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Messages - tubat

Pages: [1]
Discussions / Online Meeting to bring fellow believers together
« on: June 12, 2021, 07:27:42 AM »

I think it is very important to bring fellow believers who believe in the Quran, without the influence of any external source, together (3:103, 3:200). To that end, I have established a meetup group on under the title "Quran Alone Meetup-Southern California." The link is: We meet every week online via Zoom to discuss the Quran and to get to know one another. Please join if you can. I look forward to speaking to all of you.

Discussions / Online Meeting to bring fellow believers together
« on: June 12, 2021, 07:25:17 AM »

I think it is very important to bring fellow believers who believe in the Quran, without the influence of any external source, together (3:103, 3:200). To that end, I have established a meetup group on under the title "Quran Alone Meetup-Southern California." The link is: We meet every week online via Zoom to discuss the Quran and to get to know one another. Please join if you can. I look forward to speaking to all of you.

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