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Offline Mohammed

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To Whom It May Concern
« on: January 29, 2019, 10:23:22 AM »

Do you really believe in GOD?

Then why you go to the doctor when you are ill? While GOD can heal all your illnesses?
Why you ask someone for a job? While GOD is capable of doing everything?

And you say,
You alone we worship and You alone we seek for help. [1:5]

Qur’an says,

Did the people think that they be left that they say: "We believed." And they are not being tested? [29:2]
Do you order the people with the righteousness and you forget yourselves, while you are reciting the Book? Do you not comprehend? [2:44]
And seek help through patience and through the prayers. And that it truly is a great/burden except on the humble. [2:45]
And most of them will not believe in God except while setting up partners. [12:106]
...Anyone who puts his trust in God, then He suffices him. The commands of God will be done. God has decreed for everything a measure. [65:3]

Peace and best wishes
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

Offline Sstikstof

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2019, 03:16:46 PM »

Do you really believe in GOD?

Then why you go to the doctor when you are ill? While GOD can heal all your illnesses?
Why you ask someone for a job? While GOD is capable of doing everything?

And you say,
You alone we worship and You alone we seek for help. [1:5]

Qur’an says,

Did the people think that they be left that they say: "We believed." And they are not being tested? [29:2]
Do you order the people with the righteousness and you forget yourselves, while you are reciting the Book? Do you not comprehend? [2:44]
And seek help through patience and through the prayers. And that it truly is a great/burden except on the humble. [2:45]
And most of them will not believe in God except while setting up partners. [12:106]
...Anyone who puts his trust in God, then He suffices him. The commands of God will be done. God has decreed for everything a measure. [65:3]

Peace and best wishes


Yes I believe in GOD.

Doctors are creation of GOD as well as the medicines. Yes we can be healed naturally too, but medicine is our innovative output with GOD provided elements onto earth. So ultimately GOD is healing us by providing doctors and medicines.
GOD is ofcourse capable of doing anything. This is why someone is giving me the job.

That is why I say,
You alone we worship and You alone we seek for help. [1:5]
“And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS).” 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur’an is the Qur’an itself!

Offline Mohammed

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2019, 01:25:00 PM »
peace Sstikstof,

Doctors are creation of GOD as well as the medicines.

‘Devil’ is also a creation of GOD!

Yes we can be healed naturally too, but medicine is our innovative output with GOD provided elements onto earth.

Alcohol with multiple distillations and weed extracts in different forms are also some innovative products with GOD provided elements onto earth!

So ultimately GOD is healing us by providing doctors and medicines.

GOD doesn’t need the help of doctors to heal His creation!

For most of the people GOD is for performing Swalat, reading the Qur’an etc. etc. but in real life they have their own ways, even though they claim/believe that God is capable of doing anything, Qur’an has explanation for everything etc.

See what the Qur’an says,

"And what struck/hit you from a misfortune /disaster so (it is) because (of) what your hands gathered/acquired, and He forgives/pardons on much." [42:30]

So illnesses come because of the SINS. Will the doctor be able to cure it properly?


And disease will disappear when God wills/after completion of the punishment. (Since God will not let a self to suffer more than what it deserves e.g. 2:286)
Then what is the point of going to the doctor? It is SHIRK in my understanding! (Seeking help from the doctor when God is not helping!)
And the doctors usually prescribe some chemicals(which influences neuro-hormonal systems / body’s defence mechanism) to suppress the symptoms i.e. finding alternative ways! - They are treating the disease, not curing.
And when God punishes their patients with new new diseases these doctors and their professors get confused, not able to even treat as they used to do in normal cases.

So repentance is the effective medicine. (Root cause treatment)
And honey may come after that.
“...from its bellies emerges a drink that has different colours, in it is a cure/healing for the people; in that is an evidence to a nation thinking.” [16:69]

And all the knowledge /guidance is from the Qur’an,
...say: “FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE, it is a guide and healing. As for those who disbelieve, there is deafness in their ears, and they are blind to it. [41:44]

So in my view, using / suggesting any other medicine is,
Ignoring God’s words (The Creator) and seeking alternative ways which are found by people / scientists/ doctors (just creatures).

[96:6] Alas, that truly the human/mankind tyrannizes/exceeds the limit.
[96:7] That he considers him(self), he enriched/sufficed (self-sufficient).

In short,
Physical /mental fitness is controlled by Immune system /Hormonal-neurotransmitter-chemical equilibrium and which is influenced by Attitude / Conscientiousness / righteousness

Do you know any doctor who suggests /advises his patients to REPENT and to take HONEY AS THE MEDICINE?


There are so many verses in the Qur’an which mentions the term for ill persons (M-R-D) e.g. [2:184, 2:196, 4:43, 4:102, 5:6, 9:91, 24:61, 48:17, 73:20]
But nowhere Qur’an mentions the term for physician/doctor!

GOD is ofcourse capable of doing anything. This is why someone is giving me the job.

Qur’an gives a clear example of the prophet Yusuf (Surah No. 12) where, job came to him when he was in prison!
Why Qur’an shares such stories with us? Just for information?

Another verse,
... and whoever reverences (fears and obeys) God, He makes/puts for him a way out/exit. And He provides for him from where/when he never expected. Anyone who puts his trust in God, then He suffices him. The commands of God will be done. God has decreed for everything a measure.” [65:2-3]

...and God is best of the providers.” [62:11]
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

Offline relearning

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2019, 07:51:54 PM »
Mohammad if you have children please dont do such as not bringing them to doctors or avoid vaccination. Although i suspect you have any child remembering how many times they become sick and need medical attention!

Offline Mohammed

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2019, 12:34:58 AM »
@ relearning

Sorry, that post is for those who BELIEVE in GOD (the One Who created lifelessness and life) and in the QUR'AN.

And it’s your FALSE PERCEPTION that all children on this planet become sick. If you suffer because of your child, then that is the punishment for your deeds.
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

Offline relearning

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2019, 03:13:55 PM »

Offline Sstikstof

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2019, 06:38:00 PM »
peace Sstikstof,

Doctors are creation of GOD as well as the medicines.

‘Devil’ is also a creation of GOD!

Yes we can be healed naturally too, but medicine is our innovative output with GOD provided elements onto earth.

Alcohol with multiple distillations and weed extracts in different forms are also some innovative products with GOD provided elements onto earth!

So ultimately GOD is healing us by providing doctors and medicines.

GOD doesn’t need the help of doctors to heal His creation!

For most of the people GOD is for performing Swalat, reading the Qur’an etc. etc. but in real life they have their own ways, even though they claim/believe that God is capable of doing anything, Qur’an has explanation for everything etc.

See what the Qur’an says,

"And what struck/hit you from a misfortune /disaster so (it is) because (of) what your hands gathered/acquired, and He forgives/pardons on much." [42:30]

So illnesses come because of the SINS. Will the doctor be able to cure it properly?


And disease will disappear when God wills/after completion of the punishment. (Since God will not let a self to suffer more than what it deserves e.g. 2:286)
Then what is the point of going to the doctor? It is SHIRK in my understanding! (Seeking help from the doctor when God is not helping!)
And the doctors usually prescribe some chemicals(which influences neuro-hormonal systems / body’s defence mechanism) to suppress the symptoms i.e. finding alternative ways! - They are treating the disease, not curing.
And when God punishes their patients with new new diseases these doctors and their professors get confused, not able to even treat as they used to do in normal cases.

So repentance is the effective medicine. (Root cause treatment)
And honey may come after that.
“...from its bellies emerges a drink that has different colours, in it is a cure/healing for the people; in that is an evidence to a nation thinking.” [16:69]

And all the knowledge /guidance is from the Qur’an,
...say: “FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE, it is a guide and healing. As for those who disbelieve, there is deafness in their ears, and they are blind to it. [41:44]

So in my view, using / suggesting any other medicine is,
Ignoring God’s words (The Creator) and seeking alternative ways which are found by people / scientists/ doctors (just creatures).

[96:6] Alas, that truly the human/mankind tyrannizes/exceeds the limit.
[96:7] That he considers him(self), he enriched/sufficed (self-sufficient).

In short,
Physical /mental fitness is controlled by Immune system /Hormonal-neurotransmitter-chemical equilibrium and which is influenced by Attitude / Conscientiousness / righteousness

Do you know any doctor who suggests /advises his patients to REPENT and to take HONEY AS THE MEDICINE?


There are so many verses in the Qur’an which mentions the term for ill persons (M-R-D) e.g. [2:184, 2:196, 4:43, 4:102, 5:6, 9:91, 24:61, 48:17, 73:20]
But nowhere Qur’an mentions the term for physician/doctor!

GOD is ofcourse capable of doing anything. This is why someone is giving me the job.

Qur’an gives a clear example of the prophet Yusuf (Surah No. 12) where, job came to him when he was in prison!
Why Qur’an shares such stories with us? Just for information?

Another verse,
... and whoever reverences (fears and obeys) God, He makes/puts for him a way out/exit. And He provides for him from where/when he never expected. Anyone who puts his trust in God, then He suffices him. The commands of God will be done. God has decreed for everything a measure.” [65:2-3]

...and God is best of the providers.” [62:11]

In medical science there are 3 types of mental conditions known to worldwide. In summery,

First, When you think too much - Over thinking
Second, When you think normally - Normal thinking
Third, When you have no knowledge but you think relative - Fantasy thinking.

By observing your post, I personally suspect that you are thinking in first type condition. So, I request to see my replies with humble and in normal sense.

Yes. Devil is also creation of GOD. I did not point that all creations of GOD has to be in positive manner.

Quran said in verse [2:219], "They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they should spend. Say, "The excess [beyond needs]." Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought."
In my interpretation, this verse is telling with phrase that, alcohol usage is allowed only when it is helpful or beneficiary for a person specifically in medical conditions as well as outside activities. But, it is not allowed when consumed normally or with no beneficiary goal included, as it contains intoxicant (Arabic: Khimar) which covers the normal thinking of a healthy person.
So, if alcohol itself is modified by innovators to extract any sort of aid for any disease, then It is the blessing of GOD who provided alcohol on earth. Even a normal table is harmful if you throw it to someone. Then, will you consider that as GOD fallen wrath on someone? No! Blame goes entirely on you & that someone is not getting any punishment for his previous 'SIN', rather he is a victim.

Whole universe including the earth and its every materials/elements are created by GOD. Earth specifically is a room for trial managed by GOD. A trial that I hope you are familiar with dedicated for hereafter. For the divine purpose of trial, A system is created where believers and non-believers can move freely and live the life as their own free-will and a guideline was placed into that system. This system protocol was modified by GOD and doctors as well as others are fallen into this system.

Your 'illnesses come because of the SINS' theory is not true based on the upper arguments. Yes, sometimes doctors do fail to heal the patients, but that is not because of one's 'SIN'. If someone claims that a person's 'accident' is made by GOD because of his sins, then his knowledge about earthly & divine facts would be tremendously dubious.
I have personally seen many alien usage of Quranic verses, for e.g: Code 9, Compulsory prayer code hidden in verse 1:1 to 1:7, 09/11 code from verses, hidden messages from verses, Bird prayer theory, 3 Salat theory etc. Truth is, nothing is fitted with the Quranic theme. You have to let the Quran speak. If you try to find something special beyond the context while reading of Quran, you will surely be failed and erroneous thoughts will arise. Quran said, "And indeed, We have eased the Qur'an in your tongue that they might be reminded." [44:58]. So, Quran was revealed in form of how we speak, how we think and how we interact, which is easy in our tongue. Hope you will understand. Consider this reply to you as my last respond to this thread.   
“And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS).” 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur’an is the Qur’an itself!

Offline Mohammed

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2019, 07:20:49 PM »

Thanks for the reply :)
But I’m satisfied with my belief, and I have enough experiences from my own life to believe so. If you disagree, each to their own.
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

Offline Mohammed

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2019, 01:22:17 PM »

I think ‘muhlisan lahuddeen’ is a rarely discussed Qur’anic term

[39:2] We have sent down to you the Book with the truth, so serve God faithful/loyal/devoted the system to Him.
[39:11] Say: “I have been commanded to serve God, faithful/loyal/devoted the system to Him.”
[39:14] Say: “God is the One I serve, faithful/loyal/devoted my system to Him.”

And they were not commanded except to serve God and be faithful/loyal/devoted to His system, monotheists, and hold the swalat and contribute towards purification. Such is the straight/ valuable system. [98:5]

Say: “My Lord orders justice, and that you set your faces at every temple/Masjid, and that you call on Him, while being faithful/loyal/devoted to Him in the system; as He initiated you, you return.” A group He has guided and a group have deserved misguidance; that they have taken the devils as allies besides God; and they think they are guided! [ 7:29-30]

He(Iblees) said: “My Lord, for that by which You have caused me to be misled, I will beautify for them (what is) on the earth, and I will mislead them all.”
“Except Your servants from among them, the faithful/loyal/devoted ones.”
He(Allah) said: “This shall be a straight path to Me.”
“For My servants, you shall have no authority over them, except those who are misled and follow you.”

Also see (40:14,65, 12:24, 19:51, 37:40,74,128,160,169)

So what is 'muhlisan lahuddeen'? Qur’an demonstrates it in the following verses

He is the One who enables you to travel on land and on the sea, until when you were on the ships and We drive them with a good wind which they rejoice with, a strong gust comes to them and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think that they are (being) surrounded/encircled, they implore God faithful/loyal/devoted to His system: “If You save us from this, we will be of the thankful.” [10:22]

When they ride on a ship, they call on God, faithful/loyal/devoted the system to Him. But as soon as He saves them to the shore, they set up partners. [29:65]

This is the human’s state of mind (only)WHEN disasters/ difficulties come from all directions i.e. No escape (e.g. when their doctors are helpless, they will sincerely call GOD).
But for a true believer, this (GOD Alone) ‘state of mind’ is in his Whole life (in ALL Affairs) as commanded by the Prophet(s).
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2019, 01:08:07 PM »
And regarding modern man/technology,

We already know about many medicines which are banned after understanding its adverse effects (i.e. after years of consumption by patients)

See another example,

Qur'an's method to determine pregnancy is waiting for a few Full-moons/months (e.g. when finalising divorce).

And modern-world/doctors suggest ultrasound.

but now people understanding the problems..
“Although ultrasound imaging is generally considered safe when used prudently by appropriately trained health care providers, ultrasound energy has the potential to produce biological effects on the body. Ultrasound waves can heat the tissues slightly. In some cases, it can also produce small pockets of gas in body fluids or tissues (cavitation).”

“When modern sophisticated equipment is used at maximum operating settings for Doppler examinations, the acoustic outputs are sufficient to produce obvious biological effects, e.g. significant temperature increase in tissue or visible motion of particles due to radiation pressure streaming effects. The risk of inducing thermal effects is greater in the second and third trimesters, when fetal bone is intercepted by the ultrasound beam and significant temperature increase can occur in the fetal brain.”

-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

Offline Mohammed

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2019, 01:39:07 AM »


When people have no money (for visting a doctor), the only way is to depend/call God,
And when they have money, they seek refuge with the doctor.

And if harm touched the human, he called his Lord repenting to Him, then if He made him own a blessing/goodness from Him, he forgot what he was calling to Him from before, and he made/put to God equals to misguide from His path, say: " enjoy with your disbelief little that you are from the fire's owners/company."

For Red bold part
Qur'an does not mentions doctors but says,

"And if I am sick/diseased, it is He Who cures me.” [26:80]

People say we believe in one God. We are people of the Qur’an.
But it’s difficult/doubtful for them to think/believe that,

The One Who created/brought them,
The One Who engineered/designed them,
The One Who still keeps them alive/existing

can cure their diseases/illnesses!!!

Did the people think that they be left that they say: "We believed." And they are not being

All the praises and thanks be to God, Lord of the worlds.
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2019, 05:53:42 AM »
Salaam Mohammed,

I just wanted to ask if you would ever seek medical assistance for example if you had an accident where there were broken bones and severe lacerations?

I don't think at that particular moment that honey would be effective. Surely God has gifted humankind with medical knowledge over the centuries where they can assist others, by His grace.

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2019, 11:46:47 AM »
Wa'alaikum salaam,

You may find this helpful

if somebody got a cancer he should pray instead of getting the surgery done,...
You can do radiation therapy/surgery(for bigger tumours that cannot treat with medicines) etc. in modern day. And you can identify the exact area of tumour growth through scanning. But what’s your LOGIC for 7th century? [Come with Qur’anic evidence, if you have]

When prayers/needs are not answered, it’s common/usual for human kind (e.g. hypocrites/those with weak faith/no faith) to find alternatives. (Many branches of modern science are just examples)

what if someone get his/her bone break ? oh God come fix my BONE
It’s in-born in humans, animals etc. the self-healing mechanism ( only if God willing ) and even bone fractures (with proper care). But such things/anything will not happen without reason.

one verse before 26:80

26:79 "And He is the One who feeds me and gives me to drink." and 3 times a day God knocks the door of everyone and said i bring food for you mate

some mothers dnt Trust on GOD thats why they dont wait  for God to come and feed their kids
In addition to the verse you quoted, there are plenty of verses in the Qur’an which mentions different kind of food /drink, or commands for what to eat/what to drink etc. and feeding/caring children too.

But with reference to illnesses/medicines/treatment did you find any verse other than 26:80 ? Or other than verses like 16:69, 41:44 ?
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2019, 12:00:43 PM »
Salaam Mohammed,

Just for clarity, who was your last post addressed to?

Offline Mohammed

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Re: To Whom It May Concern
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2019, 12:10:02 PM »

I have provided the link with my post where you can find the original post and my replies.
-my current understanding. Verify for yourself -17:36.
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in islam/ Surrender yourselves wholly unto God [2:208], [3:19-20,85 2:132]