Question about the Islamic lunar year

Started by Shahmatt, February 24, 2017, 10:41:46 AM

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I have noticed that in the Chinese and South East Asia region calendars the lunar year is reset every few years.

This has the consequence of causing celebrations like the New Year to fall within the January and February months and never stray into the later months of March. 

A similar pattern is followed in the Buddhist and Hindu cultures of Sri Lanka, India and subcontinental nations.

I believe that this practice has its roots in order to align with the harvesting seasons. It seems like this practice would naturally manifest in any society because the seasons would reset with the solar year of about 365 days and not in every 12 lunar months.

I would like to know if the Islamic method of strictly adhering to the lunar calendar has basis in the Quran or historical precedent.


Joseph Islam

Dear Shahmatt,

Wa alaikum assalam

I hope the related thread from 2011 below assists, God willing

Moon Calendar

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Quote from the link:
"For example in Surah 18:25, we note some people that said:

"And they remained in their Cave (for) three hundred years, and (some) add nine"

The difference of 9 years noted between 300 and 309 years, is the difference between a solar and a lunar calendar.
However, the Quran informs believers what the new moons are for and they are not just for pilgrimage."

This is false Translation of the ayat there is no Year mentioned in arabic

Joseph Islam

Quote from: Deliverance on February 26, 2017, 05:55:45 PM
Quote from the link:
This is false Translation of the ayat there is no Year mentioned in arabic

Peace Deliverance,

With respect, I feel you are mistaken. The reference to years is clear from the verse (18:25)

"...Thalatha (Three) mi-atin (hundred) sinina (years)..."

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


oh ,i was thinking on the word ram and forgot beside there sanat a word used for year in the quran.
my mistake.



Quote from: Joseph Islam on February 26, 2017, 12:18:31 AM
Dear Shahmatt,

Wa alaikum assalam

I hope the related thread from 2011 below assists, God willing

Moon Calendar


Thank you for your reply. It answers my question.



salam ,
Could it be that in the quran the two words mentioned for year gham and sanat are a distinction between moon and lunar year?

"They ask thee concerning the new moons. Say: They are (by God as a set) fixed times for mankind and for pilgrimage." [Qur'an 2, 189]
For the Humans and for ibadat i am convinced the quran uses the word for a lunar year for example there is an ayat mentioning for the woman how Long to give the Baby milk from her brest.

And then there should be the other word used for a sunyear a they a fixed like the seasons an example in the quran is the man who slept hundred years.

what do you think
