What is Kolema ? or the Arabic words " La Ilaha Illalahu Mohammadur Rasulullah "

Started by Beyond Tradition, May 02, 2019, 08:52:59 PM

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Beyond Tradition

Dear Brother Joseph ,
As Sa la Mualikum , Brother I did not read Quran fully with translation . So I have much lack of knowledge regarding many of verses if exsit or not . Most of the Muslims utter the words  in case of any crisis or as prayer " La Ilaha Illalahu Mohammadur Rasulullah "  My question is whenever they steps to worship to God they added the name of the Prophet Mohammed (SM) PBUH . They think without added Prophet Mohammad ( PBUH) worship to God will not be perfect . That is why , in 5 times prayer it is fixed (Doa) a part . My question is , is there the  complete verse " La Ilaha Illalahu Mohammadur Rasulullah " in Quran ? if yes then should Muslim utter this verse will trend to the partnership of God with Prophet Mohammed ? or If God added Phophet Mohammed (SM) then did God grade the position between messengers ? But I know the explicit verses in Quran states not to make any difference between messengers .  To me Many Muslims doing same about Prophet Mohammed (SM) like Jesus Christ . Please tell me in detail about the words " La Ilaha Illalahu Mohammadur Rasulullah " . It is written , headed at the top of mosque gate , uttered regularly ......

Thank you .

Joseph Islam

Dear Beyond Tradition,

Wa alaikum assalam,

Please kindly allow me to answer your questions in the points format below:

  • With regards your statement 'La Ilaha Illalahu Mohammadur Rasulullah' and subsequent question, there is not a complete statement such as this in the Quran [1].
  • There is nothing wrong with the statement in itself as the statement is true in much the same manner as the statement, 'There is no God but Allah and Jesus was His messenger' or 'There is no God but Allah and the Angels are His created beings[/i]'. These statements are true [2].
  • If the belief is as per your statement "They think without added Prophet Mohammad ( PBUH) worship to God will not be perfect", then there is no support for this belief in the Quran.
  • With regards your statement "If God added Phophet Mohammed (SM) [sic] then did God grade the position between messengers?", God did not provide this appendage in the Quran as compulsory. However, each of God's messengers do have separate ranks with Him - 2:253 (darajatin) which only He knows. However for a believer, they are to show no distinctions between any of His messengers [3]
  • In the end, it all depends on intentions. If the words 'La Ilaha Illalahu Mohammadur Rasulullah' are uttered to show 'distinction', an 'elevation of status' or a form of 'human worship', then this would be unwarranted. However, if the statement is made simply to state a matter of truth, then that by itself is arguably not forbidden by the Quran's overarching guidance.

I hope this helps, God willing,



[2] Ibid
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Beyond Tradition

Dear Brother Joseph ,
I thank you to have time for me.
I am agree on your thought and explained nicely. I know the exact meaning of the words I stated. But intention of the use is different. My simple question is , does Quran state same words adding Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in any of it's verse ? Or it is just two separate part from the Quran and people assembled together .

Joseph Islam

Quote from: Beyond Tradition on May 03, 2019, 05:48:40 PM
My simple question is , does Quran state same words adding Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in any of it's verse ? Or it is just two separate part from the Quran and people assembled together .

Dear Beyond Tradition,

I answered your question in my point (1).

        1. With regards your statement 'La Ilaha Illalahu Mohammadur Rasulullah' and subsequent question, there is not a complete statement such as this in the Quran [1].

So the simple answer again is no. These are two different expressions found in different parts of the Quran and are assembled together to make a truthful expression.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell