Walaikum asallam Hope
it is a very tricky verse isnt it? One must apply wisdom but i become confused sometimes because if caution is not maintained some people twist such beautiful verses. I think when deformities make life difficult or staying alive difficult than operatoons to remove that difficulty is allowed
but you know some people can also then claim that they are born in the wrong body or that its yheir nature to be homosexual but we know that it is not the case. Maybe these people beleive such a thing due to a wasswasa but you knoe Allah has said jomosexuality is haram and also anther name for islam is deen-ul-fitra which means a religion that is natural to all and suita nature very well.. Allah the most merciful does not classify anything as sin that is a part of our narure or anything that is good. But he does have rules for functions that are natural and vital for us like eating, sexual relationships within a marriage etc..if we follow the rulws it is not a sin..but if we do not follow the rules and engage freely in such actibities..we ate transgressors..so wisdom should be used very carefully weighing in every possible scenarios
it is a very tricky verse isnt it? One must apply wisdom but i become confused sometimes because if caution is not maintained some people twist such beautiful verses. I think when deformities make life difficult or staying alive difficult than operatoons to remove that difficulty is allowed
but you know some people can also then claim that they are born in the wrong body or that its yheir nature to be homosexual but we know that it is not the case. Maybe these people beleive such a thing due to a wasswasa but you knoe Allah has said jomosexuality is haram and also anther name for islam is deen-ul-fitra which means a religion that is natural to all and suita nature very well.. Allah the most merciful does not classify anything as sin that is a part of our narure or anything that is good. But he does have rules for functions that are natural and vital for us like eating, sexual relationships within a marriage etc..if we follow the rulws it is not a sin..but if we do not follow the rules and engage freely in such actibities..we ate transgressors..so wisdom should be used very carefully weighing in every possible scenarios