Asalamu Alykum Abbsrayray
as you stated
"There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was NOT referring to Gods presents. Nor the Holy Spirit, Christians think the Holy Spirt is one of the three of the Trinity which is linked to God, Which is certainly not true."
Lets keep in mind what the Bible says and not what the Christians in a whole say. I am not a scholar either of the Bible and have not completely read it. Though from many people even from muslims, I hear that the Bible does not claim such a trinity. Im talking about the Bible in the language it came down with or was present at the time of prophet Muhammad. The Bible in english can be no different than the translations of the Quran in english where many translators keep in mind for example that prophet Jesus is coming back and they would mis translate verse 3:55 and many other verses. But an example below
"Yusuf Ali
Behold! Allah said: "
O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute."
where the word "Mutawafeeka" has not even been included in the translation. The translators might not of known or just tried giving their best explanation. please see article for more clarifications., according to the Holy Quran, it does not say that Ahmad is mentioned in the Bible or the Torah. It does not even ask the People of the Book Jews and Christians to go to the book that was present with them at the time of the prophet Muhammad and to see if the word
Ahmad is mentioned in their books.
7:157 "Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper."
now verse 7:157 does not contain the word Ahmad. I find this verse here is speaking completely to the Jews and Christians only. The reasons why is because its telling those who follow the prophet who is not from them(Jews and Christians) a prophet who never been knowledgeable about the religion of Allah before this and Who is written in their
own Torah and Bible. But the key point is that he is NOT mentioned by NAME as Ahmad or Muhammad. I
feel like its something written in the books of the Torah and Bible that refers or gives an example of this or its not any different from what was in their own books?
Not sure.back to your your points you mentioned
"The name Ahmed IS referring to prophet Muhummed, there is absolutely no uncertainty about that. Why?
1. Allah says it in the Qur'an, and I believe Allah's word over anyone, it is not a case of maybe one is not understanding the verse and what it's meaning is. Verse 61:6 it is a straight forward self explanatory meaning. "
I agree with you thats what Ahmad is referring to prophet Muhammad but It does not say that in verse 61:6 that
Ahmad is mentioned or written In the actual Torah or Bible that was present at the time the Quran was being revealed. It does not say go to your books open it up and see. Its stating thats what Jesus said. But it is Not something that was nessessarly written down by his disciples.
you stated also
"2. There was NO other prophet that was after Prophet Issa besides Prophet Muhummed. God says that throughout the Qur'an, that Prophet Muhummed was the seal of the prophets and that he came after Jesus. "
Verse 61:6 does not mention a prophet thats going to come after him, but mentions messenger(rasoolin). Though in my views I still think its referring to prophet Muhammad. Though there was messengers present other than Prophet Jesus at his time or after him. Zakariya, Yahya etc. Correct me if I am wrong.
You stated also
"As for the disciples did not write it down, I do not agree with that. Why? Because Allah is telling us what's is in the Torah and Injil. He certainly would not have mentioned "Ahmed" about Prophet Muhummed if it was not in the Bible. That is my belief thou, from me pondering on these verses and throughout the Qur'an listening to these ayas many many times.
Remember that the Qur'an also is for the people of the kitab before Prophet Muhummed who have been told all this, so that they might take heed.
"In the Quran as for 61:6 Allah is not telling us that what prophet Jesus sais was ACTUALLY written in any books. The word used is WAITH QALA(mention, remember, recite, what Jesus said). That same word is used many many times. Does not necessarily mean that it must be WRITTEN down in the previous scriptures unless said so.
you stated
"The only thing that is difficult and too bad is the original Gospels text in the Language prophet Issa left, is not around or there is no record of it. (This is based on what was researched by Christian scholars)"Not sure about that. According to many they are still around and present. I am not sure about this. But it is important to find out because as muslims we are expected to believe in them. And If they are still around I don't find it right to say something holy is not available to us when it is. anyways different topic maybe on another thread. Insha'Allah.
You also mentioned
"It comes down to this in my view, It really does not matter if it is obvious in the Torah or Injil. Whoever want to believe, believe, whoever does not want to, do not have to, it is their right and choice either way, as Allah tells us. "
Yes who ever wants to believe, believe. But Don't we all want to believe in the Truth. I also believe we should also know the meaning of what Allah tells us in the Quran. And understand it. Before going around spreading rumours.
with respect to everyone.
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