Does Purpose the purpose of creation not imply a need?

Started by Rafiqqq, August 02, 2017, 03:27:57 AM

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Peace to u all, brothers and sisters in faith,

Hope you're all well.

Brother Joseph, I would appreciate your input on the subject;

In my engagement with a friend on Facebook, he raised a question that got me reflective; His question was regarding God and the claim that God is self-sufficient n has no need; he asked that IF GOD'S PURPOSE OF CREATING THE JINN AND MANKIND IS TO WORSHIP HIM, DOES THIS NOT IMPLY A NEED TO BE WORSHIPED?

I would appreciate the input of all members

Peace to you all.

good logic

Peace Rafiqqq.
My opinion:
GOD has no need. GOD is self sufficient,complete...etc.
The crucial word "Yaabudooni" is not a requirement or need for GOD. It implies our need for connection/closeness/reliancein GOD s leadership... To GOD Alone to achieve our aim of growing our spiritual souls to benefit /receive /share GOD s kingdom.
The aim/purpose of life is  in trying to mirror GOD s attributes of "love,forgiveness,justice,..." that allows a soul to be "close to GOD"/belong to  GOD s kingdom.

GOD could create "perfect" souls i.e robots,however,in GOD s wisdom,the best/perfect soul that attains the closeness/kingdom.. of the Creator is  the soul that choses willingly/works hard at /fulfils the amana... by itself.

Translating the word"Yaabudooni" as worship is the problem I see.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Dear Rafiqqq,

This question is directly addressed in the Quran.

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.
I do not want from them any provision, nor do I want them to feed Me.
Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength.

God does not need our worship. God is self-sufficient. He has ordained worship on his slaves as a means for their spiritual success. So if God, in creating Mann and Jinn to worship him would imply anything, it is this. That God is merciful [6:12]. You see, God could have created Man and Jinn and tortured them eternally. Instead, God given the chance to his creation to obey and worship him in return for eternal bliss. God is not obliged to do that. But he did it out of his mercy.

God gave a chance for his creation to redeem themselves by worship when he could just have punished them right away. This I believe implies mercy above all else.

Hope this helps, God willing.