Depression in the light of the Quran.

Started by ahmad, April 02, 2013, 05:49:43 AM

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My questions is about people suffering from chronic depression and how does the Quran classify the issue.

Is it a test from God ?

Punishment from God ?

A result of someones own doings ?

And how should someone deal with it ?



Salaam Ahmad,

Depression has been classified as a mental illness which requires medical intervention.  Cause maybe physical like low thyroid hormones or lack of vitamins which can be easily remedied by medication.  Then there is the kind caused by a person's lack of coping skills in the face of life events like serious illness, divorce, death, separation, bankruptcy.  If one is weak in faith, then he would need some kind of counseling to deal with the grief and distress.

I personally believe that iman is enough for those who truly believe.  To be depressed over life events is so contrary to tawakkul.  If one sincerely believes in the Divine will and decree then his concept will change his perception thus he will be able to shake off the depressed thoughts. 
It could be a test as mentioned in the Quran or a punishment; it does not matter.  What we are required to do is patiently persevere and take comfort in the belief that God will not burden us more than we can bear and God will reward the patient.

"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"

Sardar Miyan

Depression is a kind  disease as other diseases which require treatment just as other diseases.I think Allah mentioned some where in His Book that He will reward the humans who suffer from  diseases by reducing their sins
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Adil Husain

Peace be with you Ahmad ,
In my humble opinion , any mental or physical illness can be a punishment from God or test or both. Allah knows best.

(2:155-157) We shall certainly test you with fear and hunger, and loss of property, lives, and crops. But  give good news to those who are steadfast,  those who say, when afflicted with a  calamity, 'We belong to God and to Him  we shall return.' These will be given blessings and mercy from their Lord, and it is they who are rightly guided.

There is a genetic predisposition to depression. Adversity and emotional deprivation also predispose to depression.

There is evidence that both drug and psychological treatment works in depression.
'I must strive for reformation of myself and the world'