Love for Allah and the prophet

Started by miracle114, September 01, 2021, 09:08:56 PM

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Salaam all,
Read an article by Brother Joseph that mentions love is for Allah alone. In 9:25 believers are asked to love Allah and the messenger more than their families, wealth etc.
In the traditional circle it is now common understanding that one cannot love Allah without loving the prophet and both have to be loved, clearly not equally but still a requirement that one love Allah and the prophet because 9:25 is a command to love ALLAH and the messenger. I have no issues with this however the question then becomes where does one draw the line and not get swept away by too much devotion to the prophet for example writing his name besides Allah in masjids and devoting much time to reading about his life more than the Qur'an or praising him more than God (Allah forgive us).

Please share your thoughts


munir rana


I think,  many verses of the Quran are timebound.  Addressee of the verses are purely the then people of Arabia, when the prophet was alive. Yet we can get suggestions through those verses.
This might be that type of verse. The prophet needed immense support from his fellow believers regarding building  a new community, actively participating in war, charitable activities etc. So it was the guidence from Almighty for that time.
Devotion to prophet, through activities, is not relevance now, as he is not with us. But we must acknowledge his unbelievable effort, his sacrifice to fulfill his duty of risalat. We must love him, make dua for him, that's ok. But putting his name beside God in mosques looks very odd and it is some sort of shirk, i think.

Allah knows best.


I agree. The prophet PBUH would have been a special person to be chosen by Allah like all prophets and messengers. We are to make no distinction between them. Possibly as a cause of loving one over others thus causing a distinction. Allah in his infinite wisdom said do not make a distinction.
Appreciate you reply.


Dear miracle114,

Wa alaikum as-salam,

With respect, in the same response that brother Joseph has given with regards 'love is for Allah alone,' he has clarified about the connection made with the love for the Prophet (pbuh) in verses like 9:24 and 2:165 which is simply in 'common purpose' as in 3:31. See the excerpt below in the link shared.

"It is this 'common purpose' between God and his messenger that is often misunderstood and instead an unwarranted lean towards the 'personality' often ensues which results in nothing short of human reverence." [1]

In support of this view, I also share to you my comment on this which I gave in response to a similar query by yourself some years back.

"..the love, in purpose (in the absolute sense), for Allah, the Prophet and Allah's Cause (9:24), comes first. This is irrespective of the time in which a believer lives, contemporary or non-contemporary to the Prophet's time." [2]

As to how the love for God and subsequently for His Prophet(s) is expected to stay incomparable, I explained:

"Truth when realized, comes with it a great responsibility of upholding. Being conscious of this at the very best would actually exquisitely make a believer appreciate the exclusive role of firstly prioritizing the truth with which Islam comes with hence upholding that truth through obeying Allah and the Prophet, in such a manner explained above, be it against oneself, parents, etc.,4:135. It is in such a context of understanding at which the idea of the love of Allah and the Prophet overriding all can be acknowledged." [3]

I hope that helps.




[2]. 7:158 and God asking mankind to follow the prophet for guidance.

[3]. Ibid


Salaam brother
Yes I remember well. I apologise for asking the same question again and I see the "common purpose" as well as appreciating the prophet's role, Sacrifice and status within Islam. I am not trying to diminish nor reject our prophet's role or for that matter any love that we are to have for him. I was just wondering as some recently said to me you can't claim to love God if you don't love the prophet. I found this a very strange requirement to seek a path to God .

Jzk brother for your time and Salaam