Salaam All
On reading the highlighted verses by Brother Nouman i can only see 2 areas of contention.
the people spoken about in these ayat are those claiming to be believers but Allah knows what is in their hearts.
1) 4:61 when it is said to them, come to what Allah has revealed, and to the messenger", thou seest the hypocrites avert their faces from thee in disgust.
Who are the hypocrites? those who turn away from The Quran or those who turn away from the messenger (assumed by many to be the sunnah). followers of the quran assume this to be the quran because of the usage of "messenger" and not "prophet".
" We sent not the messenger to be obeyed in accordance with the will of Allah"
Does this imply a sunnah and Quran together?
3) 4:65
"But no, by the Lord, They have no faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them.
Finding no résistance in their souls against thy decisions, but accept with fullest conviction"
Again, could be argued by Quran followers that this applies to Prophet's contemporaries and by traditionalists that the sunnah must be followed.
any light shed will be much appreciated.
Sorry to be flogging a dead horse here but i would rather leave no stone left unturned.
SubhaanAllah and Salaam to all