Hi Saba,
Thanks for replying. But as much as Aidid and his ideas are being pushed aside ( not that i am agreeing ) I believe the argument provided by edip too has very little merit in it. he agrees and disagrees. he also did not provide any information on the word salat or even sola. there is not study done to clear the confusion around this two words. What i've read from numerous blogs and sites too do not provide any good comprehensive study to clear out the misuse of the arabic languange.
Sorry, but i am not the type to just ignore something just because it does not suit the masses or because i do not understand arabic enough. I used to believe in hadiths but not anymore. i used to be a sunni but not anymore. all from studying and searching for a better understanding of truth.
It is easy to discard ideas. but provide a comprehensive study and proof before discarding.
what is sola?
what is salat?
does SLT exist as a word used by God in the quran?
or does SL exist in the quran?
same with zakaa and zakat.
how can non arabs possibly get the full truth when there are people giving meaning to a word in arabic thats not its original? ( i find this possible)
now, you can say its a waste of my time and ignore it. but i will only do so when there is a proper understanding of how this guy is cheating us.
salam Saba and have a pleasent day.