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Offline Kaifa

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Flogging Punishment And As A Deterrence.
« on: June 27, 2021, 04:23:49 AM »
From the U.N /Western perspective flogging is viewed as ‘torture’ which it is and in the Qur’an is advocated and reserved for those who commit serious crimes.
Because purity of the self/ virginity holds next to no value in or even in ‘traditional’ Arab/Asian/African  culture extra-marital sexual relations are not viewed as ‘serious’ offenses. They are seen as a personal independent right. Yet, Allah(SWT) views that even the (verbal) slander of a chaste female merits 80 lashes which would certainly leave its unforgettable mark.
Never mind that sexual promiscuity has decimated villages and towns across Africa and Asia and that it costs 12 billion UK pounds annually to contain and manage the fallout from sti’s and that Western European is currently going through an sti epidemic and all the disease resistance that it breeds- as long as the sexual interaction is consensual it is viewed as normal and actually lawful no matter what it’s nature may be with the exception of children and even that may be the ‘final’ frontier left in their realm.
 Now a perceptive person may understand that the consequences of sexual ‘liberty’ have resulted in  a great deal of life-long  torture in disrupting families and community trust and creating a huge disease burden  and that it is only because of mass stolen and diverted wealth to fund such libertine lifestyles by the wealthy in these nations , that they’ve been able to ‘keep the show running’.
So, does their claim that Islam- Allah prescribes torture as a ‘crime against humanity’ have any merit?

Offline miracle114

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Re: Flogging Punishment And As A Deterrence.
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2021, 06:42:56 PM »
Unless linguistically and contextually inaccurate interpretations of the said verses have taken dominance in mainstream sources I would have no doubt in the Lord of all creation wisdom in it. What is a flogging now compared to an afterlife of torment. Allah the Almighty does not lie.
The world is where it is because a lot of folk do not fear Allah Taala as he should be feared. Guidance, fear, righteousness, hope and strife are basic and key and their levels are endless.
Sorry for venturing off track a bit but I think when it comes to serious matters or sin one must try and purify oneself before worrying about purifying the world.

Jzk and Peace

Offline Kaifa

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Re: Flogging Punishment And As A Deterrence.
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2022, 07:30:06 PM »

I don't see how its the muhmin's responsibility to purify others but certainly his/her own to keep their own self in that state. The autonomy of choice is after all, what Allah(SWT) Himself reminds Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) and the Qur'an listener/reader about. The muhmineen can explain and share their insights on how and why Allah(SWT) has ordained pure standards of personal conduct, though more often than not, are confronted by munafiqs and/or mushrikeen who seek to subvert and undermine the sanctity of the Qur'an vis-a-vis certain abusive 'hadith/sunnah' claims and who also attempt to corrupt them(muhmineen).

Offline Wakas

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Re: Flogging Punishment And As A Deterrence.
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2023, 09:15:06 PM »

Question: let's say it means lashes as punishment, witnessed by a group/community, what if the lashes were so severe that they tore the clothes of the person being lashes and thus exposed their body in a non-Quranic manner?

The point of my question: to my understanding public lashing is the punishment for a proven case, in a community governed by Quran-based authority BUT the lashes cannot be severe enough to tear clothing, so they would hurt but not extreme. Part of the goal seems to be public naming/shaming which is a deterrent in itself.


Interesting sidenote:

When lashes are given as punishment for proven adultery, The Quran states not to let pity/compassion prevent you from carrying out such a punishment [24:2], but it says no such thing for the alleged hand cutting-off verse, when many (all?) consider this punishment to be far worse. Please explain why this is.
