bible and the Qur'an (as presented by the Quran) is intended to be in unity with one another. (Surah 10:94). The idea that the Quran was revealed to supercede the Bible is a later Islamic tradition that does not have basis in the Quran. The People of the Book at the time of the Quran were those holding the Bible in Arabia at the time of Muhammad, which was in the Syriac language, which is the same Bible used till today.

- You said about the Bible being much more detailed......that is because any document closer to the time of the event (eg. for the Hebrew Prophets) will naturally contain more detail.

- There was a comment form "relearning" about the Bible being like the "Hadith". This creates serious problems, as because the Qur'an is constantly referring, and affirming the unity of the Muhammad's revelation received with the Bible (Held by the People of The Book) in numerous places.... that would mean that the Qur'an is pro-Hadith. Obviously that is not the case.

The Bible is diverse, however all are considered divinely inspired, (The Kitab of Allah) much of the writings of the New Testament are divinely inspired letters written to the early communities of faith, who were struggling as the Hebrew tradition was that only Jews were the true "Ummah", and non-Jews were required to follow the Jewish cultural practices.

So Ahmad, it is more having a basic framework / Background for the Holy Books.... and appreciate their unique styles.

If you look at Br. Josephs articles on this site related to: The Arabic Language, The Bible etc., that would provide some good input..

Hope this helps,



yes i said it resembles like hadeeth collection during its contruction. Take the gospels for example please show me their divine side of revelation.

Mark: c. 68–73,[33] c. 65–70.[34] Location: Rome
Matthew: c. 70–100,[33] c. 80–85.[34] Location: Syria
Luke: c. 80–100, with most arguing for somewhere around 85,[33] c. 80–85.[34] Location:no consensus
John: c. 90–100,[34] c. 90–110,[35] The majority view is that it was written in stages, so there was no one date of composition.Location Western Anatolia

Just because it would create a problem in an accepted theory (by some) why to neglect this fact? It is clear and simple. It is just there even it may bother yours beliefs that doesnt negate it.



My primary point was answering the question of Ahmad in the reasons for different styles between the Bible and Qur'an, which is the topic of this post. The secondary point is focussed on what the Qur'an says about this topic. I encouraged reading the articles on this site in regards to the Bible, as well as to why the Qur'an is in Arabic. If you dispute any of the conclusions on this site, (of which I generally agree) I am sure the moderators would be fine to interact with you.

In regards to the timing and locations of writing of the 4 accounts of the Gospel brought by Jesus, that is another topic for another thread.


Thank you Relearning and Zack for your insights.