Salam Brother Munir Rana
Thank you for your kind words. It is a pleasure to interact with you all on this forum.
By ' overlooked and brushed over' I am referring to practices/rites/laws/beliefs that maybe mentioned in the Bible but the Quran makes no mention of i.e practice of circumcision, etc. The Quran does not mention this practice at all and the Christians make use of their scriptures to suggest that it is not a religious requirement for them whereas the Jews make use of their books to suggest it is a religious requirement. Brother Joseph's article on this topic makes the point that the Quran does not mention it and also that Biblical evidence is also not conclusive regarding this practice. So, if this is practiced by believers, it is practiced out of choice.
Brother it is not so easy to explicitly state what these overlooked commandments/beliefs/laws are, one has to be very sure about whether the laws that are being overlooked were ever from God in the first place or were additions or interpolations made by people of the book. I mentioned circumcision because it is practiced as a religious rite by Muslims and Jews, but the Quran is silent and the Bible is inconclusive. Please do read the article by brother Joseph for clarification. the Quran brushes over/ overlooks/ pardons something from the previous books, the general guidance extracted is that one is now free to make use of one's choice to get involved/not involved in these overlooked activities. Simply put, God is not confirming such a practice or belief as religiously binding, so one is free to do and believe what one wants regarding these topics, with reason of course.
Furthermore, in one of his posts, Brother Joseph says that the Quran mentions what it confirms from the previous scriptures: the Quran says that it confirms the Bible (musadaqan), the parts that it confirms are clearly revealed to us including the narratives that deal with Biblical portents.
Yes indeed, the Quran does not confirm falsehood but acts as a 'furqan' (something which does 'farq' - a criterion between right and wrong). It is also a 'muhaymin' a guardian, a watcher, an overseer, over the Bible and determines what is true and what is false.
The topic of conversion is a tricky one. I asked this question and what Brother Joseph said to me is that what we have to keep in mind is that Jews and Christians are not from a different deen( religion) from the Quran's perspective. They just have different laws and rites. They do not have to convert to the ways of the Quran. The Quran only asks them to follow the shariah in their books and make use of the Quran as the guard that will help them filter falsehood that had entered in their doctrines and books. Conversion in their case is a choice. Again, God does not ask them to convert, if they take such a step, it is done out of choice, not religious necessity.
For others, who are not from the Children of Israel, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus etc, they are asked to read the Quran and follow the rites and laws mentioned in the Quran. Only the Children of Israel are allowed to follow their books. People from other religions have to follow the Quran once they are convinced of its divine origin.
We, followers of the Quran are not asked to follow the laws in the previous books, infact the prophet Muhammad was specifically asked to follow only that which was revealed to him. If this was not the case, we could have chosen to follow the previous books and the laws contained in them. We are not at liberty to convert and become 'Children of Israel' simply because we are not Children of Israel. Only they are supposed to follow their laws. Jesus even said that he came as a prophet to only the Children of Israel. His ministry did not extend beyond that. We are asked to follow only the Quran. Ofcourse we are free to choose to do what we want, but that includes sinning as well. hope this clarifies.