Regarding Islamic Divorce

Started by baharinizam, March 14, 2017, 08:51:53 PM

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Salamun Alaikum,

I want to ask regarding the Joseph Islam 'Islamic Divorce According To The Quran' chart ( I think there was an error on the 'Was the marriage revoked?' section regarding 'Yes' or 'No'. It must be the either way round:

Was the marriage revoked?

If YES - Take 2 witness (65:02), and then separate amicably.

If NO - Take 2 witness (65:02), and then divorce revoked.




Shalom / peace bahariniam.... The meaning of 'revoke' means to cancel something. So in the context of the divorce .... it means was the 'divorce' cancelled. If the divorce is cancelled then there is no divorce. So the article is correct ......You are reading it wrong .... it is not the marriage being revoked is the DIVORCE being revoked ....