why were the prophets wives not allowed to remarry after the prophets death

Started by yahya, July 08, 2016, 07:07:44 AM

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Assalam alikum i was just wondering why was the prophets wives not allowed to remarry after the prophet death jazzakkallah

Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam Yayha

A great amount of honour was bestowed by God on the wives of the final prophet of God. They were given the status of the 'mother' of the believers (33:6) and informed that they were not like other women (33:32). Their reward was doubled (33:31) and their answerability including punishment if they transgressed was doubled. (33:30)

It would then be inconceivable both from a spiritual (mother) and from a practical perspective that these women would then be able to marry and engage with other men after this status was conferred post the prophet's death. This would be considered an enormity in the sight of God (33:53). Undoubtedly, God's wisdom is absolute and albeit we can continue to surmise the multi-faceted nature of such a command by God, even at a cursory level, the wisdom appears quite evident why such a command was given.

The only exception that could be argued would be if they were to seek divorce from the prophet during the prophet's life (33:28).

I hope this helps, God willing.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


I still don't fully understand sorry if the wives could get a divorce and then get married why couldn't They get married after the prophets death jazzakkallah etc and if you could explain what you said again the first time a bit more what you mean because I don't understand what you mean sorry jazzakkallah sorry to keep bothering you


Asalamu Alykum Yahya

If the wives of the Prophet were to remain with him till his death then they were warned that marriage after that was not permitted. This would be considered an enormity in the sight of God (33:53) like brother Joseph had mentioned.

They did have the chance to be set free if they wished and they would not of been the wives of the Prophet any longer if they were to divorce him before his demise. (33:28). However there is nothing that shows this ever or did happen. Those who became and remained with the Prophet until his death was simply told that marriage was not allowed for them.

The fact that they were given the right to be set free with something in their hands and walk away with a generous settlement of divorce suggests that the prohibition from God that marriage after the Prophets death was not linked to a wish the Prophet may of wanted.

Like brother Joseph mentioned earlier " They were given the status of the 'mother' of the believers (33:6) and informed that they were not like other women (33:32). Their reward was doubled (33:31) and their answerability including punishment if they transgressed was doubled. (33:30)"



Ok thanks jazzakkallah I understand now so also it has nothing to do with what some sunnies say in a hadith that they can't get married again after his death because if they did they would have to stay with there last husband and couldn't be with the prophet after in jannah in paradise that they like all women would not have a choice and be forced to stay with the last husband that they all women could not choose who they want too be with weather the last or first or someone else or a new compion if you know what I mean jazzakkallah so it doesn't mean this as well of what the sunnies say with that hadith and using the quran verse saying enter jannah you and your wifes so this doesn't mean this the verse or hadith of what the sunnies say jazzakkallah so it doesn't mean this jazzakkallah is that right

Joseph Islam

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Insha'Allah And to you too my dear brother Joseph Jazak Allahu Khayran Insha'Allah  :)


Assalam alikum so what about what I just said about the sunnies hadith and quran verse they've used etc jazzakkallah if you could get back to me that would be great jazzakkallah




Asalamu Alykum Yahya

The verse you maybe referring to is 43:70

43:70 Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness.

This verse mentions nothing about how many husbands a women had or vice versa. This verse is giving glad tidings in general to men and women that are married which are believers that they will be told to enter Paradise. Some may even translate this verse as follows. The word " Azwaj " is used many times in the Quran. (2:25, 3:15, 16:72, 35:11, 38:58...)

43:70 Enter Paradise, you and your kinds, delighted.

Please look at how the word is used in 3:15

3:15 Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things Far better than those? For the righteous are Gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath; therein is their eternal home; with companions pure (and holy); and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah's sight are (all) His servants,-

2:25 But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (for ever).

God knows best but it seems like the the "Azwaj" that God is telling us about are not something we are familiar with.

Also please this verse 13:23

13:23 Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring: and angels shall enter unto them from every gate (with the salutation)

Verse 13:23 clearly states that those that are righteous and not all of them will be entering. Its clear from the Quran that at times a father(Prophet Abrahams father) or a wife(Prophet Lot's wife) or a son(Prophet Noahs son) of Prophets were not believers. And also we note an incident that a husband is not a believer and his wife is (example is Pharaoh and his wife)

Also thats right what ever you heard about the hadith mentioning would conflict with the Quran's message. From what i am gathering is that women will only be in paradise with the last husband they married. What about if the last husband was not a believer? What about if the first husband was a believer and the wife was not a believer but final husband was also a believer? This all doesn't make sense. Again you have to remember that you are comparing two different worlds with two different ways of interactions.

Please brother Yahya take inconsideration what was written in the articles by brother Joseph Islam. [1][2][3]  :)

Insha'Allah you will realize that these personal relationships and feelings will be different in ways we will not understand. God will create us a new creation in which we cannot understand. We won't have thoughts that are ill upsetting or jealousy Insha'Allah. Insha'Allah we will be from those who are the closest to the Almighty Lord and bestow upon His Grace, Protection and Mercy and admit us to the gardens of bliss. Insha'Allah


[2] Wordly couples in Jannah?

[3] women paridise polygamy forced


Thanks so hamzah are you saying that you believe that women will be with there last husband that they won't have a choice who to be with weather the first or second etc is that what you are saying jazzakkallah


And this is the hadith what I was talking about. Jazzakkallah. Al-Bayhaqi said:

Muhammad ibn 'Abd-Allaah al-Haafiz informed us, Abu'l-'Abbaas Muhammad ibn Ya'qoob told us, Yahyaa ibn Abi Taalib told us, Ishaaq ibn Abi Taalib told us, Ishaaq ibn Mansoor told us, 'Eesaa ibn 'Abd al-Rahmaan al-Sulami told us, from Abu Ishaaq from Silah from Hudhayfah (may Allaah be pleased with him), that he said to his wife, "If you want to be my wife in Paradise, do not marry anyone after I die, for in Paradise a woman will be with the last of her husbands in this world. This is why Allaah forbade the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to marry anyone after he died, because they will be his wives in Paradise." (al-Sunan, 7/69)


And the verses was 13:23 and 36:56 and 43:70 as hamzah said jazzakkallah


13:23, 36:56, and 43:70 don't state that you'll remain married in the Hereafter, to those you're married to in the Here.


Salam brother Yahya

I am NOT saying I believe that a women will be with her last husband.

What I believe is that believing righteous people will be together with their believing familes and people of their like who believe and are righteous. We CANNOT assume their will be the same kinds of marriages  and relationships and that a man or women will only have one companion. We also CANNOT assume we will have the same sexuality as we do in the present life.

Like it was mentioned before we will be a new creation something we cannot understand yet.

Also the hadith that you posted seems to be in conflict with the message of the Quran.

First Abu Ishaaq guaranteed himself that he will be going to heaven when the Quran tells us we all don't know what will happen but we can only hope. Believers dont speak as if they know they are guaranteed in Paradise. We only hope to the Almighty Merciful God that we will be from those who enter Paradise.

Also no where in the Quran does it say what Abu Ishaaq said to his wife that a women will be only with her last husband.

Also the hadith is illustrating that the next life is similar to this present life with marriage and relationships when the Quran tells us we will be will be a new creation that we do not know.

Also brother Yahya the hadith is not explaining any verse from the Quran. It is simply giving a random opinion on why God said something. There is no support for anything said in that hadith from the Quran. Thats akin to me saying my opinion without any valid support from Quranic verses.

An opinion has to have clear support from Quranic verses.
