Asalamu Alykum Yahya
Verse 2:230 is guidance on how a couple should handle a divorce situation in the PRESENT life. And just like brother Eliiah pointed out that it explains the conditions of remarriage between couples in this life if a divorce has already happened three times.
Verse 44:54 I believe is informing believers
both men and women that God will pair them or wed them to fair ones with wide, lovely eyes. If you look at the context of the verse and go back to verse 44:51 you will realize this is a gift to all those who are men and women who keep their duty to their Lord. (Muttaqeena).
Someone please correct me or confirm if this means only men and not women as I note in the Quran verse 33:35 speaks about men and women separately by using the "eena" and "nati" to describe man and women. However somehow I feel that "eena" as in Muttaqeena may refer to both man and women because in verse 2:2 it is also used and seems only logical to base that for both men and women.
Again verse 52:21 is referring both man and women that they will be wed or paired with fair ones with wide lovely eyes. The term "Hurin" does not seem like its a reference to humans. God knows best. But again if you look at the context starting from verse 52:17 it is a reference to all those both men and women who are "Muttaqeena".
When the word wed them(Zawwajnahum) is used we cannot think of it in terms of this world.
Verse 40:8 seems to be a prayer from the Angels who bear the throne of God and who are around it. They are asking God to forgive those who repented and followed God's way. They make a prayer to God to allow the believing men and women to enter the gardens of paradise. That their fathers their spouses(Azwajihim) and their descendants who also do righteousness to also be with them.
Again please correct me or confirm if I made a mistake in saying spouses rather than wives.
Please also see article below for a clarification on how the term Hur is used in the Quran. [1]
Peace and blessings Insha'Allah