Verse 22:36 and Sacrificial Camels

Started by Reader Questions, November 01, 2014, 02:06:02 AM

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Reader Questions

May Allah's peace and blessing be upon you Brother.

I was reading verse 22:36. Does bud'na mean only camels? Does this verse only apply to hajj or does it have general application?

If 22:36 requires the mentioning of Allah's name at the time of slaughter only for camels, does this mean I can eat KFC and Big Mac because mentioning Allah's name at the time of slaughter is not required for chicken, lamb and beef?


Joseph Islam

May peace be with you too,

The Arabic word used by the Quran in 22:36 is 'budna'. 'Bud'na' is plural of 'badanah' and comes from 'badan' which means body without arms legs or a cow, goat, bull, camel or any animals of sacrifice.  So to say only camels can be slaughtered on the strength of 22:36 is untenable in my opinion and from an Arabic perspective. It means all sacrificial animals.

Furthermore, mentioning the name of God before the animal is sacrificed is a requirement mentioned in the Quran. This can also be attested from the following verse which has nothing to do with sacrificial animals.

"They ask you what is lawful to them Say: lawful to you are (all) things good and pure: and what you have taught your trained hunting dogs in the manner directed to you by God: eat what they catch for you, but pronounce the name of God over it: and fear God; for God is swift in taking account"

The verse is clear that one is to pronounce the name of God over the food that is caught. It can be argued that this verse simply requires one to pronounce the name of God before eating the animal and not during slaughter. However, as carrion (dead meat) is forbidden, the hunting animal will be trained to bring the prey alive or in a state where it can be made lawful to eat (by slaughtering it in a lawful manner). It is in this context that the pronouncement of God's name is being mentioned which is being posited as a requirement for slaughter.

I hope that helps, God willing.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell