After Reading Your Hair Covering Article

Started by Reader Questions, October 06, 2018, 10:14:13 PM

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Reader Questions

Asamalunalaykum Mr Joseph,

I have a short question. You said in your article that if someone feels "bedecking their hair" comes under zeenah it should be carefully considered.
Do you also include men in this? As men's hair can also be a cause of attraction? And of course, I mean a hat or turban or skull cap instead of a headscarf.

As for headscarf, do you mean the modern day "every hair should be covered" or also accept different styles where some hair is exposed (but still looks completely decent) in some cultures such as Pakistan. I mean a "dupatta"


Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam

As I trust you will kindly appreciate, my remit of interpretation would be primarily governed by the extent of the verse. Therefore, that particular statement [1] was made in context of verse 24:31 which governs 'al-muminati' (believing women).

With regards your second paragraph, I have admitted the sentiment 'respect to prevailing customs' in the same article [2] where I accept a balance needs to be struck whilst remaining intentionally non-committal to 'what' coverage would exactly entail. Therefore on a personal level, I would have no qualms in accepting your comment as fair and reasonable, particularly with focus on your comment which I've emphasised in bold.

"...or also accept different styles where some hair is exposed (but still looks completely decent) in some cultures such as Pakistan. I mean a "dupatta""

I hope that helps, God willing


[2] Ibid
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George Orwell