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Messages - Duster

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General Discussions / Re: The arabic word HA
« on: March 22, 2017, 01:27:26 AM »
Shalom / peace Yahya ... Yes I think so ...

General Discussions / Re: Meaning of 55:72 Restrained
« on: March 22, 2017, 01:25:02 AM »
Shalom / peace Yahya .. Whose translation do you read???? Do you only read one translation????

General Discussions / Re: hafs and warsh 18:36
« on: March 22, 2017, 01:22:54 AM »
And with 3:146 the hafs say fought while the warsh says died so how do we explain this because it sounds like different versions this is very confusing

Shalom / peace Yahya .... Did you read the article that was shared by Ilker above by brother Joseph?  He argues that the Hafs version is the most authentic ....

"The Hafs transmission remains the widely accepted transmission in the Muslim world today which is attested not only by consensus (and mutawwatir propagation) but also early Quranic codices."

There was also a very interesting debate between brothers Bassam Zawadi and Joseph Islam below:

PLEASE PLEASE READ Before you ask any more questions ..... I've read the warnings given to you by the moderators .. The last thing anyone would want is for you to be banned for asking irrelevant questions .......>>>>

Just FYI - Salaatforum appears to be dead / non-functional again. Probably due to inactivity ...

Islamic Duties / Re: Sajjud to a Stone house in Makkah
« on: March 19, 2017, 02:15:54 AM »
Aslam alikum,

I would like to know isn't Prostrating physically to a Stone house in Makkah is worshiping it?

Shalom / peace Rashid.....Who prostrates to a stone house in Makkah to worship it??? I only know of a practice where Muslims in Makkah praying to Allah and using the Kaaba simply as a direction.....

General Discussions / Re: Joseph Islam on 9:29
« on: March 14, 2017, 11:27:46 PM »
As-salaamu 'alaykum

Joseph Islam wrote the following:

As-salam alaykum

The linkage and theme of this surah in the main goes back to verse 9:1 regarding treaty breakers.

Please see the following illustration which I trust captures the essence of the fighting verses including verse 9:29.

I also have a supporting article below.

I hope that helps, God willing

This is merely personal interpretation of Joseph Islam that's no support in the Qur'aan, particularly if the encompassing verses are read and profoundly contemplated. Verses before 9:29 were revealed about treaty breakers, but kindly note that these polytheists didn't have to pay the jizya, they only had to repent, establish prayers and pay the zakat (Brother Joseph doesn't make this distinction). So, this brother has to bring rational evidence from the Qur'aan how he could connect 9:29 to previous verses since these two are not the same nor telling about the same incident

It'd be ridicilous that some polytheists has to repent, establish the prayers and pay the zakat, while others has to pay the jizya. So, why this difference in the first place if 9:29 and 9:1 has a connection? Furthermore, 9:29 is speaking about those who were given the book.

The differences:

1. The previous verses mentions polytheists and 9:29 mentions those who were given the book
2. Polytheists had to repent, establish the prayers and give the zakat (not jizya) while those who were given the book had to pay the jizya, thus these tending to contrast
3. The reason to fight the polytheists were because they broke treaties, while fighting those who were given the book was that they didn't believe in Allaah, the lasy day, nor didn't not consider unlawful what Allaah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth.


Shalom / peace ... I'm not sure I get your points .....The fact that Jizya was to be paid by the people of the book who did not uphold the religion of truth is given by the illustration. So I don't understand what your concern is.....The illustration makes it clear what the split was and linkage in the 'main' to verse 9:1. i.e. Treaty breakers AND transgressors. (Pagans idolaters and disbelieving of the people of the book) .......

In my view an unnecessary criticism....

Discussions / Re: How can Allah regret?
« on: March 14, 2017, 10:57:13 PM »
Shalom / peace ... thank you brothers Hamzeh and wanderer. Helpful  8)

Islamic Duties / Re: Regarding Islamic Divorce
« on: March 14, 2017, 10:56:26 PM »
Shalom / peace bahariniam.... The meaning of 'revoke' means to cancel something. So in the context of the divorce .... it means was the 'divorce' cancelled. If the divorce is cancelled then there is no divorce. So the article is correct ......You are reading it wrong .... it is not the marriage being revoked is the DIVORCE being revoked ....

Discussions / How can Allah regret?
« on: March 14, 2017, 01:07:30 AM »
Shalom / peace brothers Joseph / Zack ......

I try not to criticise the Bible unduly .... something I have learnt from this website and from brother Joseph's writings ...... However, how does one deal with a verse like this of the TORAH OT ??????

"The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled." GENESIS 6:6

...............I think there is so much wrong with this verse ... How can Allah regret a decision He has made such as this?????

Shalom / peace brother Hamzeh.....A great response.....

General Discussions / Re: verses
« on: February 26, 2017, 07:30:50 PM »
Shalom / peace Sharon .....heaven is a place of bliss.....why do you appear so worried about this place.  Take comfort !!!!!

General Discussions / Re: animals senses
« on: February 26, 2017, 07:28:45 PM »
Shalom / peace......they may, they may not.  For e.g. ....Sometimes dogs show behaviour as if they can sense something. They may have better hearing and sense of smell and may be able to see in different visual ranges......Allah knows best.....

General Discussions / Re: meaning of 44:54
« on: February 26, 2017, 07:25:31 PM »
Assalam alikum
1. It says marry to companions does this mean remarry with our spouses from earth or does it mean we are married to new non human cretures meaning are houris us or something else

Shalom / peace.  If one of your spouse ends up in hell, how are you then supposed to marry them? Obviously....things will be different in the next world......we are created in a form we don't know and our companions may be righteous from earth reformed or a new creation......sorry i just find questions like this that the Qur'an purposely doesn't detail unnecessary and tedious......

General Discussions / Re: the word "hamr" in 47:15
« on: February 26, 2017, 06:36:25 PM »
The arabs liked wine so much that it was hard to forbade them drinking wine at once ,so they had to be abstinated from it bit by bit.First they were adviced not to come drunken to salat,then it is told that there is god and bad Things in khamar but the bad Things overweight it so leave it is ordered ,and the last stage was that wine is satanic.

Shalom / peace. A little confused.  What has this got to do with the opening post???

General Discussions / Re: Bush or Tree?
« on: February 19, 2017, 02:59:16 AM »
And as the fruits are hanging it is possible after a rainshower that raindrops can reflect sunrays if the angle is right.

Thats my Suggestion how Moses thought that it is fire in distance.Instead it was the sun reflecting in the hanging raindrops on the fruit

Shalom / peace ... Why could there not just be fire that prophet Moses saw? What mental conflict do you have that you are offering another suggestion? Just curious .....  ::)

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