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Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Following the Sunna
« on: May 05, 2014, 06:02:54 AM »
Question asked on Facebook:

"Brother Joseph Islam.

Thank you for your writings. They have really been an eye opener in so many ways. Though I am still confused about the 'follow Prophet's sunnah'. I understand the books we have (hadith corpus) are centuries apart from Prophet's time. But you assert that Prophet is not just a 'postman' and he may also have received 'divine inspiration' not mentioned in the Quran. You also mention that 'obedience' of Prophet was limited to his minstry and time. So: 1) What do we make of that divine inspiration now? 2) What about the companions of the prophet? They prayed behind him and must have followed one or more forms of salat (Jumah salat e.g.). So what were they supposed to do when prophet died? Did they just told to each other that the salat taught to them by Prophet is just not valid any more and they will do salat as they please (including the congregation prayer). All those commandments of Obeying Prophet Muhammad are invalid from now on? Now that he is dead.

I hope you see my point. I fully understand and concur what should the people removed 14 centuries from Prophet can make of. But how do you understand the implication for the companions who were obeying everything prophet taught them (from salat to details of Zakat, Hajj, Ramadan, etc)

I understand that you don't debate on facebook and that is not my intention so I will be more than happy if you can point me to a link where you have addressed this issue. JAK"

Dear Joseph

I pray to God you’re in good health.

I have a quick question related to halaal food:

I was reading about poisonous foods like poisonous fish and mushrooms and some fruits.

Does the Qur’an tell us anything about this?

The Qur’an says we can eat seafood, but some are poisonous.

How do we deal with this?

Thank you.

Salam Brother

The verse below is often quoted to predict ultimate victory of Islam over all man made systems.  Curious how you interpret it? Does this refer to the victory over man made system following the advent of Islam over a vast territory in the Middle East, North Africa, part of Europe and South East Asia OR do you read at an event that is yet to happen all over the world?

9:33 He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the True Religion (Deen = The System of Life), that He may cause it to prevail over all religions and systems of life, even though the idolaters may detest it. [9:31-33, 13:31, 14:48, 18:48, 41:53, 48:28, 51:20-21, 61:8-9. Please check all the verses referred to here.]


Thanks brother.
It really helped me. But based on that if I see someone trying to clear Message of the Quran and my heart or sixth sense says that he could be a messenger too albeit with his own personal shortcomings and weaknesses, and I also differ with him on some points (in a respectable way) and refuse to call him a Messenger. Then, would I be held accountable in the court of God?
Can messenger be sinless or just an ordinary human being?

Best regards,

I had a chance to go through your following article
Honestly, I am a bit confused and worried. Prophethood came to an end 1400 years ago. But you say that messengers are different and could still come. So my concern is who could be the possible messengers for past 1400 years? What if we just consider them a normal human being? If we don't call a Messenger 'A Messenger' specifically, then are we going to end committing a sin and/or blasphemy ? 
Same types of arguments have been used by Ahmadis and No.19 Group/Sect in the past, therefore I am a bit uncomfortable or worried with your points to be honest.

Moreover, it has been said that everyone from Adam A.S. till Prophet Mohammad SAW was a Nabi or Prophet and  we are not suppose to differentiate or give status amongst the Prophets sent by God. But Prophets also came with scriptures so can we assume that number of Books are equal to the number of Prophets?  Then how are you going to explain Jews having just Torah despite receiving guidance from Moses, Ishmael, Zechariah and Aaron and many more. Did Prophets came with complete scriptures or just parts of it / them in those cases?

God Bless you
Allah Hafiz and Take Care

Salamun Alikum,

Please consider few questions. Your thoughts would be helpful but no rush. Sorry if questions are repetitive or I missed while reading your article.
Question 1:
“2:168, 'O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, Lawful (halalan) and good (tayyiban)'.
The word used is 'tayyiban' (good) but it also says 'halal' (lawful). The Quran states categorically in the Quran what is 'halal' and what isn't”. 
I read your article, always very logical and reasonable.
I think Quran provides enough detail of Lawful (Halalan) but regarding Good (Tayyiban); it allows some permission what you feel comfortable with based on observation. For example human nature in normal circumstances repels consumption of insects, frog, crocodile etc.
I wonder if my thoughts are reasonable
Question 2:
005:005: "...and the food of those who were given the Book is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them..."
The verse above sounds like establishing a channel to come close and get chance to deliver true message of Islam. If it is restricting, then this question comes to mind, what about the food of Indians/Chines. Quran mentions messengers were sent to every nation but does not provides specific details about their scriptures.
Question 3:
Regarding salah there is much information in Quran and in your article you explored it very well. One of the requirements is “time specificity or performing at proper time as given in quran”. However, is there any verse/command that addresses permission for “Qaza salah” (If you missed the right time of salah you can later offer that salah with the intention of Qaza). There are verses related to expiation of acts, I wonder if any of those verses directly/indirectly suggests that it is OK to compensate salah by offering at another time.
Question 4:
I heard many times that “Adopting child is not encouraged. If it is Male, he becomes Na-mehram for “mother” and if it is female, after reaching maturity she becomes Na-mehram for “father”. However some people consider it as a charity and not a problem.
Would like to know your thoughts.
Question 5:
After divorce if kids are young enough (~9-11 yr). Do they have free will to live with either father or mother? In case if they chose to live with mother. Islam encourages father to take care of their needs until they become independent.
Thank you
May God make you more beneficial for the people and spreading Islam.

By: Mubashir Inayat

Salam Brother Joseph

Following question has been asked on Facebook. Seems to be a legitimate question. Have you written an article that may cover this issue?

Thanks, and no rush.



What is yours view on this Passage: Please make it simple comment on this post with perfect sweet answer
On the occasion of the battle of Uhud, some Qur'ânic verses were revealed to make the Muslims recall the events of the battle of Badr: How Allâh helped them and how He promised to send the angels to their aid, and how He actually did so. These verses are as under:
Allâh has certainly helped you at Badr while you were weak. So, fear Allâh so that you may be grateful. When you (O Prophet) were saying to the believers, 'Shall it not suffice you that your Lord shall aid you with three thousand angels being sent down? Why not? If you observe patience and fear Allâh and they come to you in this their heat, your Lord shall aid you with five thousand angels having distinct marks?' And Allâh did not make it but a good news for you so that your hearts might be satisfied. And there is no help except from Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. (3:123-126)

The emphasized sentence of these verses attributes the good news of the aid of angels to Allâh Almighty, meaning thereby that the good news of this aid was given by Allâh Himself. But this good news given at the time of Badr is nowhere available in the Holy Qur'ân. In other words, there is no verse in the Holy Book revealed during the battle of Badr which implies the good news of the aid of the angels. What is quoted above is only a reference of that news, made at the time of a later battle, and it is expressly mentioned in this verse that the good news was given by the Holy Prophet. Still, the news is attributed to Allâh.

Thus, it is another example where the words of the Holy Prophet are held to be the words of Allâh. There is no reason for this expression other than that the words of the Prophet were inspired by a special revelation, not contained in the Holy Qur'ân, and this is what is called the "unrecited revelation."

Dear Brother,

I've recently read Lesley Hazleton's book on the prophet's life, The First Muslim, and she mentioned some troubling "facts", such as the Satanic Verses, the massacre of the jewish tribe of Qureyz, the killing of poets critical of the prophet. I'm not sure where or why she got these stories. Have you read her book and can you throw some light on these "historical" facts, please?"

Salaamun Alaikum Dear Br. Joseph,

Hope things are fine with you and your family, Insha'Allah.  Last night, I was reading your article about Azabe Qabr, Masha'Allah very well said and, surprisingly, it resonates with my reasoning that I have been discussing with my family and friends for quite some times, particularly, your final thoughts and "SOME QUESTIONS" were in complete agreement with my thoughts, Alhamdolillah, you and I have reached the same conclusion because our reasoning were based on Qur'an.  You have been doing great work and I pray to Allah (SWT) to continue blessing you with wisdom, knowledge, and good health and happiness, Amin.

Last night, I was with some of my family members and the topic of death came up. Someone said "Angels of death" ask Two questions at the time of death.  The person couldn't recall the two questions but send me the following verse.


Yusuf Ali
When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge! -
Lo! as for those whom the angels take (in death) while they wrong themselves, (the angels) will ask: In what were ye engaged ? They will say: We were oppressed in the land. (The angels) will say: Was not Allah's earth spacious that ye could have migrated therein ? As for such, their habitation will be hell, an evil journey's end;
Surely (as for) those whom the angels cause to die while they are unjust to their souls, they shall say: In what state were you? They shall say: We were weak in the earth. They shall say: Was not Allah's earth spacious, so that you should have migrated therein? So these it is whose abode is hell, and it is an evil resort


I tried to read before and after verses to get the context but couldn't  get a solid understanding yet.  It seems that the conversation might be taking place at the time of death but the following verse 4:98 perplexes me. It appears it may have been on the day of judgement or it could be referring to a particular time and space?  I'd really appreciate your quick response. God bless...

Your brother in Islam


Yusuf Ali
Except those who are (really) weak and oppressed - men, women, and children - who have no means in their power, nor (a guide-post) to their way.
Except the feeble among men, and the women, and the children, who are unable to devise a plan and are not shown a way.
Except the weak from among the men and the children who have not in their power the means nor can they find a way (to escape);

Brother Joseph Islam

I have been arguing with atheists about the word atom. They say it didn't existed such word on classic arab. Can you please clarify this to me?"

Dear Mr. Islam,

I am close to converting to Islam after having been raised in Christianity my whole life.  I have been doing lots of reading and research and the more I look into the history of Christianity, the more it falls apart.  I still have doubts and questions about Islam, but the more I research the more it appears it is truer to the religion of Abraham than anything else today.

What are the requirements to be a Muslim?  It seems like a simple question and answer, but the more I think about it, the more complicated it gets.  Muslim means one who submits to God, correct?  So if I pray to God and don’t believe in the trinity, then am I Muslim?

What about the 5 pillars of Islam?  If I do not perform 5 daily ritual prayers am I not a Muslim or do I stop becoming one?  Common sense tells me “No”, because there are many Muslims in this world who do not pray regularly.

What about eating Halal food?  It is not a pillar of Islam.  If I do everything else, including prayer and Zakat, but do not eat halal, does that only mean my rewards in paradise are reduced?

Your website already answered one of my questions about being required to pray in Arabic.  Thank you for taking the time to make the website and answer questions.  I did not grow up in an Arabic or Muslim culture and everything is new to me.

Thanks for your time and opinion on the matter.


Joseph Islam's responses transcribed:

"Uncle Joseph, who created God and how does He know everything?"

Joseph's Response:

Try to think with me of all of the creation, the universe, everything like inside a ball [like inside this tennis ball].

Inside this ball, we have something called 'time' and 'space'. This is creation. You and I and everything we know in the skies and on our planet are inside this ball. You see, God is not part of this ball as only created things live inside this ball. Also, God cannot be controlled by the rules within the ball as He created the rules in the first place. Therefore you will see that God exists outside His creation and this ball.

Now, if God is outside His creation (outside this ball), then He will also be 'timeless' and will also be 'uncreated', because anyone outside this ball will not be restricted by time or space that is inside this ball. Do you see?  - Because 'time' and 'space' only have any meaning inside this ball.

So questions like who created God is a question that would only be possible if God lived inside this ball and was part of His ‘creation’. To someone like God who is outside this 'ball', this question does not mean anything. It is like asking 'what time is this chair?' Do you see? This question cannot apply here as it has no meaning.

"Ah! that’s so cool! So what is the point of doing something, if God already knows you are going to do it then?"

Joseph's Response:

That is a very good question. Now let's think of this ball we talked about. Because God is outside 'time' as He is not part of this ball, He also knows what is in the past, present and future at once. That is because God can see all around the ball and because time does not exist outside this ball. Therefore, God can be everywhere at the same time or better still, we should say, God's knowledge is everywhere. Some people like to call this 'omnipresent' in that God (or His knowledge) is everywhere at the same time, in the East, West, North and South, basically in all directions.

So He knows what you will do but that does not mean He will make you do it. You are responsible for your own actions in what you have control over. For example, He knew you would ask these questions, but He didn't force you to ask these questions.

"So can we do whatever we like to do because we have this free will?"

Joseph's Response:

No, not really. You may want to think of it like this. 'Free-will' is better understood as 'managed’ free will.  This means that we are only allowed to make certain choices and decisions in the framework in which God has allowed us to operate. In other words, it is like this ball. If I put a smaller ball inside this ball and shake it, the smaller ball can go anywhere inside the ball but not outside it. The smaller ball is therefore restricted to the boundaries of the bigger ball.

So in a real life example, if I need to get somewhere and the only way to get there is by using my car and God doesn’t want me to get there, the car may simply refuse to start. 
This does not mean that the engine broke on the spot. But the defects in the car which will led to the broken engine started to go wrong a long time ago so that at a particular point, the car just won't start. 

Now it is only because God knew (as part of being outside that ball) that I should not be at a certain place and a certain time and because He does not will it due to the ‘constraints’ He wanted to put on me, He was able to allow the defects in the car over the course of time to cause a fault at an exact time which would stop me from doing what I wanted to do.

That does not mean I have no free will, but simply means that I have 'managed' free will which I exercise in the 'constraints' in which God allows.

"So does that mean that God can make bad things happen as well like disasters etc?"

Joseph's Response:

Sure. God can create very difficult situations for us in order to test us and think. Sometimes what we see as ‘bad’ will have a purpose and wisdom behind it which we may never be able to fully grasp.

Salaam Brother,

I ask your opinion on the following.

Wouldn't sharks..whales..dolphins be considered carnivores? Like cats..dogs..tigers..lions? Eating any other creature.. but meaning flesh... also, how can one hunt a big mammal like this without shooting, making it suffer which is not a way for slaughter?

First of all, you have to look at the context of the verse. It was revealed as part of the rules explaining the restrictions on a person who is in ihram (the pilgrim's garment) during the pilgrimage.

If the verse is saying that all kinds of the "game of sea and its food" is Permissible, then what would one say about the next sentence---Would all kind of land animals be allowed after the pilgrim is out of ihram?! No one takes the expression in the second sentence "the game of the land" as a blanket approval for all land animals.

Moreover, the words "the game of sea and ITS FOOD" show that not every "game/catch of sea" is food; otherwise, there was no need to add the words "and its food" in this sentence. It would mean that you are allowed to catch many things from the sea but only "its food" is permissible for you to eat.

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / 'Tawakkul' or reliance on Allah
« on: February 02, 2014, 04:32:21 AM »
Dear brother Joseph,

Salam alaikum

I am a guy from India who stumbled onto your website when trying to find the meaning of the word khimar, I ended up reading not just that article but a lot of your other articles as well. Your articles have helped me immensely in my spiritual journey by making the path a lot clearer, and I wholeheartedly thank you for that brother. May Allah continue to grant you wisdom, and may he grant you and your family goodness in this life as well as in the hereafter.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your thoughts with me on the matter of tawakkul or reliance on Allah. A few people that I know take it to a point where it becomes fatalism, they reject medical assistance even when they are in dire need of it saying that it is Allah that cures and not the medicine. While I vehemently disagree with them on that issue, I do find that I have my share of problems too with finding the balance between relying on one's effort and relying on Allah. Looking forward to your reply brother.

Warm Regards,

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Hurs (Virgins in Paradise)
« on: January 30, 2014, 05:07:59 AM »
Dear Mr. Joseph,

I hope my email finds you well. I recently came across your website and found it very informative. May Allah reward you for all your efforts.

I'd like to inquire about one thing. In this article, you discuss the "hurs" of the Qur'an.

While your explanation of the other verses struck me as quite satisfactory, there are two verses you did not mention, that of 55:56, 55:74 in regards to them "not having been touched". I'd appreciate it if you would elaborate further on your view in the light of these verses.

Thank you,

A sister

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