Peace good logic
My statement that says
Thus the People of the Book or the followers of the Quran will possibly not know for sure and with certainty what are authentic.
What I mean by that is because the Quran confirms that distortion has been done to the previous Scriptures plus what we have of the Bible today does run contrary to the Quran, then one can assume that they are not "pure".
I had answered Ahmad's question by way of two different view points, because I thought that would be important because there would be different opinions about how the Bible is viewed from those who are readers of the Quran and from those who are not.
From the view point of the readers of the Quran, yes the Quran is the source where one can tell between the fabrications and the truth. It is clearly a guard.
But the question asked by brother Ahmad was in other words "
since we know the Bible is not pure, and sure we can tackle the passages that contradict the Quran clearly with the Quran but what do we do with the passages in the Bible that do not contradict the Quran? how can we with certainty tell if the passages in the Bible that do not run contrary to the Quran are authentic since we know the Bible is not pure"
Then its either that the Bible is pure other than the passages that contradict the Quran, or that God has overlooked what we can never know and it would not be verifiable.
The Quran does repeatedly calls the People of the Book to their respective Scriptures that was available at the time of prophet Muhammad's ministry. This cannot be denied.
5.68 "Say: "O People of the Book! you have no ground to stand upon unless you firmly stand by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." It is the revelation that comes to you from thy Lord, that increases in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But do not grieve over disbelieving people"
5:43-47 also asked them to judge by their scriptures.
5:15 "O People of the Book, surely there has come to you our Messenger, making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the scripture and overlooking / forgiving much. Surely has come to you from God a light and a clear book"
The above verse clearly indicates that prophet Muhammad(pbuh) came with the Quran that makes clear to them much of what they used to hide or make obsyre of the Scripture and not everything but overlooking much.
"and overlooking / forgiving much (Arabic: wa-ya'fu an kathiran)". This part also makes it clear that God did not go over everything of what they had obscured or hide, but passed over it, forgave, or overlooked it.
I also stated in my previous post that the People of the Book have a duty also upon them to understand their Scripture in truth. How they can do that is best is of course through the Quran.
But from the questions you asked me the question still seems to remains did the Quran go over every single passage that was fabricated the ones that are in complete contrast to the Quran and the ones that are not or the ones that seem to neither be confirmed or unconfirmed by the Quran?
There is also stories in the Bible that are never mentioned in the Quran, how does one reconcile those? They do not seem to be negative nor positive? Some are pious, some are not, again how does one reconcile those when the Quran does not touch on them?
you said
GOD is calling them to what they cannot make out what is authentic and what is not?
No thats not what God is calling them to do. He had corrected what He wanted to be corrected of the previous Scriptures, and left it at that. Are they authentic after the corrections, God knows best. He still tells them to abide by them.
They had books that were left out of the bible, is GOD leaving them books out as well?
If you can understand that there is books left out of the Bible, then I'm sure they can as well and they are responsible to include them.
I'm not saying what they have as a cannon or what is named the Bible today is correct, they may have other books that maybe authentic as well, I've read that there is other manuscripts that are not part of the cannon Bible, but the Quran confirms a passage like the story of Jesus forming a bird from clay by God's will.
I know this is one of the hardest topics I find to reconcile. Therefore I am open to other views, but as of yet I have not read other opinions better than what brother Joseph Islam's perspective on this topic.
From what I assume you believe is that the Bible is no longer a guidance to the People of the Book since the Quran presence? Forgive me is I am assuming correctly.
If this is the case, in what purpose is the Quran a "muhaymin"(guard) over them? There would be no need to be a guard, if the previous Scriptures are to be abrogated in its entirety.
Does the Quran clearly abrogate them or call them obsolete?
Answer the above brother good logic only if you are in that opinion.