peace Sstikstof,
Doctors are creation of GOD as well as the medicines.
‘Devil’ is also a creation of GOD!
Yes we can be healed naturally too, but medicine is our innovative output with GOD provided elements onto earth.
Alcohol with multiple distillations and weed extracts in different forms are also some innovative products with GOD provided elements onto earth!
So ultimately GOD is healing us by providing doctors and medicines.
GOD doesn’t need the help of doctors to heal His creation!
For most of the people GOD is for performing Swalat, reading the Qur’an etc. etc. but in real life they have their own ways, even though they claim/believe that God is capable of doing anything, Qur’an has explanation for everything etc.
See what the Qur’an says,
"And what struck/hit you from a misfortune /disaster so (it is) because (of) what your hands gathered/acquired, and He forgives/pardons on much." [42:30]
So illnesses come because of the
Will the doctor be able to cure it properly?"AND IF I AM SICK/DISEASED, IT IS HE WHO CURES ME.” [26:80]
And disease will disappear when God wills/after completion of the punishment. (Since God will not let a self to suffer more than what it deserves e.g. 2:286)
Then what is the point of going to the doctor?
It is SHIRK in my understanding! (Seeking help from the doctor when God is not helping!)
And the doctors usually prescribe some chemicals(which influences neuro-hormonal systems / body’s defence mechanism) to suppress the symptoms i.e. finding alternative ways! - They are
treating the disease, not curing.And when God punishes their patients with new new diseases these doctors and their professors get confused, not able to even
treat as they used to do in normal cases.
So repentance is the effective medicine. (Root cause treatment)
And honey may come after that.
“...from its bellies emerges a drink that has different colours,
in it is a cure/healing for the people; in that is an evidence to a nation thinking.” [16:69]
And all the knowledge /guidance is from the Qur’an,
it is a guide and healing.
As for those who disbelieve, there is deafness in their ears, and they are blind to it. [41:44]
So in my view, using / suggesting any other medicine is,
Ignoring God’s words (
The Creator) and seeking alternative ways which are found by people / scientists/ doctors (just
[96:6] Alas, that truly the human/mankind tyrannizes/exceeds the limit.
[96:7] That he considers him(self), he enriched/sufficed (self-sufficient).In short,
Physical /mental fitness is controlled by
Immune system /Hormonal-neurotransmitter-chemical equilibrium and which is influenced by
Attitude / Conscientiousness / righteousnessDo you know any doctor who suggests /advises his patients to REPENT and to take HONEY AS THE MEDICINE?
There are so many verses in the Qur’an which mentions the term for ill persons (M-R-D) e.g. [2:184, 2:196, 4:43, 4:102, 5:6, 9:91, 24:61, 48:17, 73:20]
But nowhere Qur’an mentions the term for physician/doctor!
GOD is ofcourse capable of doing anything. This is why someone is giving me the job.
Qur’an gives a clear example of the prophet Yusuf (Surah No. 12) where, job came to him when he was in prison!
Why Qur’an shares such stories with us? Just for information?
Another verse,
... and whoever reverences (fears and obeys) God, He makes/puts for him a way out/exit. And He provides for him from where/when he never expected. Anyone who puts his trust in God, then He suffices him. The commands of God will be done. God has decreed for everything a measure.” [65:2-3]
and God is best of the providers.” [62:11]